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Hamilcar's palace; put questions to him; but was repelled by the

slaves; and disappeared swearing he would be revenged。

The demands and complaints multiplied。 The most obstinate penetrated

at night into the Suffet's tent; they took his hands and sought to

move him by making him feel their toothless mouths; their wasted arms;

and the scars of their wounds。 Those who had not yet been paid were

growing angry; those who had received the money demanded more for

their horses; and vagabonds and outlaws assumed soldiers' arms and

declared that they were being forgotten。 Every minute there arrived

whirlwinds of men; as it were; the tents strained and fell; the

multitude; thick pressed between the ramparts of the camp; swayed with

loud shouts from the gates to the centre。 When the tumult grew

excessively violent Gisco would rest one elbow on his ivory sceptre

and stand motionless looking at the sea with his fingers buried in his


Matho frequently went off to speak with Spendius; then he would again

place himself in front of the Suffet; and Gisco could feel his eyes

continually like two flaming phalaricas darted against him。 Several

times they hurled reproaches at each other over the heads of the

crowd; but without making themselves heard。 The distribution;

meanwhile; continued; and the Suffet found expedients to remove every


The Greeks tried to quibble about differences in currency; but he

furnished them with such explanations that they retired without a

murmur。 The Negroes demanded white shells such as are used for trading

in the interior of Africa; but when he offered to send to Carthage for

them they accepted money like the rest。

But the Balearians had been promised something better; namely; women。

The Suffet replied that a whole caravan of maidens was expected for

them; but the journey was long and would require six moons more。 When

they were fat and well rubbed with benjamin they should be sent in

ships to the ports of the Balearians。

Suddenly Zarxas; now handsome and vigorous; leaped like a mountebank

upon the shoulders of his friends and cried:

〃Have you reserved any of them for the corpses?〃 at the same time

pointing to the gate of Khamon in Carthage。

The brass plates with which it was furnished from top to bottom shone

in the sun's latest fires; and the Barbarians believed that they could

discern on it a trail of blood。 Every time that Gisco wished to speak

their shouts began again。 At last he descended with measured steps;

and shut himself up in his tent。

When he left it at sunrise his interpreters; who used to sleep

outside; did not stir; they lay on their backs with their eyes fixed;

their tongues between their teeth; and their faces of a bluish colour。

White mucus flowed from their nostrils; and their limbs were stiff; as

if they had all been frozen by the cold during the night。 Each had a

little noose of rushes round his neck。

From that time onward the rebellion was unchecked。 The murder of the

Balearians which had been recalled by Zarxas strengthened the distrust

inspired by Spendius。 They imagined that the Republic was always

trying to deceive them。 An end must be put to it! The interpreters

should be dispensed with! Zarxas sang war songs with a sling around

his head; Autaritus brandished his great sword; Spendius whispered a

word to one or gave a dagger to another。 The boldest endeavoured to

pay themselves; while those who were less frenzied wished to have the

distribution continued。 No one now relinquished his arms; and the

anger of all combined into a tumultuous hatred of Gisco。

Some got up beside him。 So long as they vociferated abuse they were

listened to with patience; but if they tried to utter the least word

in his behalf they were immediately stoned; or their heads were cut

off by a sabre…stroke from behind。 The heap of knapsacks was redder

than an altar。

They became terrible after their meal and when they had drunk wine!

This was an enjoyment forbidden in the Punic armies under pain of

death; and they raised their cups in the direction of Carthage in

derision of its discipline。 Then they returned to the slaves of the

exchequer and again began to kill。 The word 〃strike;〃 though different

in each language; was understood by all。

Gisco was well aware that he was being abandoned by his country; but

in spite of its ingratitude he would not dishonour it。 When they

reminded him that they had been promised ships; he swore by Moloch to

provide them himself at his own expense; and pulling off his necklace

of blue stones he threw it into the crowd as the pledge of his oath。

Then the Africans claimed the corn in accordance with the engagements

made by the Great Council。 Gisco spread out the accounts of the

Syssitia traced in violet pigment on sheep skins; and read out all

that had entered Carthage month by month and day by day。

Suddenly he stopped with gaping eyes; as if he had just discovered his

sentence of death among the figures。

The Ancients had; in fact; fraudulently reduced them; and the corn

sold during the most calamitous period of the war was set down at so

low a rate that; blindness apart; it was impossible to believe it。

〃Speak!〃 they shouted。 〃Louder! Ah! he is trying to lie; the coward!

Don't trust him。〃

For some time he hesitated。 At last he resumed his task。

The soldiers; without suspecting that they were being deceived;

accepted the accounts of the Syssitia as true。 But the abundance that

had prevailed at Carthage made them furiously jealous。 They broke open

the sycamore chest; it was three parts empty。 They had seen such sums

coming out of it; that they thought it inexhaustible; Gisco must have

buried some in his tent。 They scaled the knapsacks。 Matho led them;

and as they shouted 〃The money! the money!〃 Gisco at last replied:

〃Let your general give it to you!〃

He looked them in the face without speaking; with his great yellow

eyes; and his long face that was paler than his beard。 An arrow; held

by its feathers; hung from the large gold ring in his ear; and a

stream of blood was trickling from his tiara upon his shoulder。

At a gesture from Matho all advanced。 Gisco held out his arms;

Spendius tied his wrists with a slip knot; another knocked him down;

and he disappeared amid the disorder of the crowd which was stumbling

over the knapsacks。

They sacked his tent。 Nothing was found in it except things

indispensable to life; and; on a closer search; three images of

Tanith; and; wrapped up in an ape's skin; a black stone which had

fallen from the moon。 Many Carthaginians had chosen to accompany him;

they were eminent men; and all belonged to the war party。

They were dragged outside the tents and thrown into the pit used for

the reception of filth。 They were tied with iron chains around the

body to solid stakes; and were offered food at the point of the


Autaritus overwhe
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