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The war; by keeping him at a distance; had hitherto prevented him; and

since the return to before Carthage; it seemed to him that the

inhabitants suspected his enterprise。 But soon they diminished the

sentries on the aqueduct。 There were not too many people for the

defence of the walls。

The former slave practised himself for some days in shooting arrows at

the flamingoes on the lake。 Then one moonlight evening he begged Matho

to light a great fire of straw in the middle of the night; while all

his men were to shout at the same time; and taking Zarxas with him; he

went away along the edge of the gulf in the direction of Tunis。

When on a level with the last arches they returned straight towards

the aqueduct; the place was unprotected: they crawled to the base of

the pillars。

The sentries on the platform were walking quietly up and down。

Towering flames appeared; clarions rang; and the soldiers on vedette;

believing that there was an assault; rushed away in the direction of


One man had remained。 He showed black against the background of the

sky。 The moon was shining behind him; and his shadow; which was of

extravagant size; looked in the distance like an obelisk proceeding

across the plain。

They waited until he was in position just before them。 Zarxas seized

his sling; but whether from prudence or from ferocity Spendius stopped

him。 〃No; the whiz of the bullet would make a noise! Let me!〃

Then he bent his bow with all his strength; resting the lower end of

it against the great toe of his left foot; he took aim; and the arrow

went off。

The man did not fall。 He disappeared。

〃If he were wounded we should hear him!〃 said Spendius; and he mounted

quickly from story to story as he had done the first time; with the

assistance of a rope and a harpoon。 Then when he had reached the top

and was beside the corpse; he let it fall again。 The Balearian

fastened a pick and a mallet to it and turned back。

The trumpets sounded no longer。 All was now quiet。 Spendius had raised

one of the flag…stones and; entering the water; had closed it behind


Calculating the distance by the number of his steps; he arrived at the

exact spot where he had noticed an oblique fissure; and for three

hours until morning he worked in continuous and furious fashion;

breathing with difficulty through the interstices in the upper flag…

tones; assailed with anguish; and twenty times believing that he was

going to die。 At last a crack was heard; and a huge stone ricocheting

on the lower arches rolled to the ground;and suddenly a cataract; an

entire river; fell from the skies onto the plain。 The aqueduct; being

cut through in the centre; was emptying itself。 It was death to

Carthage and victory for the Barbarians。

In an instant the awakened Carthaginians appeared on the walls; the

houses; and the temples。 The Barbarians pressed forward with shouts。

They danced in delirium around the great waterfall; and came up and

wet their heads in it in the extravagance of their joy。

A man in a torn; brown tunic was perceived on the summit of the

aqueduct。 He stood leaning over the very edge with both hands on his

hips; and was looking down below him as though astonished at his work。

Then he drew himself up。 He surveyed the horizon with a haughty air

which seemed to say: 〃All that is now mine!〃 The applause of the

Barbarians burst forth; while the Carthaginians; comprehending their

disaster at last; shrieked with despair。 Then he began to run about

the platform from one end to the other;and like a chariot…driver

triumphant at the Olympic Games; Spendius; distraught with pride;

raised his arms aloft。



The Barbarians had no need of a circumvallation on the side of Africa;

for it was theirs。 But to facilitate the approach to the walls; the

entrenchments bordering the ditch were thrown down。 Matho next divided

the army into great semicircles so as to encompass Carthage the

better。 The hoplites of the Mercenaries were placed in the first rank;

and behind them the slingers and horsemen; quite at the back were the

baggage; chariots; and horses; and the engines bristled in front of

this throng at a distance of three hundred paces from the towers。

Amid the infinite variety of their nomenclature (which changed several

times in the course of the centuries) these machines might be reduced

to two systems: some acted like slings; and the rest like bows。

The first; which were the catapults; was composed of a square frame

with two vertical uprights and a horizontal bar。 In its anterior

portion was a cylinder; furnished with cables; which held back a great

beam bearing a spoon for the reception of projectiles; its base was

caught in a skein of twisted thread; and when the ropes were let go it

sprang up and struck against the bar; which; checking it with a shock;

multiplied its power。

The second presented a more complicated mechanism。 A cross…bar had its

centre fixed on a little pillar; and from this point of junction there

branched off at right angles a short of channel; two caps containing

twists of horse…hair stood at the extremities of the cross…bar; two

small beams were fastened to them to hold the extremities of a rope

which was brought to the bottom of the channel upon a tablet of

bronze。 This metal plate was released by a spring; and sliding in

grooves impelled the arrows。

The catapults were likewise called onagers; after the wild asses which

fling up stones with their feet; and the ballistas scorpions; on

account of a hook which stood upon the tablet; and being lowered by a

blow of the fist; released the spring。

Their construction required learned calculations; the wood selected

had to be of the hardest substance; and their gearing all of brass;

they were stretched with levers; tackle…blocks; capstans or tympanums;

the direction of the shooting was changed by means of strong pivots;

they were moved forward on cylinders; and the most considerable of

them; which were brought piece by piece; were set up in front of the


Spendius arranged three great catapults opposite the three principle

angles; he placed a ram before every gate; a ballista before every

tower; while carroballistas were to move about in the rear。 But it was

necessary to protect them against the fire thrown by the besieged; and

first of all to fill up the trench which separated them from the


They pushed forward galleries formed of hurdles of green reeds; and

oaken semicircles like enormous shields gliding on three wheels; the

workers were sheltered in little huts covered with raw hides and

stuffed with wrack; the catapults and ballistas were protected by rope

curtains which had been steeped in vinegar to render them

incombustible。 The women and children went to procure stones on the

strand; and gathered earth with their hands and brought it to the

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