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  Jimmy: If you want to see LA; just ask me。
  Mr。 Park: Of course we want to see Los Angeles; but how can you help us?
  Jimmy: Uncle; I am eighteen。 I can drive a car。
  Mr。 Park: Really? Are you a good driver?
  Mrs。 Kim: Jimmy is a very good and very safe driver。
  Su…mi (Sue): Yeah; Dad。 Let's go with Jimmy oppa and see LA。
  Jimmy: Sue; you don't have to call me oppa at America。 You can just call me Jimmy。 Let'sgo!
  (They get in the car and begin to drive。)
  Mr。 Park: Where are we going first?
  Jimmy: First; we'll go to the ocean。 The ocean and the beaches here are very famous。
  Mr。 Park: That will be very nice。 I love the ocean。
  Su…mi (Sue): Where will we go after that?
  Jimmy: After that; we can go the Hollywood。
  Su…mi (Sue): Cool! Hollywood。 Will we see some movie stars?
  Jimmy: No。 But we will see some movie studios。
  Mr。 Park: What are movie studios?
  Su…mi (Sue): Dad; Movie studios are where movies are made。
  Mr。 Park: How did you know that?
  Jimmy: Yeah; Sue。 How did you know that?
  Su…mi (Sue): I saw it on the internet。 Before ing to LA; I looked on the internet forinformation。
  Jimmy: Do you have the internet in Korea; too?
  Su…mi (Sue): Of course we do。 The internet and puters are very popular in Korea。
  Mr。 Park: Yes。 Even I learned how to use E…mail last year。
  Jimmy: Really? How did you learn?
  Mr。 Park: Sue taught me。
  Jimmy: And how did Sue learn?
  Su…mi (Sue): All young people in Korea know about puters。 We learn about them inschool。
  Mr。 Park: That is enough about the puters。 Let's go to the beach。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 11: Meeting Jimmy's Friend
  (Su…mi's cousin Jimmy takes her to meet his friend Tommy。)
  Jimmy: Sue; this is my friend Tommy。 He is my best friend。
  Su…mi (Sue): Hello; Tommy。 It is very nice to meet you。
  Tommy: Hi; good to meet you; too。
  Jimmy: Sue just e here from Korea。 She is going to stay (here) for one week。
  Tommy: From Korea? Cool! Where is Korea? Is it in China?
  Su…mi (Sue): No。 Korea is not in China。 Korea is between China and Japan。
  Tommy: Oh; sorry。 But you speak Chinese; right?
  Su…mi (Sue): No; of course not。 I speak Korean。
  Tommy:  Really?  I  didn't  know  that。  In  America;  we  don't  have  many  chances  to  learnabout Korea。 Can you tell me some more things about your country?
  Su…mi (Sue): Of course。 Ask anything you want; and I will try to answers as well as I can。
  Tommy: Well; what do you eat in Korea?
  Su…mi (Sue): We eat a lot of rice and kimchi。
  Tommy: Kimchi? Isn't that really hot and spicy?
  Su…mi (Sue): Yes; sometimes。 But there are many kinds of kimchi。
  Tommy:  Really?  I  didn't  know  that。  But  if  you  eat  only  rice  and  kimchi;  don't  you  getbored?
  Su…mi (Sue): That is not all we eat。 There are hundreds of kinds of Korean food。 We eatall  kinds  of  meat;  fish  and  vegetables。  And  these  days;  young  people  also  eat  pizza;hamburgers and spaghetti。 Seoul is being a very international city。
  Tommy: Wow; I didn't know that。 It's Seoul a big city?
  Su…mi (Sue): It's very big。 About fourteen million people live there。
  Tommy: Fourteen million? That's bigger than LA!
  Su…mi (Sue): Yes; you should e with Jimmy to visit Korea。
  Jimmy: Yeah; let's go to Seoul next summer。
  Tommy: I would like that very much。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 12: Going to San Francisco
  (The next day; Mr。 Park and Su…mi take an airplane to San Francisco。)
  Su…mi (Sue): Dad; I'm really tired。 I don't want to fly again。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Sue; don't worry。 This flight is only one hour; not ten。
  Su…mi (Sue): Oh; that's different。 One hour is easy。
  (One hour later; they arrive in San Francisco。 They leave the airport and catch a taxi。)
  A man (Taxi driver): Where to?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Excuse me?
  A man (Taxi driver): Where do you want to go?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Oh; we are going to the Marriott Hotel。
  A man (Taxi driver): Okay; the Marriott Hotel。 Are you here for business?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): No; my daughter and I are here for sightseeing。
  A man (Taxi driver): Well; San Francisco is a wonderful city。 What are you going to see?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): I don't know。 Are you from San Francisco?
  A man (Taxi driver): Yes。 I was born and raised here。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Well; what do you think we should see?
  A man (Taxi driver): How long will you be here?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): We will only be here for one day。
  A man (Taxi driver): Oh; that's not much time。 If you only have one day; you should seethe Golden Gate Bridge and Golden Gate Park。
  Su…mi (Sue): Yeah; I learned about the Golden Gate Bridge in school。 I really want to seeit。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Okay; where else should we visit?
  A man (Taxi driver): You should also visit Chinatown。 It is very old and had many goodplaces to eat。
  Su…mi (Sue): I love Chinese food。 My favorite is Tangsuyuk。
  A man (Taxi driver): What is that? I've never heard of it before?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Oh; that is the Korean name for sweet and sour pork。
  A man (Taxi driver): Sweet and sour pork? That's my favorite; too。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Okay; why don't we go to Chinatown first? We can eat lunch there; andthen go to see the Golden Gate Bridge。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): I know a very good restaurant。 Do you want me to take you there?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Yes; please。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 13: Visiting the Grand Canyon
  (Mr。 Park and Su…mi finish their trip to San Francisco。 The next day; they fly to the GrandCanyon。)
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Today; we're flying to the Grand Canyon。
  Su…mi (Sue): Will it only take one hour?
  Mr。 Park (Dad): No; it will take about two hours。
  Su…mi (Sue): That's still a lot better than ten hours。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Yes; it is。 And if we drove there in a car; it would be take almost thirteenhours。
  Su…mi (Sue): Thirteen hours! I could never do that。 I'm glad we are flying there。
  (Mr。 Park and Su…mi arrive at the airport and then take a bus to the Grand Canyon。)
  Mr。 Park (Dad): There it is; the Grand Canyon。 What do you think?
  Su…mi (Sue): It's so big。 I can't believe it。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Yes; we saw pictures of it; but it is too big for a picture。
  Su…mi (Sue): Who made it?
  Mr。  Park  (Dad):  Not  'who';  but  'what'。  What  made  the  Grand Canyon  was  the  (a)  river。Can you see that water at the bottom of the Canyon?
  Su…mi (Sue): Yes; I see it。
  Mr。  Park  (Dad):  Well;  that's  the  Colorado  River。  That  river  flowed  for  many  tens  of
  thousands of years until it made this canyon。
  Su…mi (Sue): Wow; but water looks so weak。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): I know; but water is very strong。
  Su…mi (Sue): This is a great vacation; Dad。 I'm learning a lot of English and also aboutnature history。
  Mr。 Park (Dad): Yes; that is why travelling can be an important part of studying。
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