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extended beyond a girdle of walls; then the sea spread out

indefinitely; and the Barbarians; with their chins in their hands;

sighed as they thought of their native lands。 A cloud of grey dust was


The evening wind blew; then every breast dilated; and as the freshness

increased; the vermin might be seen to forsake the dead; who were

colder now; and to run over the hot sand。 Crows; looking towards the

dying; rested motionless on the tops of the big stones。

When night had fallen yellow…haired dogs; those unclean beasts which

followed the armies; came quite softly into the midst of the

Barbarians。 At first they licked the clots of blood on the still tepid

stumps; and soon they began to devour the corpses; biting into the

stomachs first of all。

The fugitives reappeared one by one like shadows; the women also

ventured to return; for there were still some of them left; especially

among the Libyans; in spite of the dreadful massacre of them by the


Some took ropes' ends and lighted them to use as torches。 Others held

crossed pikes。 The corpses were placed upon these and were conveyed


They were found lying stretched in long lines; on their backs; with

their mouths open; and their lances beside them; or else they were

piled up pell…mell so that it was often necessary to dig out a whole

heap in order to discover those they were wanting。 Then the torch

would be passed slowly over their faces。 They had received complicated

wounds from hideous weapons。 Greenish strips hung from their

foreheads; they were cut in pieces; crushed to the marrow; blue from

strangulation; or broadly cleft by the elephants' ivory。 Although they

had died at almost the same time there existed differences between

their various states of corruption。 The men of the North were puffed

up with livid swellings; while the more nervous Africans looked as

though they had been smoked; and were already drying up。 The

Mercenaries might be recognised by the tattooing on their hands: the

old soldiers of Antiochus displayed a sparrow…hawk; those who had

served in Egypt; the head of the cynosephalus; those who had served

with the princes of Asia; a hatchet; a pomegranate; or a hammer; those

who had served in the Greek republics; the side…view of a citadel or

the name of an archon; and some were to be seen whose arms were

entirely covered with these multiplied symbols; which mingled with

their scars and their recent wounds。

Four great funeral piles were erected for the men of Latin race; the

Samnites; Etruscans; Campanians; and Bruttians。

The Greeks dug pits with the points of their swords。 The Spartans

removed their red cloaks and wrapped them round the dead; the

Athenians laid them out with their faces towards the rising sun; the

Cantabrians buried them beneath a heap of pebbles; the Nasamonians

bent them double with ox…leather thongs; and the Garamantians went and

interred them on the shore so that they might be perpetually washed by

the waves。 But the Latins were grieved that they could not collect the

ashes in urns; the Nomads regretted the heat of the sands in which

bodies were mummified; and the Celts; the three rude stones beneath a

rainy sky at the end of an islet…covered gulf。

Vociferations arose; followed by the lengthened silence。 This was to

oblige the souls to return。 Then the shouting was resumed persistently

at regular intervals。

They made excuses to the dead for their inability to honour them as

the rites prescribed: for; owing to this deprivation; they would pass

for infinite periods through all kinds of chances and metamorphoses;

they questioned them and asked them what they desired; others loaded

them with abuse for having allowed themselves to be conquered。

The bloodless faces lying back here and there on wrecks of armour

showed pale in the light of the great funeral…pile; tears provoked

tears; the sobs became shriller; the recognitions and embracings more

frantic。 Women stretched themselves on the corpses; mouth to mouth and

brow to brow; it was necessary to beat them in order to make them

withdraw when the earth was being thrown in。 They blackened their

cheeks; they cut off their hair; they drew their own blood and poured

it into the pits; they gashed themselves in imitation of the wounds

that disfigured the dead。 Roarings burst forth through the crashings

of the cymbals。 Some snatched off their amulets and spat upon them。

The dying rolled in the bloody mire biting their mutilated fists in

their rage; and forty…three Samnites; quite a 〃sacred spring;〃 cut one

another's throats like gladiators。 Soon wood for the funeral…piles

failed; the flames were extinguished; every spot was occupied; and

weary from shouting; weakened; tottering; they fell asleep close to

their dead brethren; those who still clung to life full of anxieties;

and the others desiring never to wake again。

In the greyness of the dawn some soldiers appeared on the outskirts of

the Barbarians; and filed past with their helmets raised on the points

of their pikes; they saluted the Mercenaries and asked them whether

they had no messages to send to their native lands。

Others approached; and the Barbarians recognised some of their former


The Suffet had proposed to all the captives that they should serve in

his troops。 Several had fearlessly refused; and quite resolved neither

to support them nor to abandon them to the Great Council; he had sent

them away with injunctions to fight no more against Carthage。 As to

those who had been rendered docile by the fear of tortures; they had

been furnished with the weapons taken from the enemy; and they were

now presenting themselves to the vanquished; not so much in order to

seduce them as out of an impulse of pride and curiosity。

At first they told of the good treatment which they had received from

the Suffet; the Barbarians listened to them with jealousy although

they despised them。 Then at the first words of reproach the cowards

fell into a passion; they showed them from a distance their own swords

and cuirasses and invited them with abuse to come and take them。 The

Barbarians picked up flints; all took to flght; and nothing more could

be seen on the summit of the mountain except the lance…points

projecting above the edge of the palisades。

Then the Barbarians were overwhelmed with a grief that was heavier

than the humiliation of the defeat。 They thought of the emptiness of

their courage; and they stood with their eyes fixed and grinding their


The same thought came to them all。 They rushed tumultuously upon the

Carthaginian prisoners。 It chanced that the Suffet's soldiers had been

unable to discover them; and as he had withdrawn from the field of

battle they were still in the deep pit。

They were ranged on the ground on a flattened spot。 Sentries formed a

circle round them; and the women were allowed to enter thirty or forty

at a time
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