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the other。 Spendius took care of his men; he dreamed of plans and

strove to recall the stratagems which he had heard described in his

travels。 But why did Narr' Havas not return? There was nothing but


Hanno had at last concluded his preparations。 One night when there was

no moon he transported his elephants and soldiers on rafts across the

Gulf of Carthage。 Then they wheeled round the mountain of the Hot

Springs so as to avoid Autaritus; and continued their march so slowly

that instead of surprising the Barbarians in the morning; as the

Suffet had calculated; they did not reach them until it was broad

daylight on the third day。

Utica had on the east a plain which extended to the large lagoon of

Carthage; behind it a valley ran at right angles between two low and

abruptly terminated mountains; the Barbarians were encamped further to

the left in such a way as to blockade the harbour; and they were

sleeping in their tents (for on that day both sides were too weary to

fight and were resting) when the Carthaginian army appeared at the

turning of the hills。

Some camp followers furnished with slings were stationed at intervals

on the wings。 The first line was formed of the guards of the Legion in

golden scale…armour; mounted on their big horses; which were without

mane; hair; or ears; and had silver horns in the middle of their

foreheads to make them look like rhinoceroses。 Between their squadrons

were youths wearing small helmets and swinging an ashen javelin in

each hand。 The long files of the heavy infantry marched behind。 All

these traders had piled as many weapons upon their bodies as possible。

Some might be seen carrying an axe; a lance; a club; and two swords

all at once; others bristled with darts like porcupines; and their

arms stood out from their cuirasses in sheets of horn or iron plates。

At last the scaffoldings of the lofty engines appeared: carrobalistas;

onagers; catapults and scorpions; rocking on chariots drawn by mules

and quadrigas of oxen; and in proportion as the army drew out; the

captains ran panting right and left to deliver commands; close up the

files; and preserve the intervals。 Such of the Ancients as held

commands had come in purple cassocks; the magnificent fringes of which

tangled in the white straps of their cothurni。 Their faces; which were

smeared all over with vermilion; shone beneath enormous helmets

surmounted with images of the gods; and; as they had shields with

ivory borders covered with precious stones; they might have been taken

for suns passing over walls of brass。

But the Carthaginians manoeuvred so clumsily that the soldiers in

derision urged them to sit down。 They called out that they were just

going to empty their big stomachs; to dust the gilding of their skin;

and to give them iron to drink。

A strip of green cloth appeared at the top of the pole planted before

Spendius's tent: it was the signal。 The Carthaginian army replied to

it with a great noise of trumpets; cymbals; flutes of asses' bones;

and tympanums。 The Barbarians had already leaped outside the

palisades; and were facing their enemies within a javelin's throw of


A Balearic slinger took a step forward; put one of his clay bullets

into his thong; and swung round his arm。 An ivory shield was shivered;

and the two armies mingled together。

The Greeks made the horses rear and fall back upon their masters by

pricking their nostrils with the points of their lances。 The slaves

who were to hurl stones had picked such as were too big; and they

accordingly fell close to them。 The Punic foot…soldiers exposed the

right side in cutting with their long swords。 The Barbarians broke

their lines; they slaughtered them freely; they stumbled over the

dying and dead; quite blinded by the blood that spurted into their

faces。 The confused heap of pikes; helmets; cuirasses and swords

turned round about; widening out and closing in with elastic

contractions。 The gaps increased more and more in the Carthaginian

cohorts; the engines could not get out of the sand; and finally the

Suffet's litter (his grand litter with crystal pendants); which from

the beginning might have been seen tossing among the soldiers like a

bark on the waves; suddenly foundered。 He was no doubt dead。 The

Barbarians found themselves alone。

The dust around them fell and they were beginning to sing; when Hanno

himself appeared on the top of an elephant。 He sat bare…headed beneath

a parasol of byssus which was carried by a Negro behind him。 His

necklace of blue plates flapped against the flowers on his black

tunic; his huge arms were compressed within circles of diamonds; and

with open mouth he brandished a pike of inordinate size; which spread

out at the end like a lotus; and flashed more than a mirror。

Immediately the earth shook;and the Barbarians saw all the elephants

of Carthage; with their gilt tusks and blue…painted ears; hastening up

in single line; clothed with bronze and shaking the leathern towers

which were placed above their scarlet caparisons; in each of which

were three archers bending large bows。

The soldiers were barely in possession of their arms; they had taken

up their positions at random。 They were frozen with terror; they stood


Javelins; arrows; phalaricas; and masses of lead were already being

showered down upon them from the towers。 Some clung to the fringes of

the caparisons in order to climb up; but their hands were struck off

with cutlasses and they fell backwards upon the swords' points。 The

pikes were too weak and broke; and the elephants passed through the

phalanxes like wild boars through tufts of grass; they plucked up the

stakes of the camp with their trunks; and traversed it from one end to

the other; overthrowing the tents with their breasts。 All the

Barbarians had fled。 They were hiding themselves in the hills

bordering the valley by which the Carthaginians had come。

The victorious Hanno presented himself before the gates of Utica。 He

had a trumpet sounded。 The three Judges of the town appeared in the

opening of the battlements on the summit of a tower。

But the people of Utica would not receive such well…armed guests。

Hanno was furious。 At last they consented to admit him with a feeble


The streets were too narrow for the elephants。 They had to be left


As soon as the Suffet was in the town the principal men came to greet

him。 He had himself taken to the vapour baths; and called for his


Three hours afterwards he was still immersed in the oil of cinnamomum

with which the basin had been filled; and while he bathed he ate

flamingoes' tongues with honied poppy…seeds on a spread ox…hide。

Beside him was his Greek physician; motionless; in a long yellow robe;

directing the re…heating of the bath from time to time; and two young

boys leaned over the steps of the basin and rubbed his legs。 But

attention to his body did not check
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