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the greatness of cities-第14部分

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 and some with ivory; and chequered some with gold and some with silver; of the incomparable riches that come in thither and are carried out continually; to be short; of the delights and pleasures whereof this city doth so exceedingly abound as it deserves to be called proud Suntien。 And yet the other two cites Panchin and Anchin are never a whit less than this is。     But forasmuch as we have made mention of China; I think it not amiss in this place to remember the greatness of some other of her cities; according to the relations we receive in these days。 Canton; then (which is the most known; though not the greatest) the Portuguese that have had much commerce thither these many years confess it is greater than Lisbon; which yet is the greatest city that is in Europe except Constantinople and Paris。 Sanchieo is said to be three times greater than Seville; so that since Seville is six miles in compass Sanchieo must needs be eighteen miles about。 They also say Huchou exceeds them both in greatness。 Chinchew; although it be of the meaner sort; the Fathers of the Order of St。 Augustine who saw it do judge that city to contain threescore and ten thousand houses。     These things I here deliver ought to be not thought by any man to be incredible。 For (besides that Marco Polo in his relations affirmeth far greater things) these things I speak are in these days approved to be most true by the intelligences we do receive continually both of secular and religious persons; as also by all the nation of the Portuguese。 So as he that will deny it shall show himself a fool。 But for the satisfaction of the reader I will not spare to search out the very reasons how it comes to pass that China is so populous and full of such admirable cities。     Let us then suppose that either by the goodness of the heavens or by the secret influence of the stars to us unknown; or for some other reasons else whatsoever they be; that part of the world that is oriental unto us hath more virtue; I know not what; in the producing of things than the West。 Hereof it proceedeth that a number of excellent things grow in these happy counties of which others are utterly destitute and void; as cinnamon; nutmegs; cloves; pepper; camphor; sandalwood; incense; aloes; the Indian nuts; and such other like。 Moreover the things that are common unto both; to the East; I say; and the West; they are generally much more perfect in the East than the West; as for proof thereof; the pearls of the West in comparison of the East are as it were lead to silver。 And likewise the bezoar that is brought from the Indies is a great deal better far than the bezoar that comes from Peru。     Now China comes the nearest to the East of any part of the world; and therefore doth she enjoy all those perfections that are attributed to the East。 And first the air (which of all things importeth to the life of man so much as nothing more) is very temperate; whereunto the nearness of the sea addeth a great help; which embraceth; as it were; with arms cast abroad a great part thereof; and looks it in the face with a cheerful aspect; and with a thousand creeks and gulfs penetrateth far within the very province。     Next; that the country is for the most part very plain and of nature very apt to produce not only things necessary for the use and sustenance of the life of man but also all sorts of dainty thing for man's delight and pleasure。 The hills and mountains are perpetually arrayed with trees of all sorts; some wild and some fruitful; the plains manured; tilled and sown with rice; barley; wheat; peas and beans; the gardens; besides our common sorts of fruits; do yield most sweet melons; most delicate plums; most excellent figs; pomecitrons and oranges of divers forms and excellent taste。     They have also an herb out of which they press a delicate juice which serves them for drink instead of wine。 It also preserves their health and frees them from all those evils that the immoderate use of wine doth breed unto us。     They also abound in cattle; in sheep; in fowl; in deer; in wool; in rich skins; cotton; linen; and in infinite store of silk。 There are mines of gold and silver and of excellent iron。 There are most precious pearls。 There is abundance of sugar; honey; rhubarb; camphor; red lead; woad; musk and aloes; and the porcelain earth is known nowhere but there。     More than this; the rivers and the waters of all sorts run gallantly through all those counties with an unspeakable profit and commodity for navigation and tillage。 And the waters are as plentiful of fish as the land is of fruits; for the rivers and the seas yield thereof an infinite abundance。     Unto this so great a fertility and yield both of the land and water there is joined an incredible culture of both these elements。 And that proceedeth out of two causes; whereof the one dependeth upon the inestimable multitude of the inhabitants (for it is thought that China doth contain more than threescore millions of souls) and the other consisteth in the extreme diligence and pains that is taken as well of private persons in the tillage of their grounds and well husbanding their farms; as also the magistrates that suffer not a man to lead an idle life at home。 So that there is not a little scrap of ground that is not husbandly and very well manured。     Now for their mechanical arts; should I commit them here to silence whenas there is not a country in the world where they do more flourish both for variety and for excellence of skill and workmanship? Which proceedeth also out of two causes; whereof the one I have commended before; in that idleness is everywhere forbidden there; and every man compelled to work; no man suffered to be idle; no; not the blind nor the lame nor the maimed; if they be not altogether impotent and weak。 And the women also; by a law of Wu…ti King of China; are bound to exercise their father' s trades and arts; and how noble or great soever they be they must at least attend their distaff and their needle。 The other cause is that the sons must of necessity follow their father's mysteries; so that hereupon it comes that artificers are infinite and that children as well boys as girls; even in their infancy; can skill to work; and that arts are brought unto most excellent and high perfection。     They suffer not anything to go to loss。 With the dung of the bulls and oxen and other cattle they use to feed fish; and of the bones of dogs and other beasts they make many and divers carved and engraven works; as we do make of ivory。 Of rags and clouts they make paper; to be short; such is the plenty and variety of the fruits of the earth and of man's industry and labour; as they have no need of foreign help to bring them anything。 For they give away a great quantity of their own to foreign countries。 And (to speak of no things else) the quantity of silk that is carried out of China is almost not credible。 A thousand quintals of silk are yearly carried thence for the Portuguese Indies; for the Philippines they lade out fifteen ships。 There are carried out to Japan an inestimable sum; and unto Cathay as great a quantity as you may guess by that we have before declared is yearly carried thence to Cambaluc。 And they sell their works an
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