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will be expected to make yourself useful in the Review … generally 

useful; sir … doing whatever is required of you; for it is not 

customary; at least with me; to permit writers; especially young 

writers; to choose their subjects。  In these two departments; sir; 

namely compilation and reviewing; I had yesterday; after due 

consideration; determined upon employing you。  I had intended to 

employ you no farther; sir … at least for the present; but; sir; 

this morning I received a letter from my valued friend in the 

country; in which he speaks in terms of strong admiration (I don't 

overstate) of your German acquirements。  Sir; he says that it would 

be a thousand pities if your knowledge of the German language 

should be lost to the world; or even permitted to sleep; and he 

entreats me to think of some plan by which it may be turned to 

account。  Sir; I am at all times willing; if possible; to oblige my 

worthy friend; and likewise to encourage merit and talent; I have; 

therefore; determined to employ you in German。'

'Sir;' said I; rubbing my hands; 'you are very kind; and so is our 

mutual friend; I shall be happy to make myself useful in German; 

and if you think a good translation from Goethe … his SORROWS for 

example; or more particularly his FAUST … '

'Sir;' said the publisher; 'Goethe is a drug; his SORROWS are a 

drug; so is his FAUSTUS; more especially the last; since that fool 

… rendered him into English。  No; sir; I do not want you to 

translate Goethe or anything belonging to him; nor do I want you to 

translate anything from the German; what I want you to do; is to 

translate into German。  I am willing to encourage merit; sir; and; 

as my good friend in his last letter has spoken very highly of your 

German acquirements; I have determined that you shall translate my 

book of philosophy into German。'

'Your book of philosophy into German; sir?'

'Yes; sir; my book of philosophy into German。  I am not a drug; 

sir; in Germany as Goethe is here; no more is my book。  I intend to 

print the translation at Leipzig; sir; and if it turns out a 

profitable speculation; as I make no doubt it will; provided the 

translation be well executed; I will make you some remuneration。  

Sir; your remuneration will be determined by the success of your 


'But; sir … '

'Sir;' said the publisher; interrupting me; 'you have heard my 

intentions; I consider that you ought to feel yourself highly 

gratified by my intentions towards you; it is not frequently that I 

deal with a writer; especially a young writer; as I have done with 

you。  And now; sir; permit me to inform you that I wish to be 

alone。  This is Sunday afternoon; sir; I never go to church; but I 

am in the habit of spending part of every Sunday afternoon alone … 

profitably I hope; sir … in musing on the magnificence of nature 

and the moral dignity of man。'


The two volumes … A young author … Intended editor … Quintilian … 

Loose money。

'WHAT can't be cured must be endured;' and 'it is hard to kick 

against the pricks。'

At the period to which I have brought my history; I bethought me of 

the proverbs with which I have headed this chapter; and determined 

to act up to their spirit。  I determined not to fly in the face of 

the publisher; and to bear … what I could not cure … his arrogance 

and vanity。  At present; at the conclusion of nearly a quarter of a 

century; I am glad that I came to that determination; which I did 

my best to carry into effect。

Two or three days after our last interview; the publisher made his 

appearance in my apartment; he bore two tattered volumes under his 

arm; which he placed on the table。  'I have brought you two volumes 

of lives; sir;' said he; 'which I yesterday found in my garret; you 

will find them of service for your compilation。  As I always wish 

to behave liberally and encourage talent; especially youthful 

talent; I shall make no charge for them; though I should be 

justified in so doing; as you are aware that; by our agreement; you 

are to provide any books and materials which may be necessary。  

Have you been in quest of any?'

'No;' said I; 'not yet。'

'Then; sir; I would advise you to lose no time in doing so; you 

must visit all the bookstalls; sir; especially those in the by…

streets and blind alleys。  It is in such places that you will find 

the description of literature you are in want of。  You must be up 

and doing; sir; it will not do for an author; especially a young 

author; to be idle in this town。  To…night you will receive my book 

of philosophy; and likewise books for the Review。  And; by the bye; 

sir; it will be as well for you to review my book of philosophy for 

the Review; the other reviews not having noticed it。  Sir; before 

translating it; I wish you to review my book of philosophy for the 


'I shall be happy to do my best; sir。'

'Very good; sir; I should be unreasonable to expect anything beyond 

a person's best。  And now; sir; if you please; I will conduct you 

to the future editor of the Review。  As you are to co…operate; sir; 

I deem it right to make you acquainted。'

The intended editor was a little old man; who sat in a kind of 

wooden pavilion in a small garden behind a house in one of the 

purlieus of the city; composing tunes upon a piano。  The walls of 

the pavilion were covered with fiddles of various sizes and 

appearances; and a considerable portion of the floor occupied by a 

pile of books all of one size。  The publisher introduced him to me 

as a gentleman scarcely less eminent in literature than in music; 

and me to him as an aspirant critic … a young gentleman scarcely 

less eminent in philosophy than in philology。  The conversation 

consisted entirely of compliments till just before we separated; 

when the future editor inquired of me whether I had ever read 

Quintilian; and; on my replying in the negative; expressed his 

surprise that any gentleman should aspire to become a critic who 

had never read Quintilian; with the comfortable information; 

however; that he could supply me with a Quintilian at half…price; 

that is; a translation made by himself some years previously; of 

which he had; pointing to the heap on the floor; still a few copies 

remaining unsold。  For some reason or other; perhaps a poor one; I 

did not purchase the editor's translation of Quintilian。

'Sir;' said the publisher; as we were returning from our visit to 

the editor; 'you did right in not purchasing a drug。  I am not 

prepared; sir; to say that Quintilian is a drug; never having seen 

him; but I am prepared to say that man's translation is a drug; 

judging from the heap of rubbish on the floor; besides; sir; you 

will want any loose money you may have to purchase the description 

of literature which is required for your compilation。'

The publisher presently paused befo
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