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whirling along; the palm trees would bend and the sky disappear; while

stones would be heard rebounding on the animals' cruppers; and the

Gaul; his lips glued against the holes in his tent; would gasp with

exhaustion and melancholy。 His thoughts would be of the scent of the

pastures on autumn mornings; of snowflakes; or of the bellowing of the

urus lost in the fog; and closing his eyelids he would in imagination

behold the fires in long; straw…roofed cottages flickering on the

marshes in the depths of the woods。

Others regretted their native lands as well as he; even though they

might not be so far away。 Indeed the Carthaginian captives could

distinguish the velaria spread over the courtyards of their houses;

beyond the gulf on the slopes of Byrsa。 But sentries marched round

them continually。 They were all fastened to a common chain。 Each one

wore an iron carcanet; and the crowd was never weary of coming to gaze

at them。 The women would show their little children the handsome robes

hanging in tatters on their wasted limbs。

Whenever Autaritus looked at Gisco he was seized with rage at the

recollection of the insult that he had received; and he would have

killed him but for the oath which he had taken to Narr' Havas。 Then he

would go back into his tent and drink a mixture of barley and cumin

until he swooned away from intoxication;to awake afterwards in broad

daylight consumed with horrible thirst。

Matho; meanwhile; was besieging Hippo…Zarytus。 But the town was

protected by a lake; communicating with the sea。 It had three lines of

circumvallation; and upon the heights which surrounded it there

extended a wall fortified with towers。 He had never commanded in such

an enterprise before。 Moreover; he was beset with thoughts of

Salammbo; and he raved in the delight of her beauty as in the

sweetness of a vengeance that transported him with pride。 He felt an

acrid; frenzied; permanent want to see her again。 He even thought of

presenting himself as the bearer of a flag of truce; in the hope that

once within Carthage he might make his way to her。 Often he would

cause the assault to be sounded and waiting for nothing rush upon the

mole which it was sought to construct in the sea。 He would snatch up

the stones with his hands; overturn; strike; and deal sword…thrusts

everywhere。 The Barbarians would dash on pell…mell; the ladders would

break with a loud crash; and masses of men would tumble into the

water; causing it to fly up in red waves against the walls。 Finally

the tumult would subside; and the soldiers would retire to make a

fresh beginning。

Matho would go and seat himself outside the tents; wipe his blood…

splashed face with his arm; and gaze at the horizon in the direction

of Carthage。

In front of him; among the olives; palms; myrtles and planes;

stretched two broad ponds which met another lake; the outlines of

which could not be seen。 Behind one mountain other mountains reared

themselves; and in the middle of the immense lake rose an island

perfectly black and pyramidal in form。 On the left; at the extremity

of the gulf; were sand…heaps like arrested waves; large and pale;

while the sea; flat as a pavement of lapis…lazuli; ascended by

insensible degrees to the edge of the sky。 The verdure of the country

was lost in places beneath long sheets of yellow; carobs were shining

like knobs of coral; vine branches drooped from the tops of the

sycamores; the murmuring of the water could be heard; crested larks

were hopping about; and the sun's latest fires gilded the carapaces of

the tortoises as they came forth from the reeds to inhale the breeze。

Matho would heave deep sighs。 He would lie flat on his face; with his

nails buried in the soil; and weep; he felt wretched; paltry;

forsaken。 Never would he possess her; and he was unable even to take a


At night when alone in his tent he would gaze upon the zaimph。 Of what

use to him was this thing which belonged to the gods?and doubt crept

into the Barbarian's thoughts。 Then; on the contrary; it would seem to

him that the vesture of the goddess was depending from Salammbo; and

that a portion of her soul hovered in it; subtler than a breath; and

he would feel it; breathe it in; bury his face in it; and kiss it with

sobs。 He would cover his shoulders with it in order to delude himself

that he was beside her。

Sometimes he would suddenly steal away; stride in the starlight over

the sleeping soldiers as they lay wrapped in their cloaks; spring

upon a horse on reaching the camp gates; and two hours later be at

Utica in Spendius's tent。

At first he would speak of the siege; but his coming was only to ease

his sorrow by talking about Salammbo。 Spendius exhorted him to be


〃Drive away these trifles from your soul; which is degraded by them!

Formerly you were used to obey; now you command an army; and if

Carthage is not conquered we shall at least be granted provinces。 We

shall become kings!〃

But how was it that the possession of the zaimph did not give them the

victory? According to Spendius they must wait。

Matho fancied that the veil affected people of Chanaanitish race

exclusively; and; in his Barbarian…like subtlety; he said to himself:

〃The zaimph will accordingly do nothing for me; but since they have

lost it; it will do nothing for them。〃

Afterwards a scruple troubled him。 He was afraid of offending Moloch

by worshipping Aptouknos; the god of the Libyans; and he timidly asked

Spendius to which of the gods it would be advisable to sacrifice a


〃Keep on sacrificing!〃 laughed Spendius。

Matho; who could not understand such indifference; suspected the Greek

of having a genius of whom he did not speak。

All modes of worship; as well as all races; were to be met with in

these armies of Barbarians; and consideration was had to the gods of

others; for they too; inspired fear。 Many mingled foreign practices

with their native religion。 It was to no purpose that they did not

adore the stars; if a constellation were fatal or helpful; sacrifices

were offered to it; an unknown amulet found by chance at a moment of

peril became a divinity; or it might be a name and nothing more; which

would be repeated without any attempt to understand its meaning。 But

after pillaging temples; and seeing numbers of nations and slaughters;

many ultimately ceased to believe in anything but destiny and death;

and every evening these would fall asleep with the placidity of wild

beasts。 Spendius had spit upon the images of Jupiter Olympius;

nevertheless he dreaded to speak aloud in the dark; nor did he fail

every day to put on his right boot first。

He reared a long quadrangular terrace in front of Utica; but in

proportion as it ascended the rampart was also heightened; and what

was thrown down by the one side was almost immediately raised again by

the other。 Spendius took care of his men; he dreamed of plans and

strove to recall t
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