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tried to seize him in flank he knocked down with blows of the pommel;

when they attacked him in front he ran them through; if they fled he

clove them。 Two men leaped together upon his back; he bounded

backwards against a gate and crushed them。 His sword fell and rose。 It

shivered on the angle of a wall。 Then he took his heavy axe; and front

and rear he ripped up the Carthaginians like a flock of sheep。 They

scattered more and more; and he was quite alone when he reached the

second enclosure at the foot of the Acropolis。 The materials which had

been flung from the summit cumbered the steps and were heaped up

higher than the wall。 Matho turned back amid the ruins to summons his


He perceived their crests scattered over the multitude; they were

sinking and their wearers were about to perish; he dashed towards

them; then the vast wreath of red plumes closed in; and they soon

rejoined him and surrounded him。 But an enormous crowd was discharging

from the side streets。 He was caught by the hips; lifted up and

carried away outside the ramparts to a spot where the terrace was


Matho shouted a command and all the shields sank upon the helmets; he

leaped upon them in order to catch hold somewhere so as to re…enter

Carthage; and; flourishing his terrible axe; ran over the shields;

which resembled waves of bronze; like a marine god; with brandished

trident; over his billows。

However; a man in a white robe was walking along the edge of the

rampart; impassible; and indifferent to the death which surrounded

him。 Sometimes he would spread out his right hand above his eyes in

order to find out some one。 Matho happened to pass beneath him。

Suddenly his eyeballs flamed; his livid face contracted; and raising

both his lean arms he shouted out abuse at him。

Matho did not hear it; but he felt so furious and cruel a look

entering his heart that he uttered a roar。 He hurled his long axe at

him; some people threw themselves upon Schahabarim; and Matho seeing

him no more fell back exhausted。

A terrible creaking drew near; mingled with the rhythm of hoarse

voices singing together。

It was the great helepolis surrounded by a crowd of soldiers。 They

were dragging it with both hands; hauling it with ropes; and pushing

it with their shoulders;for the slope rising from the plain to the

terrace; although extremely gentle; was found impracticable for

machines of such prodigious weight。 However; it had eight wheels

banded with iron; and it had been advancing slowly in this way since

the morning; like a mountain raised upon another。 Then there appeared

an immense ram issuing from its base。 The doors along the three fronts

which faced the town fell down; and cuirassed soldiers appeared in the

interior like pillars of iron。 Some might be seen climbing and

descending the two staircases which crossed the stories。 Some were

waiting to dart out as soon as the cramps of the doors touched the

walls; in the middle of the upper platform the skeins of the ballistas

were turning; and the great beam of the catapult was being lowered。

Hamilcar was at that moment standing upright on the roof of Melkarth。

He had calculated that it would come directly towards him; against

what was the most invulnerable place in the wall; which was for that

very reason denuded of sentries。 His slaves had for a long time been

bringing leathern bottles along the roundway; where they had raised

with clay two transverse partitions forming a sort of basin。 The water

was flowing insensibly along the terrace; and strange to say; it

seemed to cause Hamilcar no anxiety。

But when the helepolis was thirty paces off; he commanded planks to be

placed over the streets between the houses from the cisterns to the

rampart; and a file of people passed from hand to hand helmets and

amphoras; which were emptied continually。 The Carthaginians; however;

grew indignant at this waste of water。 The ram was demolishing the

wall; when suddenly a fountain sprang forth from the disjointed

stones。 Then the lofty brazen mass; nine stories high; which contained

and engaged more than three thousand soldiers; began to rock gently

like a ship。 In fact; the water; which had penetrated the terrace; had

broken up the path before it; its wheels stuck in the mire; the head

of Spendius; with distended cheeks blowing an ivory cornet; appeared

between leathern curtains on the first story。 The great machine; as

though convulsively upheaved; advanced perhaps ten paces; but the

ground softened more and more; the mire reached to the axles; and the

helepolis stopped; leaning over frightfully to one side。 The catapult

rolled to the edge of the platform; and carried away by the weight of

its beam; fell; shattering the lower stories beneath it。 The soldiers

who were standing on the doors slipped into the abyss; or else held on

to the extremities of the long beams; and by their weight increased

the inclination of the helepolis; which was going to pieces with

creakings in all its joints。

The other Barbarians rushed up to help them; massing themselves into a

compact crowd。 The Carthaginians descended from the rampart; and;

assailing them in the rear; killed them at leisure。 But the chariots

furnished with sickles hastened up; and galloped round the outskirts

of the multitude。 The latter ascended the wall again; night came on;

and the Barbarians gradually retired。

Nothing could now be seen on the plain but a sort of perfectly black;

swarming mass; which extended from the bluish gulf to the purely white

lagoon; and the lake; which had received streams of blood; stretched

further away like a great purple pool。

The terrace was now so laden with corpses that it looked as though it

had been constructed of human bodies。 In the centre stood the

helepolis covered with armour; and from time to time huge fragments

broke off from it; like stones from a crumbling pyramid。 Broad tracks

made by the streams of lead might be distinguished on the walls。 A

broken…down wooden tower burned here and there; and the houses showed

dimly like the stages of a ruined ampitheatre。 Heavy fumes of smoke

were rising; and rolling with them sparks which were lost in the dark


The Carthaginians; however; who were consumed by thirst; had rushed to

the cisterns。 They broke open the doors。 A miry swamp stretched at the


What was to be done now? Moreover; the Barbarians were countless; and

when their fatigue was over they would begin again。

The people deliberated all night in groups at the corners of the

streets。 Some said that they ought to send away the women; the sick;

and the old men; others proposed to abandon the town; and found a

colony far away。 But vessels were lacking; and when the sun appeared

no decision had been made。

There was no fighting that day; all being too much exhausted。 The

sleepers looked like corpses。

Then the Carthaginians; reflecting upon the cause of the
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