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money; the adventurer had raised the Numidian States with promises of

freedom。 But Narr' Havas; warned by his nurse's son; had dropped into

Cirta; poisoned the conquerors with the water of the cisterns; struck

off a few heads; set all right again; and had just arrived against the

Suffet more furious than the Barbarians。

The chiefs of the four armies concerted the arrangements for the war。

It would be a long one; and everything must be foreseen。

It was agreed first to entreat the assistance of the Romans; and this

mission was offered to Spendius; but as a fugitive he dared not

undertake it。 Twelve men from the Greek colonies embarked at Annaba in

a sloop belonging to the Numidians。 Then the chiefs exacted an oath of

complete obedience from all the Barbarians。 Every day the captains

inspected clothes and boots; the sentries were even forbidden to use a

shield; for they would often lean it against their lance and fall

asleep as they stood; those who had any baggage trailing after them

were obliged to get rid of it; everything was to be carried; in Roman

fashion; on the back。 As a precaution against the elephants Matho

instituted a corps of cataphract cavalry; men and horses being hidden

beneath cuirasses of hippopotamus skin bristling with nails; and to

protect the horses' hoofs boots of plaited esparto…grass were made for


It was forbidden to pillage the villages; or to tyrannise over the

inhabitants who were not of Punic race。 But as the country was

becoming exhausted; Matho ordered the provisions to be served out to

the soldiers individually; without troubling about the women。 At first

the men shared with them。 Many grew weak for lack of food。 It was the

occasion of many quarrels and invectives; many drawing away the

companions of the rest by the bait or even by the promise of their own

portion。 Matho commanded them all to be driven away pitilessly。 They

took refuge in the camp of Autaritus; but the Gaulish and Libyan women

forced them by their outrageous treatment to depart。

At last they came beneath the walls of Carthage to implore the

protection of Ceres and Proserpine; for in Byrsa there was a temple

with priests consecrated to these goddesses in expiation of the

horrors formerly committed at the siege of Syracuse。 The Syssitia;

alleging their right to waifs and strays; claimed the youngest in

order to sell them; and some fair Lacedaemonian women were taken by

New Carthaginians in marriage。

A few persisted in following the armies。 They ran on the flank of the

syntagmata by the side of the captains。 They called to their husbands;

pulled them by the cloak; cursed them as they beat their breasts; and

held out their little naked and weeping children at arm's length。 The

sight of them was unmanning the Barbarians; they were an embarrassment

and a peril。 Several times they were repulsed; but they came back

again; Matho made the horsemen belonging to Narr' Havas charge them

with the point of the lance; and on some Balearians shouting out to

him that they must have women; he replied: 〃I have none!〃

Just now he was invaded by the genius of Moloch。 In spite of the

rebellion of his conscience; he performed terrible deeds; imagining

that he was thus obeying the voice of a god。 When he could not ravage

the fields; Matho would cast stones into them to render them sterile。

He urged Autaritus and Spendius with repeated messages to make haste。

But the Suffet's operations were incomprehensible。 He encamped at

Eidous; Monchar; and Tehent successively; some scouts believed that

they saw him in the neighbourhood of Ischiil; near the frontiers of

Narr' Havas; and it was reported that he had crossed the river above

Tebourba as though to return to Carthage。 Scarcely was he in one place

when he removed to another。 The routes that he followed always

remained unknown。 The Suffet preserved his advantages without offering

battle; and while pursued by the Barbarians seemed to be leading them。

These marches and counter marches were still more fatiguing to the

Carthaginians; and Hamilcar's forces; receiving no reinforcements;

diminished from day to day。 The country people were now more backward

in bringing him provisions。 In every direction he encountered taciturn

hesitation and hatred; and in spite of his entreaties to the Great

Council no succour came from Carthage。

It was said; perhaps it was believed; that he had need of none。 It was

a trick; or his complaints were unnecessary; and Hanno's partisans; in

order to do him an ill turn; exaggerated the importance of his

victory。 The troops which he commanded he was welcome to; but they

were not going to supply his demands continually in that way。 The war

was quite burdensome enough! it had cost too much; and from pride the

patricians belonging to his faction supported him but slackly。

Then Hamilcar; despairing of the Republic; took by force from the

tribes all that he wanted for the wargrain; oil; wood; cattle; and

men。 But the inhabitants were not long in taking flight。 The villages

passed through were empty; and the cabins were ransacked without

anything being discerned in them。 The Punic army was soon encompassed

by a terrible solitude。

The Carthaginians; who were furious; began to sack the provinces; they

filled up the cisterns and fired the houses。 The sparks; being carried

by the wind; were scattered far off; and whole forests were on fire on

the mountains; they bordered the valleys with a crown of flames; and

it was often necessary to wait in order to pass beyond them。 Then the

soldiers resumed their march over the warm ashes in the full glare of

the sun。

Sometimes they would see what looked like the eyes of a tiger cat

gleaming in a bush by the side of the road。 This was a Barbarian

crouching upon his heels; and smeared with dust; that he might not be

distinguished from the colour of the foliage; or perhaps when passing

along a ravine those on the wings would suddenly hear the rolling of

stones; and raising their eyes would perceive a bare…footed man

bounding along through the openings of the gorge。

Meanwhile Utica and Hippo…Zarytus were free since the Mercenaries were

no longer besieging them。 Hamilcar commanded them to come to his

assistance。 But not caring to compromise themselves; they answered him

with vague words; with compliments and excuses。

He went up again abruptly into the North; determined to open up one of

the Tyrian towns; though he were obliged to lay siege to it。 He

required a station on the coast; so as to be able to draw supplies and

men from the islands or from Cyrene; and he coveted the harbour of

Utica as being the nearest to Carthage。

The Suffet therefore left Zouitin and turned the lake of Hippo…Zarytus

with circumspection。 But he was soon obliged to lengthen out his

regiments into column in order to climb the mountain which separates

the two valleys。 They were descending at sunset into its hollow;

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