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direction of the kitchens; men were brisking up burning coals with

fans amid tattered garments and scattered hair; and a smell of burning

flesh was perceptible。 Those who were under the scourge; swooning; but

kept in their positions by the bonds on their arms; rolled their heads

upon their shoulders and closed their eyes。 The others who were

watching them began to shriek with terror; and the lions; remembering

the feast perhaps; stretched themselves out yawning against the edge

of the dens。

Then Salammbo was seen on the platform of her terrace。 She ran wildly

about it from left to right。 Hamilcar perceived her。 It seemed to him

that she was holding up her arms towards him to ask for pardon; with a

gesture of horror he plunged into the elephants' park。

These animals were the pride of the great Punic houses。 They had

carried their ancestors; had triumphed in the wars; and they were

reverenced as being the favourites of the Sun。

Those of Megara were the strongest in Carthage。 Before he went away

Hamilcar had required Abdalonim to swear that he would watch over

them。 But they had died from their mutilations; and only three

remained; lying in the middle of the court in the dust before the

ruins of their manger。

They recognised him and came up to him。 One had its ears horribly

slit; another had a large wound in its knee; while the trunk of the

third was cut off。

They looked sadly at him; like reasonable creatures; and the one that

had lost its trunk tried by stooping its huge head and bending its

hams to stroke him softly with the hideous extremity of its stump。

At this caress from the animal two tears started into his eyes。 He

rushed at Abdalonim。

〃Ah! wretch! the cross! the cross!〃

Abdalonim fell back swooning upon the ground。

The bark of a jackal rang from behind the purple factories; the blue

smoke of which was ascending slowly into the sky; Hamilcar paused。

The thought of his son had suddenly calmed him like the touch of a

god。 He caught a glimpse of a prolongation of his might; an indefinite

continuation of his personality; and the slaves could not understand

whence this appeasement had come upon him。

As he bent his steps towards the purple factories he passed before the

ergastulum; which was a long house of black stone built in a square

pit with a small pathway all round it and four staircases at the


Iddibal was doubtless waiting until the night to finish his signal。

〃There is no hurry yet;〃 thought Hamilcar; and he went down into the

prison。 Some cried out to him: 〃Return〃; the boldest followed him。

The open door was flapping in the wind。 The twilight entered through

the narrow loopholes; and in the interior broken chains could be

distinguished hanging from the walls。

This was all that remained of the captives of war!

Then Hamilcar grew extraordinarily pale; and those who were leaning

over the pit outside saw him resting one hand against the wall to keep

himself from falling。

But the jackal uttered its cry three times in succession。 Hamilcar

raised his head; he did not speak a word nor make a gesture。 Then when

the sun had completely set he disappeared behind the nopal hedge; and

in the evening he said as he entered the assembly of the rich in the

temple of Eschmoun:

〃Luminaries of the Baalim; I accept the command of the Punic forces

against the army of the Barbarians!〃



In the following day he drew two hundred and twenty…three thousand

kikars of gold from the Syssitia; and decreed a tax of fourteen

shekels upon the rich。 Even the women contributed; payment was made in

behalf of the children; and he compelled the colleges of priests to

furnish moneya monstrous thing; according to Carthaginian customs。

He demanded all the horses; mules; and arms。 A few tried to conceal

their wealth; and their property was sold; and; to intimidate the

avarice of the rest; he himself gave sixty suits of armour; and

fifteen hundred gomers of meal; which was as much as was given by the

Ivory Company。

He sent into Liguria to buy soldiers; three thousand mountaineers

accustomed to fight with bears; they were paid for six moons in

advance at the rate of four minae a day。

Nevertheless an army was wanted。 But he did not; like Hanno; accept

all the citizens。 First he rejected those engaged in sedentary

occupations; and then those who were big…bellied or had a

pusillanimous look; and he admitted those of ill…repute; the scum of

Malqua; sons of Barbarians; freed men。 For reward he promised some of

the New Carthaginians complete rights of citizenship。

His first care was to reform the Legion。 These handsome young fellows;

who regarded themselves as the military majesty of the Republic;

governed themselves。 He reduced their officers to the ranks; he

treated them harshly; made them run; leap; ascend the declivity of

Byrsa at a single burst; hurl javelins; wrestle together; and sleep in

the squares at night。 Their families used to come to see them and pity


He ordered shorter swords and stronger buskins。 He fixed the number of

serving…men; and reduced the amount of baggage; and as there were

three hundred Roman pila kept in the temple of Moloch; he took them in

spite of the pontiff's protests。

He organised a phalanx of seventy…two elephants with those which had

returned from Utica; and others which were private property; and

rendered them formidable。 He armed their drivers with mallet and

chisel to enable them to split their skulls in the fight if they ran


He would not allow his generals to be nominated by the Grand Council。

The Ancients tried to urge the laws in objection; but he set them

aside; no one ventured to murmur again; and everything yielded to the

violence of his genius。

He assumed sole charge of the war; the government; and the finances;

and as a precaution against accusations he demanded the Suffet Hanno

as examiner of his accounts。

He set to work upon the ramparts; and had the old and now useless

inner walls demolished in order to furnish stones。 But difference of

fortune; replacing the hierarchy of race; still kept the sons of the

vanquished and those of the conquerors apart; thus the patricians

viewed the destruction of these ruins with an angry eye; while the

plebeians; scarcely knowing why; rejoiced。

The troops defiled under arms through the streets from morning till

night; every moment the sound of trumpets was heard; chariots passed

bearing shields; tents; and pikes; the courts were full of women

engaged in tearing up linen; the enthusiasm spread from one to

another; and Hamilcar's soul filled the Republic。

He had divided his soldiers into even numbers; being careful to place

a strong man and a weak one alternately throughout the length of his

files; so that he who was less vigorous or more cowardly might be at

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