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  Mrs。 Cho: This is she。 May I ask who is calling?
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; it's Mrs。 Lee; Michael's mother。
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh; Hello! How are you?
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm fine; thank you。 How have you been?
  Mrs。 Cho: Fine; thank you。 May I ask you a question?
  Mrs。 Lee: Of course。
  Mrs。 Cho: Why are we speaking in English?
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; yes。 I am trying to teach English to Michael by speaking only English tohim。  Then  I  remembered  that  you  majored  in  English  literature  in  college;  so  I  waswondering if you would help me。
  Mrs。 Cho: I would be happy to help you。 But I graduated from college fifteen years ago。My English is not very fluent。
  Mrs。 Lee: Then it will be good practice for you; too。
  Mrs。  Cho:  That's  true。  And  it  would be  great  for Andy。  He  really  wants  to improve  hisEnglish。
  Mrs。 Lee: I am so happy。 Thank you so much。
  Mrs。 Cho: You are very wele。
  Mrs。 Lee: By the way; what are you doing this afternoon?
  Mrs。 Cho: I have no plans。 Why?
  Mrs。 Lee: Well; I'm going to go to the supermarket。 Would you like to go with me?
  Mrs。 Cho: Yes。 That would be great。 I need to go grocery with shopping; too。
  Mrs。 Lee: I will drive my car。 What time should I pick you up?
  Mrs。 Cho: How is two o'clock?
  Mrs。 Lee: Perfect; I'll see you then。
  Mrs。 Cho: Okay; see you then。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 6 Grocery Shopping
  (Mrs。   Lee   drives   her   car   to   Mrs。   Cho's   house。   Then   they   drive   together   to   thesupermarket。 )
  Mrs。 Lee: Sorry; I'm late。
  Mrs。 Cho: That's Okay。 It's only two ten。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; but it's cold outside。 I'm sorry。
  Mrs。 Cho: No; really; it is no problem。 Where are we going grocery shopping?
  Mrs。 Lee: Let's go to the LG Supermarket。
  Mrs。 Cho: I've never been there。 How is it?
  Mrs。 Lee: It's very nice。 The prices and services are very good。
  (They arive at the LG Surpermarket; park the car and go inside。)
  Mrs。 Cho: Wow; this is really nice。 They have everything。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; they do have the very good selection。 What do you need to buy today?
  Mrs。 Cho: Today I need to buy vegetables。
  Mrs。 Lee: What vegetables are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Cho: I'm going to buy lettuce; mushrooms; tomatoes; potatoes; onions and garlic。
  Mrs。 Lee: But tomato is not a fruit; it's a vegetable。
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh! Really? I didn't know that。 What are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Lee: My husband really likes meat。 So I have to buy a lot of meat。
  Mrs。 Cho: What kind of meat are you going to buy?
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm going to buy pork ribs; beef steaks and chicken breasts。
  Mrs。 Cho: What about fish?
  Mrs。 Lee: Oh; I almost forgot。 I'm also going to buy some shrimp; crab and tuna。
  Mrs。 Cho: That's a lot of meat and a lot of seafood。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; but my family eats a lot。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 7 At Cafe
  (Mrs。 Lee and Mrs。 Cho finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk somemore。)
  Mrs。 Lee: Going to a cafe was a great idea。 I have almost no time to rest during a day。
  Mrs。 Cho: I understand how you feel。 That is why I go to a cafe for one hour every day。 Itgives me a chance to rest; to think; and sometimes; to talk。
  Mrs。 Lee: Yes; I think resting and talking are both very important。 Especially when youare always busy。
  Mrs。 Cho: Why don't we order first?
  Mrs。 Lee: That's a good idea。 Let's order。 Waiter!
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh; excuse me。
  (Waiter): Yes。 May I take your order?
  Mrs。 Cho: Yes; I would like an espresso; please。
  Mrs。 Lee: I am coffee。
  Mrs。 Cho: Oh; that's a Korean expression。 You should say; 〃I'll have a coffee。〃
  Mrs。 Lee: Ah; thank you。 I didn't know that。 I'll have a coffee; please。
  (Waiter): One espresso and one coffee; would you like anything else?
  Mrs。 Cho: No; thank you。
  Mrs。 Lee: Um。。。 actually; could I also have a piece of cake?
  (Waiter): Of couse。 I'll get that for you now。
  Mrs。 Cho: I like cake; too。 But I'm on a diet。
  Mrs。 Lee: Why? You're so thin。
  Mrs。 Cho: My husband says I need to lose weight。
  Mrs。 Lee: That's funny。
  Mrs。 Cho: Why?
  Mrs。 Lee: Because my husband always says I need to gain weight。 He thinks I'm skinny。
  Mrs。 Cho: Ha。。。
  Mrs。 Lee: Ha。。。
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 8 Lunch at School
  (Back at school; Michael and Andy are eating lunch together。)
  Andy: Michael; did you speak English in your classes?
  Michael: I tried to; but some of teachers wouldn't let me。
  Andy:  Me  too。  When  I  spoke  English  at  my  Korean  language  class;  the  teacher  hit  myhands with a stick。
  Michael: Yeah; that happened to me; too。 But it was my math teacher who hit me。 He said;〃When we've in Korea and we should speak only Korean。〃
  Andy: Really? I didn't think anyone still thought like that。
  Michael: I know; but they do。 There are still many people who think that Koreans can'tspeak English well。 But I think if you practice; you can speak English very well。
  Andy: I think you are right。
  Michael: Of couse; I am。 I am very smart。
  Andy: Ha。。。
  Michael: Ha。。。
  Andy: I know; but I'm even smarter。
  Michael: Do you think so?
  Andy: Yes; I do。 Why? Don't you agree with me?
  Michael: No; I think I am smarter than you。 Why don't we make a bet?
  Andy: Okay。 What is the bet?
  Michael: Ten thousand won。
  Andy: Okay。 How will we know who is smarter?
  Michael: Let's see who gets a higher score on the next English test。
  Andy: It's a bet!千万别学英语初学版 1B
  Situation 9 Back at Home
  (Michael goes home and talks to his mother about school。)
  Michael: Mom; I had a great day at school。
  Mrs。 Lee: Really? You usually hate school。
  Michael: I know; but today was different。
  Mrs。 Lee: Why? Why was so different about it?
  Michael: Today; I spoke only English and I had a lot of fun。
  Mrs。 Lee: Did your teachers understand?
  Michael: Yes; they all understood。 Well; actually; one got mad and hit me。
  Mrs。 Lee: Who was it? I will talk to him。
  Michael: No; don't worry about it。 He only hit my hands。
  Mrs。 Lee: All right; if you say so。 But it still makes me mad。 By the way; who did youspeak English with?
  Michael: I spoke English with Andy。 Do you remember him?
  Mrs。 Lee: Of course; I remember him。 That is so funny。
  Michael: Why is it funny?
  Mrs。 Lee: Because I met Andy's mother today; and we decided to speak English; too。
  Michael:  Really?  But  Andy's  mother  was  an  English  major  in  college。  Can  you  speakeEnglish with her?
  Mrs。 Lee: Why not? Even if her English is better than mine; I can still practice。
  Michael: That's true。 Wow; Mom。 You are really smart。
  Mrs。  Lee:  No;  I'm  not  smart。  But  I  have  lived  a  long  time;  so  I  understand  life  a  littlebetter than you。 That's all。
  Michael: Anyway; I always learn a lot from you。
  Mrs。 Lee: I'm happy to hear 
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