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  Mother: Good night; Robert。 Good night; Sam。
  (Sam and Robert go into their room。)
  Sam: Robert; let's play games。
  Robert: No! I want to learn about foreign countries like Samoa and Korea。
  Sam: What! Are you crazy? Okay; let's talk to girls in a chat room。
  Robert:  No!  I  want  to  study。  Sam;  the  internet  isn't  only  for  games  and  girls。  It's  forlearning; too。
  Sam: I know that! But girls and games are more fun than studying。
  Robert: I know。
  Sam:  No;  you  don't。  How  would  you  know  anything  about  girls?  You've  never  had  agirlfriend。
  Robert: Yes; I have。 I had a girlfriend now。
  Sam: Really?
  Robert: Yes; her name's Michelle; and she's ing here for dinner on Sunday。
  Sam: First; let's play a few games and then let's talk about your girlfriend。
  Robert: Okay; but you have to promise that you'll talk to me when we finish the games。
  Sam: I promise!
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 21 Talking to Older Brother
  (Sam and Robert finish using the internet and begin to talk。)
  Robert: Sam; I really like this girl Michelle; what should I do?
  Sam: Don't tell her you like her。 If you tell the girl you like her; then she won't like you。And don't nice to her。 If you too nice to her; then she won't like you either。
  Robert: But I like her; how could I be mean to her?
  Sam: You don't have to mean to her。 Just don't be nice either。
  Robert: But if I'm not nice to her; she might like another boy。
  Sam: You don't know anything about girls。 She will like you even if you not always niceto her。
  Robert: But I was going to buy her some flowers tomorrow。 Should I not?
  Sam:  No;  that's  fine。  You  should  buy  her  flowers  tomorrow;  just  don't  buy  her  flowersevery day。
  Robert: Don't worry。 I don't have enough money to buy her flowers everyday。
  Sam: Well; even if you had all the money in the world; it's not a good idea to be too niceto girls。 If you ask Dad; he'll tell you the same thing。
  Robert: Um; so; what should I do tomorrow?
  Sam: Buy her the flowers; but then don't talk to her too much。
  Robert: Can I talk to her after school?
  Sam: Sure; but not before that。
  Robert: Okay。 I'll give her the flowers in the morning and then talk to her after practice。
  (Sam begins to yawn。)
  Sam: O。。。
  Robert: Sam; are you tired?
  Sam: Yea; let's go to bed。
  Robert: Okay; good night。 See you tomorrow。
  Sam: Good night。
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