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esy of the EVE system。 There was even the sound of crickets…descendants of good…luck pets who had somehow survived the war。

Max Sterling paced fitfully under a streetlamp near the Peace Fountain that trickled and gurgled a few yards away。 He checked his watch for the seventh time in two minutes。

〃Jeez; it's almost nine。 I hope she's all right。〃

He was worried that Miriya wouldn't show up…worried even more; really; that she would。 Just an average…looking young man straightening his necktie and hoping his only sports jacket didn't look too shabby; and recalling with a sudden sinking feeling that he had forgotten to pick up the flowers he had ordered。

He didn't know that death hunted afoot and that the pounce was near; he wouldn't know for several seconds yet that cruel eyes were watching him from the shadows。

〃I can't believe I asked her to meet me in the park…a girl; at night!〃 he muttered。 〃She could get mugged or something。〃

In fact; street crime in Macross was all but nonexistent。 And punishments were such that recidivism was just about nil; but that sort of reasoning meant nothing to a young man waiting for a woman who had him mesmerized; entranced; enraptured。 A woman he had met only a few hours before。

A woman who stood in the dark poised; to kill him。

Then he heard running footsteps behind him; and her voice。 〃Maximillian; prepare for your doom!〃 It was a literal translation of a Quadrono war cry。

Miriya had gotten to the spot well in advance; seen him arrive; watched him。 She had been set to kill him precisely at their appointed meeting time; a quarter hour before。 But she had only watched him; hating him all the more but feeling strange…feeling drawn to him in some mysterious way she couldn't fathom。

She told herself she was merely studying her enemy's movements and possible vulnerabilities and fought down the liking she had for seeing him in motion。 She told herself that she was merely waiting for the most opportune moment; yet though that part of the park was absolutely deserted; she let the minutes slide by。

Miriya observed his eyes; his lips; the way he moved。 She felt a trembling in herself that no military mind /body discipline known to her could quiet。 But at last; by a tremendous application of will; she hurled herself into battle。

Max was unaware of all of that; of course。 At first he thought it was some kind of joke。

He saw her charging at him with the quick grace of a panther; a gleaming knife held high。 Miriya's heavy waves of green…dyed hair snapped and flew behind her like a flag。 She still wore the brown body suit; the kneehigh boots of blue…dyed leather; and the yellow scarf at her throat。

Her eyes started madly。 She was Quadrono; a Zentraedi warrior; and yet this miserable human had somehow made her vacillate…made her feel weakness where once there had been only strength! But that would end; Sterling would die; to expiate his sin of defeating her; and she would once more be Miriya the unconquerable。

Max was fumbling through a little greeting he had been rehearsing; his habitual whimsical half smile appearing on his face。 〃Miriya; it's nice to see you。。。glad you could。。。uh。。。〃

This; while she bore down on him; the blade gleaming。 The knife was a kind of hybrid cross between a Japanese…style tanto and one of the midlength Randall hunting models; with a circular guard。 She saw that she had a lot of ground yet to cover and; afraid that he might elude her; hurled it at him; clawing in the meantime for her second blade。

The knives weren't quite like the Zentraedi weapons she was used to; but the balance and heft weren't too different。 Although a firearm would have been faster; her incandescent need for revenge had made Miriya choose a more traditional weapon。 It had to be reflexes; muscle; eye…to…eye confrontation; and cold steel that settled her score with the hated human。

And in that moment Max Sterling proved that all those dogfight kills weren't some kind of fluke。 His psychomotor responses were the fastest the SDF…1 meds had ever measured…his coordination and reflexes were unprecedented。

Max was still trying to figure out what she was talking about when his body saw the flash of steel; understood; and ducked; he was doing his best to recall the awkward; rather romantic little speech he had meant to make to her when those supreme and somehow strangely given bat reflexes cut in。

His evasion was barely a flicker of movement; the knife flashed past him to land solidly in a tree trunk。

This was the first time she had ever missed。 But she kept ing at him。

Stunned; Max watched her charge headlong toward him。 She threw the sheath of the first knife far from her; it made no sound; landing in the grass。

〃Hey; are you crazy?〃 Everything had suddenly slid into place within him; he already loved her so; but the physical Sterling; the part that made him unbeatable; was broadcasting warnings and threat updates; putting his body in motion。

She drew a second; sheathed blade from the open front seam of her body suit。 〃I am Quadrono Leader Miriya Parino: Zentraedi warrior!〃

Max gulped。 〃There goes our first date。〃

But something in him had already changed; his balance was forward; on the balls of his feet…he felt nearly weightless…and his hands were curled into the fastest fists on the SDF…1。

However; he was still infatuated with her; he held himself in check when all his impulses were to counterattack。 A little thing like attempted murder couldn't alter the fact that he was hopelessly in love with her。

She had seen him pacing; heard his concern for her。 The weakling human fears…for the safety of an imagined loved one; of all things!…were so contemptible and misplaced; and yet。。。

Somewhere deep inside of her she knew; with a clear and pure knowledge; that Max's worry was a reflection of his regard for her。 Who else; in the course of her matchless military career; had ever shown such simple; loving concern for Miriya Parino's well…being?

No one。 Not ever。 The very thought galvanized her; launched her forward to murder。

The sheath hissed briefly with a metallic rasp as the blade glimmered wickedly under the soft park streetlights。 〃You're such a fool! Fight for your life!〃

There was something nauseatingly vulnerable and adoring in his eyes; the expression with which he regarded her was unworthy of any true warrior…but it sapped her determination so。

Yet inside her; a furnace as hot and powerful as any Protoculture engine burned。 Kill him! Kill him now; at once! Before。。。before he can。。。

〃My life? But why attack me?〃 Max asked bewildered; but his body was already set…they were both so locked into the physical language of hand…to…hand that a fight was inevitable。

She brought the glitter of the blade up into their line of sight like a fencer so that they could both consider its cold blaze。 〃I will have my revenge!〃

His hand went to the hilt of the knife embedded in the tree trunk; and she made new calculations based on his being armed。 Sterling's having a knife was so much the better as far as Miriya was concerned; she wanted to kill him in a fight on equal terms; wanted to humble him as he had humbled her…before。。。before he 
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