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long white beard which hung down to the ground; for the rest of the

body; which was cumbered with the rags of a tawny garment; trailed

along the earth; and with every forward movement the hands passed into

the beard and then fell again。 Crawling in this way it reached her

feet; and Salammbo recognised the aged Gisco。

In fact; the Mercenaries had broken the legs of the captive Ancients

with a brass bar to prevent them from taking to flight; and they were

all rotting pell…mell in a pit in the midst of filth。 But the

sturdiest of them raised themselves and shouted when they heard the

noise of platters; and it was in this way that Gisco had seen

Salammbo。 He had guessed that she was a Carthaginian woman by the

little balls of sandastrum flapping against her cothurni; and having a

presentiment of an important mystery he had succeeded; with the

assistance of his companions; in getting out of the pit; then with

elbows and hands he had dragged himself twenty paces further on as far

as Matho's tent。 Two voices were speaking within it。 He had listened

outside and had heard everything。

〃It is you!〃 she said at last; almost terrified。

〃Yes; it is I!〃 he replied; raising himself on his wrists。 〃They think

me dead; do they not?〃

She bent her head。 He resumed:

〃Ah! why have the Baals not granted me this mercy!〃 He approached so

close he was touching her。 〃They would have spared me the pain of

cursing you!〃

Salammbo sprang quickly back; so much afraid was she of this unclean

being; who was as hideous as a larva and nearly as terrible as a


〃I am nearly one hundred years old;〃 he said。 〃I have seen Agathocles;

I have seen Regulus and the eagles of the Romans passing over the

harvests of the Punic fields! I have seen all the terrors of battles

and the sea encumbered with the wrecks of our fleets! Barbarians whom

I used to command have chained my four limbs like a slave that has

committed murder。 My companions are dying around me; one after the

other; the odour of their corpses awakes me in the night; I drive away

the birds that come to peck out their eyes; and yet not for a single

day have I despaired of Carthage! Though I had seen all the armies of

the earth against her; and the flames of the siege overtop the height

of the temples; I should have still believed in her eternity! But now

all is over! all is lost! The gods execrate her! A curse upon you who

have quickened her ruin by your disgrace!〃

She opened her lips。

〃Ah! I was there!〃 he cried。 〃I heard you gurgling with love like a

prostitute; then he told you of his desire; and you allowed him to

kiss your hands! But if the frenzy of your unchastity urged you to it;

you should at least have done as do the fallow deer; which hide

themselves in their copulations; and not have displayed your shame

beneath your father's very eyes!〃

〃What?〃 she said。

〃Ah! you did not know that the two entrenchments are sixty cubits from

each other and that your Matho; in the excess of his pride; has posted

himself just in front of Hamilcar。 Your father is there behind you;

and could I climb the path which leads to the platform; I should cry

to him: 'Come and see your daughter in the Barbarian's arms! She has

put on the garment of the goddess to please him; and in yielding her

body to him she surrenders with the glory of your name the majesty of

the gods; the vengeance of her country; even the safety of Carthage!'〃

The motion of his toothless mouth moved his beard throughout its

length; his eyes were riveted upon her and devoured her; panting in

the dust he repeated:

〃Ah! sacrilegious one! May you be accursed! accursed! accursed!〃

Salammbo had drawn back the canvas; she held it raised at arm's

length; and without answering him she looked in the direction of


〃It is this way; is it not?〃 she said。

〃What matters it to you? Turn away! Begone! Rather crush your face

against the earth! It is a holy spot which would be polluted by your


She threw the zaimph about her waist; and quickly picked up her veils;

mantle; and scarf。 〃I hasten thither!〃 she cried; and making her

escape Salammbo disappeared。

At first she walked through the darkness without meeting any one; for

all were betaking themselves to the fire; the uproar was increasing

and great flames purpled the sky behind; a long terrace stopped her。

She turned round to right and left at random; seeking for a ladder; a

rope; a stone; something in short to assist her。 She was afraid of

Gisco; and it seemed to her that shouts and footsteps were pursuing

her。 Day was beginning to break。 She perceived a path in the thickness

of the entrenchment。 She took the hem of her robe; which impeded her;

in her teeth; and in three bounds she was on the platform。

A sonorous shout burst forth beneath her in the shade; the same which

she had heard at the foot of the galley staircase; and leaning over

she recognised Schahabarim's man with his coupled horses。

He had wandered all night between the two entrenchments; then

disquieted by the fire; he had gone back again trying to see what was

passing in Matho's camp; and; knowing that this spot was nearest to

his tent; he had not stirred from it; in obedience to the priest's


He stood up on one of the horses。 Salammbo let herself slide down to

him; and they fled at full gallop; circling the Punic camp in search

of a gate。

Matho had re…entered his tent。 The smoky lamp gave but little light;

and he also believed that Salammbo was asleep。 Then he delicately

touched the lion's skin on the palm…tree bed。 He called but she did

not answer; he quickly tore away a strip of the canvas to let in some

light; the zaimph was gone。

The earth trembled beneath thronging feet。 Shouts; neighings; and

clashing of armour rose in the air; and clarion flourishes sounded the

charge。 It was as though a hurricane were whirling around him。

Immoderate frenzy made him leap upon his arms; and he dashed outside。

The long files of the Barbarians were descending the mountain at a

run; and the Punic squares were advancing against them with a heavy

and regular oscillation。 The mist; rent by the rays of the sun; formed

little rocking clouds which as they rose gradually discovered

standards; helmets; and points of pikes。 Beneath the rapid evolutions

portions of the earth which were still in the shadow seemed to be

displaced bodily; in other places it looked as if huge torrents were

crossing one another; while thorny masses stood motionless between

them。 Matho could distinguish the captains; soldiers; heralds; and

even the serving…men; who were mounted on asses in the rear。 But

instead of maintaining his position in order to cover the foot…

soldiers; Narr' Havas turned abruptly to the right; as though he

wished himself to be crushed by Hamilcar。

His horsemen outstripped the elephants; which were slackening their

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