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The three captives were still before him。 Then a Negro (the same who

had carried his parasol in the battle) leaned over to his ear。

〃Well?〃 replied the Suffet slowly。 〃Ah! kill them!〃 he added in an

abrupt tone。

The Ethiopian drew a long dagger from his girdle and the three heads

fell。 One of them rebounded among the remains of the feast; and leaped

into the basin; where it floated for some time with open mouth and

staring eyes。 The morning light entered through the chinks in the

wall; the three bodies streamed with great bubbles like three

fountains; and a sheet of blood flowed over the mosaics with their

powdering of blue dust。 The Suffet dipped his hand into this hot mire

and rubbed his knees with it: it was a cure。

When evening had come he stole away from the town with his escort; and

made his way into the mountain to rejoin his army。

He succeeded in finding the remains of it。

Four days afterward he was on the top of a defile at Gorza; when the

troops under Spendius appeared below。 Twenty stout lances might easily

have checked them by attacking the head of their column; but the

Carthaginians watched them pass by in a state of stupefaction。 Hanno

recognised the king of the Numidians in the rearguard; Narr' Havas

bowed to him; at the same time making a sign which he did not


The return to Carthage took place amid all kinds of terrors。 They

marched only at night; hiding in the olive woods during the day。 There

were deaths at every halting…place; several times they believed

themselves lost。 At last they reached Cape Hermaeum; where vessels

came to receive them。

Hanno was so fatigued; so desperatethe loss of the elephants in

particular overwhelmed himthat he demanded poison from Demonades in

order to put an end to it all。 Moreover he could already feel himself

stretched upon the cross。

Carthage had not strength enough to be indignant with him。 Its losses

had amounted to one hundred thousand nine hundred and seventy…two

shekels of silver; fifteen thousand six hundred and twenty…three

shekels of gold; eighteen elephants; fourteen members of the Great

Council; three hundred of the rich; eight thousand citizens; corn

enough for three moons; a considerable quantity of baggage; and all

the engines of war! The defection of Narr' Havas was certain; and both

sieges were beginning again。 The army under Autaritus now extended

from Tunis to Rhades。 From the top of the Acropolis long columns of

smoke might be seen in the country ascending to the sky; they were the

mansions of the rich; which were on fire。

One man alone could have saved the Republic。 People repented that they

had slighted him; and the peace party itself voted holocausts for

Hamilcar's return。

The sight of the zaimph had upset Salammbo。 At night she thought that

she could hear the footsteps of the goddess; and she would awake

terrified and shrieking。 Every day she sent food to the temples。

Taanach was worn out with executing her orders; and Schahabarim never

left her。



The Announcer of the Moons; who watched on the summit of the temple of

Eschmoun every night in order to signal the disturbances of the planet

with his trumpet; one morning perceived towards the west something

like a bird skimming the surface of the sea with its long wings。

It was a ship with three tiers of oars and with a horse carved on the

prow。 The sun was rising; the Announcer of the Moons put up his hand

before his eyes; and then grasping his clarion with outstretched arms

sounded a loud brazen cry over Carthage。

People came out of every house; they would not believe what was said;

they disputed with one another; the mole was covered with people。 At

last they recognised Hamilcar's trireme。

It advanced in fierce and haughty fashion; cleaving the foam around

it; the lateen…yard quite square and the sail bulging down the whole

length of the mast; its gigantic oars kept time as they beat the

water; every now and then the extremity of the keel; which was shaped

like a plough…share; would appear; and the ivory…headed horse; rearing

both its feet beneath the spur which terminated the prow; would seem

to be speeding over the plains of the sea。

As it rounded the promontory the wind ceased; the sail fell; and a man

was seen standing bareheaded beside the pilot。 It was he; Hamilcar;

the Suffet! About his sides he wore gleaming sheets of steel; a red

cloak; fastened to his shoulders; left his arms visible; two pearls of

great length hung from his ears; and his black; bushy beard rested on

his breast。

The galley; however; tossing amid the rocks; was proceeding along the

side of the mole; and the crowd followed it on the flag…stones;


〃Greeting! blessing! Eye of Khamon! ah! deliver us! 'Tis the fault of

the rich! they want to put you to death! Take care of yourself;


He made no reply; as if the loud clamour of oceans and battles had

completely deafened him。 But when he was below the staircase leading

down from the Acropolis; Hamilcar raised his head; and looked with

folded arms upon the temple of Eschmoun。 His gaze mounted higher

still; to the great pure sky; he shouted an order in a harsh voice to

his sailors; the trireme leaped forward; it grazed the idol set up at

the corner of the mole to stay the storms; and in the merchant

harbour; which was full of filth; fragments of wood; and rinds of

fruit; it pushed aside and crushed against the other ships moored to

stakes and terminating in crocodiles' jaws。 The people hastened

thither; and some threw themselves into the water to swim to it。 It

was already at the very end before the gate which bristled with nails。

The gate rose; and the trireme disappeared beneath the deep arch。

The Military Harbour was completely separated from the town; when

ambassadors arrived; they had to proceed between two walls through a

passage which had its outlet on the left in front of the temple of

Khamon。 This great expanse of water was as round as a cup; and was

bordered with quays on which sheds were built for sheltering the

ships。 Before each of these rose two pillars bearing the horns of

Ammon on their capitals and forming continuous porticoes all round the

basin。 On an island in the centre stood a house for the marine Suffet。

The water was so limpid that the bottom was visible with its paving of

white pebbles。 The noise of the streets did not reach so far; and

Hamilcar as he passed recognised the triremes which he had formerly


Not more than twenty perhaps remained; under shelter on the land;

leaning over on their sides or standing upright on their keels; with

lofty poops and swelling prows; and covered with gildings and mystic

symbols。 The chimaeras had lost their wings; the Pataec Gods their

arms; the bulls their silver horns;and half…painted; motionless; and

rotten as they were; yet full of asso
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