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wood。 All the tollenos were mounted again; and in the centre; a little

further back; appeared the formidable helepolis of Demetrius

Poliorcetes; which Spendius had at last reconstructed。 Of pyramidical

shape; like the pharos of Alexandria; it was one hundred and thirty

cubits high and twenty…three wide; with nine stories; diminishing as

they approached the summit; and protected by scales of brass; they

were pierced with numerous doors and were filled with soldiers; and on

the upper platform there stood a catapult flanked by two ballistas。

Then Hamilcar planted crosses for those who should speak of surrender;

and even the women were brigaded。 The people lay in the streets and

waited full of distress。

Then one morning before sunrise (it was the seventh day of the month

of Nyssan) they heard a great shout uttered by all the Barbarians

simultaneously; the leaden…tubed trumpets pealed; and the great

Paphlagonian horns bellowed like bulls。 All rose and ran to the


A forest of lances; pikes; and swords bristled at its base。 It leaped

against the wall; the ladders grappled them; and Barbarians' heads

appeared in the intervals of the battlements。

Beams supported by long files of men were battering at the gates; and;

in order to demolish the wall at places where the terrace was wanting;

the Mercenaries came up in serried cohorts; the first line crawling;

the second bending their hams; and the others rising in succession to

the last who stood upright; while elsewhere; in order to climb up; the

tallest advanced in front and the lowest in the rear; and all rested

their shields upon their helmets with their left arms; joining them

together at the edges so tightly that they might have been taken for

an assemblage of large tortoises。 The projectiles slid over these

oblique masses。

The Carthaginians threw down mill…stones; pestles; vats; casks; beds;

everything that could serve as a weight and could knock down。 Some

watched at the embrasures with fisherman's nets; and when the

Barbarian arrived he found himself caught in the meshes; and struggled

like a fish。 They demolished their own battlements; portions of wall

fell down raising a great dust; and as the catapults on the terrace

were shooting over against one another; the stones would strike

together and shiver into a thousand pieces; making a copious shower

upon the combatants。

Soon the two crowds formed but one great chain of human bodies; it

overflowed into the intervals in the terrace; and; somewhat looser at

the two extremities; swayed perpetually without advancing。 They

clasped one another; lying flat on the ground like wrestlers。 They

crushed one another。 The women leaned over the battlements and

shrieked。 They were dragged away by their veils; and the whiteness of

their suddenly uncovered sides shone in the arms of the Negroes as the

latter buried their daggers in them。 Some corpses did not fall; being

too much pressed by the crowd; and; supported by the shoulders of

their companions; advanced for some minutes quite upright and with

staring eyes。 Some who had both temples pierced by a javelin swayed

their heads about like bears。 Mouths; opened to shout; remained

gaping; severed hands flew through the air。 Mighty blows were dealt;

which were long talked of by the survivors。

Meanwhile arrows darted from the towers of wood and stone。 The

tollenos moved their long yards rapidly; and as the Barbarians had

sacked the old cemetery of the aborigines beneath the Catacombs; they

hurled the tombstones against the Carthaginians。 Sometimes the cables

broke under the weight of too heavy baskets; and masses of men; all

with uplifted arms; would fall from the sky。

Up to the middle of the day the veterans had attacked the Taenia

fiercely in order to penetrate into the harbour and destroy the fleet。

Hamilcar had a fire of damp straw lit upon the roofing of Khamon; and

as the smoke blinded them they fell back to left; and came to swell

the horrible rout which was pressing forward in Malqua。 Some

syntagmata composed of sturdy men; chosen expressly for the purpose;

had broken in three gates。 They were checked by lofty barriers made of

planks studded with nails; but a fourth yielded easily; they dashed

over it at a run and rolled into a pit in which there were hidden

snares。 At the south…west gate Autaritus and his men broke down the

rampart; the fissure in which had been stopped up with bricks。 The

ground behind rose; and they climbed it nimbly。 But on the top they

found a second wall composed of stones and long beams lying quite flat

and alternating like the squares on a chess…board。 It was a Gaulish

fashion; and had been adapted by the Suffet to the requirements of the

situation; the Gauls imagined themselves before a town in their own

country。 Their attack was weak; and they were repulsed。

All the roundway; from the street of Khamon as far as the Green

Market; now belonged to the Barbarians; and the Samnites were

finishing off the dying with blows of stakes; or else with one foot on

the wall were gazing down at the smoking ruins beneath them; and the

battle which was beginning again in the distance。

The slingers; who were distributed through the rear; were still

shooting。 But the springs of the Acarnanian slings had broken from

use; and many were throwing stones with the hand like shepherds; the

rest hurled leaden bullets with the handle of a whip。 Zarxas; his

shoulders covered with his long black hair; went about everywhere; and

led on the Barbarians。 Two pouches hung at his hips; he thrust his

left hand into them continually; while his right arm whirled round

like a chariot…wheel。

Matho had at first refrained from fighting; the better to command the

Barbarians all at once。 He had been seen along the gulf with the

Mercenaries; near the lagoon with the Numidians; and on the shores of

the lake among the Negroes; and from the back part of the plain he

urged forward masses of soldiers who came ceaselessly against the

ramparts。 By degrees he had drawn near; the smell of blood; the sight

of carnage; and the tumult of clarions had at last made his heart

leap。 Then he had gone back into his tent; and throwing off his

cuirass had taken his lion's skin as being more convenient for battle。

The snout fitted upon his head; bordering his face with a circle of

fangs; the two fore…paws were crossed upon his breast; and the claws

of the hinder ones fell beneath his knees。

He had kept on his strong waist…belt; wherein gleamed a two…edged axe;

and with his great sword in both hands he had dashed impetuously

through the breach。 Like a pruner cutting willow…branches and trying

to strike off as much as possible so as to make the more money; he

marched along mowing down the Carthaginians around him。 Those who

tried to seize him in flank he knocked down with blows of the pommel;

when they attacked him in front he ran them through; if they fled he

clove the
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