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Then Matho turned in silence towards the Acropolis。

They crept along the nopal hedges which bordered the paths。 The water

trickled from their limbs upon the dust。 Their damp sandals made no

noise; Spendius; with eyes that flamed more than torches; searched the

bushes at every step;and he walked behind Matho with his hands

resting on the two daggers which he carried on his arms; and which

hung from below the armpit by a leathern band。



After leaving the gardens Matho and Spendius found themselves checked

by the rampart of Megara。 But they discovered a breach in the great

wall and passed through。

The ground sloped downwards; forming a kind of very broad valley。 It

was an exposed place。

〃Listen;〃 said Spendius; 〃and first of all fear nothing! I shall

fulfil my promise〃

He stopped abruptly; and seemed to reflect as though searching for

words;〃Do you remember that time at sunrise when I showed Carthage

to you on Salammbo's terrace? We were strong that day; but you would

listen to nothing!〃 Then in a grave voice: 〃Master; in the sanctuary

of Tanith there is a mysterious veil; which fell from heaven and which

covers the goddess。〃

〃I know;〃 said Matho。

Spendius resumed: 〃It is itself divine; for it forms part of her。 The

gods reside where their images are。 It is because Carthage possesses

it that Carthage is powerful。〃 Then leaning over to his ear: 〃I have

brought you with me to carry it off!〃

Matho recoiled in horror。 〃Begone! look for some one else! I will not

help you in this execrable crime!〃

〃But Tanith is your enemy;〃 retorted Spendius; 〃she is persecuting you

and you are dying through her wrath。 You will be revenged upon her。

She will obey you; and you will become almost immortal and


Matho bent his head。 Spendius continued:

〃We should succumb; the army would be annihilated of itself。 We have

neither flight; nor succour; nor pardon to hope for! What chastisement

from the gods can you be afraid of since you will have their power in

your own hands? Would you rather die on the evening of a defeat; in

misery beneath the shelter of a bush; or amid the outrages of the

populace and the flames of funeral piles? Master; one day you will

enter Carthage among the colleges of the pontiffs; who will kiss your

sandals; and if the veil of Tanith weighs upon you still; you will

reinstate it in its temple。 Follow me! come and take it。〃

Matho was consumed by a terrible longing。 He would have liked to

possess the veil while refraining from the sacrilege。 He said to

himself that perhaps it would not be necessary to take it in order to

monopolise its virtue。 He did not go to the bottom of his thought but

stopped at the boundary; where it terrified him。

〃Come on!〃 he said; and they went off with rapid strides; side by

side; and without speaking。

The ground rose again; and the dwellings were near。 They turned again

into the narrow streets amid the darkness。 The strips of esparto…grass

with which the doors were closed; beat against the walls。 Some camels

were ruminating in a square before heaps of cut grass。 Then they

passed beneath a gallery covered with foliage。 A pack of dogs were

barking。 But suddenly the space grew wider and they recognised the

western face of the Acropolis。 At the foot of Byrsa there stretched a

long black mass: it was the temple of Tanith; a whole made up of

monuments and galleries; courts and fore…courts; and bounded by a low

wall of dry stones。 Spendius and Matho leaped over it。

This first barrier enclosed a wood of plane…trees as a precaution

against plague and infection in the air。 Tents were scattered here and

there; in which; during the daytime; depilatory pastes; perfumes;

garments; moon…shaped cakes; and images of the goddess with

representations of the temple hollowed out in blocks of alabaster;

were on sale。

They had nothing to fear; for on nights when the planet did not

appear; all rites were suspended; nevertheless Matho slackened his

speed; and stopped before the three ebony steps leading to the second


〃Forward!〃 said Spendius。

Pomegranate; almond trees; cypresses and myrtles alternated in regular

succession; the path; which was paved with blue pebbles; creaked

beneath their footsteps; and full…blown roses formed a hanging bower

over the whole length of the avenue。 They arrived before an oval hole

protected by a grating。 Then Matho; who was frightened by the silence;

said to Spendius:

〃It is here that they mix the fresh water and the bitter。〃

〃I have seen all that;〃 returned the former slave; 〃in Syria; in the

town of Maphug〃; and they ascended into the third enclosure by a

staircase of six silver steps。

A huge cedar occupied the centre。 Its lowest branches were hidden

beneath scraps of material and necklaces hung upon them by the

faithful。 They walked a few steps further on; and the front of the

temple was displayed before them。

Two long porticoes; with their architraves resting on dumpy pillars;

flanked a quadrangular tower; the platform of which was adorned with

the crescent of a moon。 On the angles of the porticoes and at the four

corners of the tower stood vases filled with kindled aromatics。 The

capitals were laden with pomegranates and coloquintidas。 Twining

knots; lozenges; and rows of pearls alternated on the walls; and a

hedge of silver filigree formed a wide semicircle in front of the

brass staircase which led down from the vestibule。

There was a cone of stone at the entrance between a stela of gold and

one of emerald; and Matho kissed his right hand as he passed beside


The first room was very lofty; its vaulted roof was pierced by

numberless apertures; and if the head were raised the stars might be

seen。 All round the wall rush baskets were heaped up with the first

fruits of adolescence in the shape of beards and curls of hair; and in

the centre of the circular apartment the body of a woman issued from a

sheath which was covered with breasts。 Fat; bearded; and with eyelids

downcast; she looked as though she were smiling; while her hands were

crossed upon the lower part of her big body; which was polished by the

kisses of the crowd。

Then they found themselves again in the open air in a transverse

corridor; wherein there was an altar of small dimensions leaning

against an ivory door。 There was no further passage; the priests alone

could open it; for the temple was not a place of meeting for the

multitude; but the private abode of a divinity。

〃The enterprise is impossible;〃 said Matho。 〃You had not thought of

this! Let us go back!〃 Spendius was examining the walls。

He wanted the veil; not because he had confidence in its virtue

(Spendius believed only in the Oracle); but because he was persuaded

that the Carthaginians would be greatly dismayed on seeing themselves

deprived of it。 They walked all round 
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