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Taggart took a double quantity of snuff。


Francis Ardry … That won't do; sir … Observe my gestures … I think 

you improve … Better than politics … Delightful young Frenchwoman … 

A burning shame … Magnificent impudence … Paunch … Voltaire … Lump 

of sugar。

OCCASIONALLY I called on Francis Ardry。  This young gentleman 

resided in handsome apartments in the neighbourhood of a 

fashionable square; kept a livery servant; and; upon the whole; 

lived in very good style。  Going to see him one day; between one 

and two; I was informed by the servant that his master was engaged 

for the moment; but that; if I pleased to wait a few minutes; I 

should find him at liberty。  Having told the man that I had no 

objection; he conducted me into a small apartment which served as 

antechamber to a drawing…room; the door of this last being half 

open; I could see Francis Ardry at the farther end; speechifying 

and gesticulating in a very impressive manner。  The servant; in 

some confusion; was hastening to close the door; but; ere he could 

effect his purpose; Francis Ardry; who had caught a glimpse of me; 

exclaimed; 'Come in … come in by all means'; and then proceeded; as 

before; speechifying and gesticulating。  Filled with some surprise; 

I obeyed his summons。

On entering the room I perceived another individual; to whom 

Francis Ardry appeared to be addressing himself; this other was a 

short spare man of about sixty; his hair was of badger gray; and 

his face was covered with wrinkles … without vouchsafing me a look; 

he kept his eye; which was black and lustrous; fixed full on 

Francis Ardry; as if paying the deepest attention to his discourse。  

All of a sudden; however; he cried with a sharp; cracked voice; 

'That won't do; sir; that won't do … more vehemence … your argument 

is at present particularly weak; therefore; more vehemence … you 

must confuse them; stun them; stultify them; sir'; and; at each of 

these injunctions; he struck the back of his right hand sharply 

against the palm of the left。  'Good; sir … good!' he occasionally 

uttered; in the same sharp; cracked tone; as the voice of Francis 

Ardry became more and more vehement。  'Infinitely good!' he 

exclaimed; as Francis Ardry raised his voice to the highest pitch; 

'and now; sir; abate; let the tempest of vehemence decline … 

gradually; sir; not too fast。  Good; sir … very good!' as the voice 

of Francis Ardry declined gradually in vehemence。  'And now a 

little pathos; sir … try them with a little pathos。  That won't do; 

sir … that won't do;' … as Francis Ardry made an attempt to become 

pathetic; … 'that will never pass for pathos … with tones and 

gesture of that description you will never redress the wrongs of 

your country。  Now; sir; observe my gestures; and pay attention to 

the tone of my voice; sir。'

Thereupon; making use of nearly the same terms which Francis Ardry 

had employed; the individual in black uttered several sentences in 

tones and with gestures which were intended to express a 

considerable degree of pathos; though it is possible that some 

people would have thought both the one and the other highly 

ludicrous。  After a pause; Francis Ardry recommenced imitating the 

tones and the gestures of his monitor in the most admirable manner。  

Before he had proceeded far; however; he burst into a fit of 

laughter; in which I should; perhaps; have joined; provided it were 

ever my wont to laugh。  'Ha; ha!' said the other; good…humouredly; 

'you are laughing at me。  Well; well; I merely wished to give you a 

hint; but you saw very well what I meant; upon the whole I think 

you improve。  But I must now go; having two other pupils to visit 

before four。'

Then taking from the table a kind of three…cornered hat; and a cane 

headed with amber; he shook Francis Ardry by the hand; and; after 

glancing at me for a moment; made me a half bow; attended with a 

strange grimace; and departed。

'Who is that gentleman?' said I to Francis Ardry; as soon as were 


'Oh; that is … ' said Frank; smiling; 'the gentleman who gives me 

lessons in elocution。'

'And what need have you of elocution?'

'Oh; I merely obey the commands of my guardians;' said Francis; 

'who insist that I should; with the assistance of …; qualify myself 

for Parliament; for which they do me the honour to suppose that I 

have some natural talent。  I dare not disobey them; for; at the 

present moment; I have particular reasons for wishing to keep on 

good terms with them。'

'But;' said I; 'you are a Roman Catholic; and I thought that 

persons of your religion were excluded from Parliament?'

'Why; upon that very thing the whole matter hinges; people of our 

religion are determined to be no longer excluded from Parliament; 

but to have a share in the government of the nation。  Not that I 

care anything about the matter; I merely obey the will of my 

guardians; my thoughts are fixed on something better than 


'I understand you;' said I; 'dog…fighting … well; I can easily 

conceive that to some minds dog…fighting … '

'I was not thinking of dog…fighting;' said Francis Ardry; 

interrupting me。

'Not thinking of dog…fighting!' I ejaculated。

'No;' said Francis Ardry; 'something higher and much more rational 

than dog…fighting at present occupies my thoughts。'

'Dear me;' said I; 'I thought I had heard you say that there was 

nothing like it!'

'Like what?' said Francis Ardry。

'Dog…fighting; to be sure;' said I。

'Pooh;' said Francis Ardry; 'who but the gross and unrefined care 

anything for dog…fighting?  That which at present engages my waking 

and sleeping thoughts is love … divine love … there is nothing like 

THAT。  Listen to me; I have a secret to confide to you。'

And then Francis Ardry proceeded to make me his confidant。  It 

appeared that he had had the good fortune to make the acquaintance 

of the most delightful young Frenchwoman imaginable; Annette La 

Noire by name; who had just arrived from her native country with 

the intention of obtaining the situation of governess in some 

English family; a position which; on account of her many 

accomplishments; she was eminently qualified to fill。  Francis 

Ardry had; however; persuaded her to relinquish her intention for 

the present; on the ground that; until she had become acclimated in 

England; her health would probably suffer from the confinement 

inseparable from the occupation in which she was desirous of 

engaging; he had; moreover … for it appeared that she was the most 

frank and confiding creature in the world … succeeded in persuading 

her to permit him to hire for her a very handsome first floor in 

his own neighbourhood; and to accept a few inconsiderable presents 

in money and jewellery。  'I am looking out for a handsome gig and 

horse;' said Francis Ardry; at the conclusion of his narration; 'i
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