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All of a sudden I shuddered; I thought I saw heads in the pool; 

human bodies wallowing confusedly; eyes turned up to heaven with 

hopeless horror; was that water or … ?  Where was the impulse now?  

I raised my eyes from the pool; I looked no more upon it … I looked 

forward; far down the stream in the far distance。  'Ha! what is 

that?  I thought I saw a kind of Fata Morgana; green meadows; 

waving groves; a rustic home; but in the far distance … I stared … 

I stared … a Fata Morgana … it was gone。 。 。 。〃

I left the balustrade and walked to the farther end of the bridge; 

where I stood for some time contemplating the crowd; I then passed 

over to the other side with an intention of returning home; just 

half…way over the bridge; in a booth immediately opposite to the 

one in which I had formerly beheld her; sat my friend; the old 

apple…woman; huddled up behind her stall。

'Well; mother;' said I; 'how are you?'  The old woman lifted her 

head with a startled look。

'Don't you know me?' said I。

'Yes; I think I do。  Ah; yes;' said she; as her features beamed 

with recollection; 'I know you; dear; you are the young lad that 

gave me the tanner。  Well; child; got anything to sell?'

'Nothing at all;' said I。

'Bad luck?'

'Yes;' said I; 'bad enough; and ill usage。'

'Ah; I suppose they caught ye; well; child; never mind; better luck 

next time; I am glad to see you。'

'Thank you;' said I; sitting down on the stone bench; 'I thought 

you had left the bridge … why have you changed your side?'

The old woman shook。

'What is the matter with you;' said I; 'are you ill?'

'No; child; no; only … '

'Only what?  Any bad news of your son?'

'No; child; no; nothing about my son。  Only low; child … every 

heart has its bitters。'

'That's true;' said I; 'well; I don't want to know your sorrows; 

come; where's the book?'

The apple…woman shook more violently than before; bent herself 

down; and drew her cloak more closely about her than before。  

'Book; child; what book?'

'Why; blessed Mary; to be sure。'

'Oh; that; I ha'n't got it; child … I have lost it; have left it at 


'Lost it;' said I; 'left it at home … what do you mean?  Come; let 

me have it。'

'I ha'n't got it; child。'

'I believe you have got it under your cloak。'

'Don't tell any one; dear; don't … don't;' and the apple…woman 

burst into tears。

'What's the matter with you?' said I; staring at her。

'You want to take my book from me?'

'Not I; I care nothing about it; keep it; if you like; only tell me 

what's the matter?'

'Why; all about that book。'

'The book?'

'Yes; they wanted to take it from me。'

'Who did?'

'Why; some wicked boys。  I'll tell you all about it。  Eight or ten 

days ago; I sat behind my stall; reading my book; all of a sudden I 

felt it snatched from my hand; up I started; and see three rascals 

of boys grinning at me; one of them held the book in his hand。  

〃What book is this?〃 said he; grinning at it。  〃What do you want 

with my book?〃 said I; clutching at it over my stall; 〃give me my 

book。〃  〃What do you want a book for?〃 said he; holding it back; 〃I 

have a good mind to fling it into the Thames。〃  〃Give me my book;〃 

I shrieked; and; snatching at it; I fell over my stall; and all my 

fruit was scattered about。  Off ran the boys … off ran the rascal 

with my book。  Oh dear; I thought I should have died; up I got; 

however; and ran after them as well as I could; I thought of my 

fruit; but I thought more of my book。  I left my fruit and ran 

after my book。  〃My book! my book!〃 I shrieked; 〃murder! theft! 

robbery!〃  I was near being crushed under the wheels of a cart; but 

I didn't care … I followed the rascals。  〃Stop them! stop them!〃  I 

ran nearly as fast as they … they couldn't run very fast on account 

of the crowd。  At last some one stopped the rascal; whereupon he 

turned round; and flinging the book at me; it fell into the mud; 

well; I picked it up and kissed it; all muddy as it was。  〃Has he 

robbed you?〃 said the man。  〃Robbed me; indeed; why he had got my 

book。〃  〃Oh; your book;〃 said the man; and laughed; and let the 

rascal go。  Ah; he might laugh; but … '

'Well; go on。'

'My heart beats so。  Well; I went back to my booth and picked up my 

stall and my fruits; what I could find of them。  I couldn't keep my 

stall for two days I got such a fright; and when I got round I 

couldn't bide the booth where the thing had happened; so I came 

over to the other side。  Oh; the rascals; if I could but see them 


'For what?'

'Why; for stealing my book。'

'I thought you didn't dislike stealing; … that you were ready to 

buy things … there was your son; you know … '

'Yes; to be sure。'

'He took things。'

'To be sure he did。'

'But you don't like a thing of yours to be taken。'

'No; that's quite a different thing; what's stealing handkerchiefs; 

and that kind of thing; to do with taking my book? there's a wide 

difference … don't you see?'

'Yes; I see。'

'Do you; dear? well; bless your heart; I'm glad you do。  Would you 

like to look at the book?'

'Well; I think I should。'

'Honour bright?' said the apple…woman; looking me in the eyes。

'Honour bright;' said I; looking the apple…woman in the eyes。

'Well then; dear; here it is;' said she; taking it from under her 

cloak; 'read it as long as you like; only get a little farther into 

the booth …  Don't sit so near the edge … you might … '

I went deep into the booth; and the apple…woman; bringing her chair 

round; almost confronted me。  I commenced reading the book; and was 

soon engrossed by it; hours passed away; once or twice I lifted up 

my eyes; the apple…woman was still confronting me:  at last my eyes 

began to ache; whereupon I returned the book to the apple…woman; 

and; giving her another tanner; walked away。


Decease of the Review … Homer himself … Bread and cheese … Finger 

and thumb … Impossible to find … Something grand … Universal 

mixture … Some other publisher。

TIME passed away; and with it the Review; which; contrary to the 

publisher's expectation; did not prove a successful speculation。  

About four months after the period of its birth it expired; as all 

Reviews must for which there is no demand。  Authors had ceased to 

send their publications to it; and; consequently; to purchase it; 

for I have already hinted that it was almost entirely supported by 

authors of a particular class; who expected to see their 

publications foredoomed to immortality in its pages。  The behaviour 

of these authors towards this unfortunate publication I can 

attribute to no other cause than to a report which was 

industriously circulated; namely; that the Review was low; and that 

to be reviewed in it was an infallible sign that one was
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