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files; so that he who was less vigorous or more cowardly might be at

once led and pushed forward by two others。 But with his three thousand

Ligurians; and the best in Carthage; he could form only a simple

phalanx of four thousand and ninety…six hoplites; protected by bronze

helmets; and handling ashen sarissae fourteen cubits long。

There were two thousand young men; each equipped with a sling; a

dagger; and sandals。 He reinforced them with eight hundred others

armed with round shields and Roman swords。

The heavy cavalry was composed of the nineteen hundred remaining

guardsmen of the Legion; covered with plates of vermilion bronze; like

the Assyrian Clinabarians。 He had further four hundred mounted

archers; of those that were called Tarentines; with caps of weasel's

skin; two…edged axes; and leathern tunics。 Finally there were twelve

hundred Negroes from the quarter of the caravans; who were mingled

with the Clinabarians; and were to run beside the stallions with one

hand resting on the manes。 All was ready; and yet Hamilcar did not


Often at night he would go out of Carthage alone and make his way

beyond the lagoon towards the mouths of the Macaras。 Did he intend to

join the Mercenaries? The Ligurians encamped in the Mappalian district

surrounded his house。

The apprehensions of the rich appeared justified when; one day; three

hundred Barbarians were seen approaching the walls。 The Suffet opened

the gates to them; they were deserters; drawn by fear or by fidelity;

they were hastening to their master。

Hamilcar's return had not surprised the Mercenaries; according to

their ideas the man could not die。 He was returning to fulfil his

promise;a hope by no means absurd; so deep was the abyss between

Country and Army。 Moreover they did not believe themselves culpable;

the feast was forgotten。

The spies whom they surprised undeceived them。 It was a triumph for

the bitter; even the lukewarm grew furious。 Then the two sieges

overwhelmed then with weariness; no progress was being made; a battle

would be better! Thus many men had left the ranks and were scouring

the country。 But at news of the arming they returned; Matho leaped for

joy。 〃At last! at last!〃 he cried。

Then the resentment which he cherished against Salammbo was turned

against Hamilcar。 His hate could now perceive a definite prey; and as

his vengeance grew easier of conception he almost believed that he had

realised it and he revelled in it already。 At the same time he was

seized with a loftier tenderness; and consumed by more acrid desire。

He saw himself alternately in the midst of the soldiers brandishing

the Suffet's head on a pike; and then in the room with the purple bed;

clasping the maiden in his arms; covering her face with kisses;

passing his hands over her long; black hair; and the imagination of

this; which he knew could never be realised; tortured him。 He swore to

himself that; since his companions had appointed him schalishim; he

would conduct the war; the certainty that he would not return from it

urged him to render it a pitiless one。

He came to Spendius and said to him:

〃You will go and get your men! I will bring mine! Warn Autaritus! We

are lost if Hamilcar attacks us! Do you understand me? Rise!〃

Spendius was stupefied before such an air of authority。 Matho usually

allowed himself to be led; and his previous transports had quickly

passed away。 But just now he appeared at once calmer and more

terrible; a superb will gleamed in his eyes like the flame of


The Greek did not listen to his reasons。 He was living in one of the

Carthaginian pearl…bordered tents; drinking cool beverages from silver

cups; playing at the cottabos; letting his hair grow; and conducting

the siege with slackness。 Moreover; he had entered into communications

with some in the town and would not leave; being sure that it would

open its gates before many days were over。

Narr' Havas; who wandered about among the three armies; was at that

time with him。 He supported his opinion; and even blamed the Libyan

for wishing in his excess of courage to abandon their enterprise。

〃Go; if you are afraid!〃 exclaimed Matho; 〃you promised us pitch;

sulphur; elephants; foot…soldiers; horses! where are they?〃

Narr' Havas reminded him that he had exterminated Hanno's last

cohorts;as to the elephants; they were being hunted in the woods; he

was arming the foot…soldiers; the horses were on their way; and the

Numidian rolled his eyes like a woman and smiled in an irritating

manner as he stroked the ostrich feather which fell upon his shoulder。

In his presence Matho was at a loss for a reply。

But a man who was a stranger entered; wet with perspiration; scared;

and with bleeding feet and loosened girdle; his breathing shook his

lean sides enough to have burst them; and speaking in an

unintelligible dialect he opened his eyes wide as if he were telling

of some battle。 The king sprang outside and called his horsemen。

They ranged themselves in the plain before him in the form of a

circle。 Narr' Havas; who was mounted; bent his head and bit his lips。

At last he separated his men into two equal divisions; and told the

first to wait; then with an imperious gesture he carried off the

others at a gallop and disappeared on the horizon in the direction of

the mountains。

〃Master!〃 murmured Spendius; 〃I do not like these extraordinary

chancesthe Suffet returning; Narr' Havas going away〃

〃Why! what does it matter?〃 said Matho disdainfully。

It was a reason the more for anticipating Hamilcar by uniting with

Autaritus。 But if the siege of the towns were raised; the inhabitants

would come out and attack them in the rear; while they would have the

Carthaginians in front。 After much talking the following measures were

resolved upon and immediately executed。

Spendius proceeded with fifteen thousand men as far as the bridge

built across the Macaras; three miles from Utica; the corners of it

were fortified with four huge towers provided with catapults; all the

paths and gorges in the mountains were stopped up with trunks of

trees; pieces of rock; interlacings of thorn; and stone walls; on the

summits heaps of grass were made which might be lighted as signals;

and shepherds who were able to see at a distance were posted at


No doubt Hamilcar would not; like Hanno; advance by the mountain of

the Hot Springs。 He would think that Autaritus; being master of the

interior; would close the route against him。 Moreover; a check at the

opening of the campaign would ruin him; while if he gained a victory

he would soon have to make a fresh beginning; the Mercenaries being

further off。 Again; he could disembark at Cape Grapes and march thence

upon one of the towns。 But he would then find himself between the two

armies; an indiscretion which he could not commit with his scanty

forces。 Accordingly he must proceed along the bas
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