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and the other on his back; and joined them together on the collar

bones with two diamond clasps。 He poured perfume upon his head; passed

an electrum necklace around his neck; and put on him sandals with

heels of pearl;sandals belonging to his own daughter! But he stamped

with shame and vexation; Salammbo; who busied herself in helping him;

was as pale as he。 The child; dazzled by such splendour; smiled and;

growing bold even; was beginning to clap his hands and jump; when

Hamilcar took him away。

He held him firmly by the arm as though he were afraid of losing him;

and the child; who was hurt; wept a little as he ran beside him。

When on a level with the ergastulum; under a palm tree; a voice was

raised; a mournful and supplicant voice。 It murmured: 〃Master! oh!


Hamilcar turned and beside him perceived a man of abject appearance;

one of the wretches who led a haphazard existence in the household。

〃What do you want?〃 said the Suffet。

The slave; who trembled horribly; stammered:

〃I am his father!〃

Hamilcar walked on; the other followed him with stooping loins; bent

hams; and head thrust forward。 His face was convulsed with unspeakable

anguish; and he was choking with suppressed sobs; so eager was he at

once to question him; and to cry: 〃Mercy!〃

At last he ventured to touch him lightly with one finger on the elbow。

〃Are you going to?〃 He had not the strength to finish; and Hamilcar

stopped quite amazed at such grief。

He had never thoughtso immense was the abyss separating them from

each otherthat there could be anything in common between them。 It

even appeared to him a sort of outrage; an encroachment upon his own

privileges。 He replied with a look colder and heavier than an

executioner's axe; the slave swooned and fell in the dust at his feet。

Hamilcar strode across him。

The three black…robed men were waiting in the great hall; and standing

against the stone disc。 Immediately he tore his garments; and rolled

upon the pavement uttering piercing cries。

〃Ah! poor little Hannibal! Oh! my son! my consolation! my hope! my

life! Kill me also! take me away! Woe! Woe!〃 He ploughed his face with

his nails; tore out his hair; and shrieked like the women who lament

at funerals。 〃Take him away then! my suffering is too great! begone!

kill me like him!〃 The servants of Moloch were astonished that the

great Hamilcar was so weak…spirited。 They were almost moved by it。

A noise of naked feet became audible; with a broken throat…rattling

like the breathing of a wild beast speeding along; and a man; pale;

terrible; and with outspread arms appeared on the threshold of the

third gallery; between the ivory pots; he exclaimed:

〃My child!〃

Hamilcar threw himself with a bound upon the slave; and covering the

man's mouth with his hand exclaimed still more loudly:

〃It is the old man who reared him! he calls him 'my child!' it will

make him mad! enough! enough!〃 And hustling away the three priests and

their victim he went out with them and with a great kick shut the door

behind him。

Hamilcar strained his ears for some minutes in constant fear of seeing

them return。 He then thought of getting rid of the slave in order to

be quite sure that he would see nothing; but the peril had not wholly

disappeared; and; if the gods were provoked at the man's death; it

might be turned against his son。 Then; changing his intention; he sent

him by Taanach the best from his kitchensa quarter of a goat; beans;

and preserved pomegranates。 The slave; who had eaten nothing for a

long time; rushed upon them; his tears fell into the dishes。

Hamilcar at last returned to Salammbo; and unfastened Hannibal's

cords。 The child in exasperation bit his hand until the blood came。 He

repelled him with a caress。

To make him remain quiet Salammbo tried to frighten him with Lamia; a

Cyrenian ogress。

〃But where is she?〃 he asked。

He was told that brigands were coming to put him into prison。 〃Let

them come;〃 he rejoined; 〃and I will kill them!〃

Then Hamilcar told him the frightful truth。 But he fell into a passion

with his father; contending that he was quite able to annihilate the

whole people; since he was the master of Carthage。

At last; exhausted by his exertions and anger; he fell into a wild

sleep。 He spoke in his dreams; his back leaning against a scarlet

cushion; his head was thrown back somewhat; and his little arm;

outstretched from his body; lay quite straight in an attitude of


When the night had grown dark Hamilcar lifted him up gently; and;

without a torch; went down the galley staircase。 As he passed through

the mercantile house he took up a basket of grapes and a flagon of

pure water; the child awoke before the statue of Aletes in the vault

of gems; and he smiledlike the otheron his father's arm at the

brilliant lights which surrounded him。

Hamilcar felt quite sure that his son could not be taken from him。 It

was an impenetrable spot communicating with the beach by a

subterranean passage which he alone knew; and casting his eyes around

he inhaled a great draught of air。 Then he set him down upon a stool

beside some golden shields。 No one at present could see him; he had no

further need for watching; and he relieved his feelings。 Like a mother

finding her first…born that was lost; he threw himself upon his son;

he clasped him to his breast; he laughed and wept at the same time; he

called him by the fondest names and covered him with kisses; little

Hannibal was frightened by this terrible tenderness and was silent


Hamilcar returned with silent steps; feeling the walls around him; and

came into the great hall where the moonlight entered through one of

the apertures in the dome; in the centre the slave lay sleeping after

his repast; stretched at full length upon the marble pavement。 He

looked at him and was moved with a sort of pity。 With the tip of his

cothurn he pushed forward a carpet beneath his head。 Then he raised

his eyes and gazed at Tanith; whose slender crescent was shining in

the sky; and felt himself stronger than the Baals and full of contempt

for them。

The arrangements for the sacrifice were already begun。

Part of a wall in the temple of Moloch was thrown down in order to

draw out the brazen god without touching the ashes of the altar。 Then

as soon as the sun appeared the hierodules pushed it towards the

square of Khamon。

It moved backwards sliding upon cylinders; its shoulders overlapped

the walls。 No sooner did the Carthaginians perceive it in the distance

than they speedily took to flight; for the Baal could be looked upon

with impunity only when exercising his wrath。

A smell of aromatics spread through the streets。 All the temples had

just been opened simultaneously; and from them there came forth

tabernacles borne upon chariots; or upon litters carried by the

pontiffs。 Great plumes swayed at the c
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