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; but she thought that perhaps he simply needed a word from her to acknowledge her defeat。

〃End my life。〃 She lowered her head; the long green tresses hung about her face。 〃Please。 Do it now。〃

But what she felt wasn't the final cold fire of the knife's edge。 His fingers were under her chin; lifting her face。 〃But I couldn't! You're so beautiful。。。〃

Suddenly everything was so unreal; so difficult for her to understand; that it came as only a minor shock to see that he had let the knife fall。

Miriya looked up blissfully into a face that held confusion; wonder; and a certain something else she was only beginning to prehend。

She never felt herself e to her feet; perhaps she didn't; and the zero…g; flying feeling was real。 One final spasm of Zentraedi warrior training made itself felt; telling her to stop him; to stop him before。。。before he could。。。

But he already had; and they were kissing; embracing; Miriya in Max's arms。 For a while; in the little meadow in Macross's darkened park; there was a place apart from all other worlds。 No word was said for a long time; until Max got up his nerve。

〃Miriya; this is gonna sound crazy; but…will you marry me?〃

〃Yes; if you wish。 Maximillian; what's ‘marry'?〃

The three former Zentraedi spies; Rico; Bron; and Konda; were sitting in the RDF crew lounge not far from the bridge; doing their best to show the Terrible Trio a good time。

Sammie; Vanessa; and Kim were feeling down…hearted。 It seemed that the SDF…1's voyage would never end; that there was no refuge for the starship anywhere。

No one wanted to guess how much longer the dimensional fortress could last against the Zentraedi armada that hounded them; but the unspoken consensus was that it had pushed its luck to the limit and that they were all living on borrowed time。

〃D'you think the Canadians will offer sanctuary to the SDF…1; Konda?〃 asked the burly Bron。

If the Canadians could be persuaded to defy the united Earth Defense Council and let the ship land; offer her crew and refugees asylum; there might be hope。 It would be the most strenuous test yet of the UEDC's authority as opposed to the autonomous rights of its member states; could perhaps lead to a new civil war; but it was the SDF…1's only hope。

Bron's friend and fellow warrior chewed a bit of food。 〃I'll tell you one thing: If our request is denied; it means we'll be stranded out here in space forever。〃

The three young women exchanged agonized looks。 Little Sammie shook her head; intense and frightened。 〃Konda; please don't say anything like that!〃

Kim; her coffee cup forgotten in her hands; suddenly looked lost and vulnerable。 〃Surely。。。someone will help us!〃

Konda didn't contradict her; but neither did he agree。 The six usually had fun when they were together; but now they just stared gloomily into their coffee。

〃We must have faith;〃 Rico said…an odd thing ing from one whose only belief had; until some months ago; been the Zentraedi warrior code。

None of them noticed Max Sterling pass by; looking every which way for his manding officer。 〃Ah! Just the man I want to see;〃 he muttered; spying Rick Hunter。

Rick sat alone at a table on an upper level of the place; lost in thought; staring out the deck…to…overhead viewports that had space on three sides of him。 He was exhausted from the constant flight duty and the added burdens of being a team leader。 He was worried about the ship; about his men; and about what he could possibly do to set his love life straight。

Rick looked surprised when Max broke in on his reverie; but he invited him to sit。 〃It's about last night;〃 Max began。 〃I think I'm gonna get married。〃

Rick spat out his coffee and choked a bit until Max patted his back。 〃That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!〃 he sputtered at last。 〃You only went on one date! Man; you know she won't be leaving town; so why don't you take some time?〃

Max looked stubborn; struggling a bit before he said; 〃We're in love。〃

Rick plunged into a lecture that he never would have imagined giving before he became Skull leader。 But before he could get too far into why no one should rush into matrimony and how that went triple for VT fighter pilots; Max cut him off。

〃Lieutenant; that's not the part that's bothering me。〃 He mopped his brow with his handkerchief。 〃Y' see; it's ah; I'm not sure how to say this。 She's the enemy。 Miriya confessed to me that she's a Zentraedi。〃

Rick stared at him blankly for a long moment。 If it had been practically anyone else; he would have doubted his sanity; but he was Max's friend; and besides; he had seen his latest psych evaluation。 〃How could you let this happen?〃

〃I love her;〃 Max said; a bit more forcefully than he usually said anything。

〃You're talking nonsense! What could you possibly have in mon with her?〃 This; even though the three former spies and the bridge bunnies were keeping pany on the other side of the lounge。 Rick had been trying to unsnarl his own stormy emotional life and couldn't see why other people would want to plicate theirs。

〃I'm telling you; I love her;〃 Max insisted。 He suddenly hit the table with his fist; making cup and saucer dance。 〃And there's no problem love won't solve!〃

Oh yeah? Rick thought ironically; he wished that for just a moment he could do something about his hopeless yearning for Minmei; could understand his plex feelings toward Lisa Hayes。 Max; you've got a lot to learn!

〃There's one problem it won't solve; pal; and that's your silly idealism。 Love isn't gonna make you happy; take it from me。〃

Max was furious。 〃It doesn't matter what you say; Rick。 I'm going to marry this woman with or without your approval。〃

〃Okay; look; so you're attracted to her。 How many times does that happen to a guy?〃

〃She's special!〃

〃Take it easy; I'm sorry。 I can tell you like her very much。〃

Max calmed a bit。 〃I want you to meet her。〃

〃This should be interesting;〃 Rick said; realizing someone had e up to the table。

Miriya Parino of the elite Quadrono battalion of the Zentraedi hordes looked like the cover of a fashion magazine。 Rick didn't know what he had expected; he had never met a female Zentraedi and had seen few males who didn't look ugly enough to stop a clock。

What he hadn't expected was a gorgeous young woman in a simple; graceful pink summer frock set off by a blue sash about her slim waist。 She wore her dark green hair in a single lush tail drawn forward over one white shoulder。

〃We were just talking about you;〃 Max told her with a sublime; starry…eyed smile。

Rick blinked; flabbergasted; then got out haltingly; 〃You were right; Max。 She is beautiful。 I…I think I understand now。〃

Miriya smiled serenely。 〃I'm so pleased to meet you。 You look just the way Maximillian described you。〃

She was terribly happy that she and Max were to marry; though this odd; strangely thrilling human custom was more a mystery than anything else。 She suddenly looked and felt nothing at all like a Zentraedi mander and warrior; but she didn't mind。 Everything was so clear and bright and wonderful。。。

Max's decision to buy her new clothes had plainly been a good one; the looks she'd drawn from people; and from Rick in particular; we
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