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different direction; and not unfrequently brought to a stand…still。  

Oh the cracking of whips; the shouts and oaths of the carters; and 

the grating of wheels upon the enormous stones that formed the 

pavement!  In fact; there was a wild burly…burly upon the bridge; 

which nearly deafened me。  But; if upon the bridge there was a 

confusion; below it there was a confusion ten times confounded。  

The tide; which was fast ebbing; obstructed by the immense piers of 

the old bridge; poured beneath the arches with a fall of several 

feet; forming in the river below as many whirlpools as there were 

arches。  Truly tremendous was the roar of the descending waters; 

and the bellow of the tremendous gulfs; which swallowed them for a 

time; and then cast them forth; foaming and frothing from their 

horrid wombs。  Slowly advancing along the bridge; I came to the 

highest point; and there I stood still; close beside one of the 

stone bowers; in which; beside a fruit…stall; sat an old woman; 

with a pan of charcoal at her feet; and a book in her hand; in 

which she appeared to be reading intently。  There I stood; just 

above the principal arch; looking through the balustrade at the 

scene that presented itself … and such a scene!  Towards the left 

bank of the river; a forest of masts; thick and close; as far as 

the eye could reach; spacious wharfs; surmounted with gigantic 

edifices; and; far away; Caesar's Castle; with its White Tower。  To 

the right; another forest of masts; and a maze of buildings; from 

which; here and there; shot up to the sky chimneys taller than 

Cleopatra's Needle; vomiting forth huge wreaths of that black smoke 

which forms the canopy … occasionally a gorgeous one … of the more 

than Babel city。  Stretching before me; the troubled breast of the 

mighty river; and; immediately below; the main whirlpool of the 

Thames … the Maelstrom of the bulwarks of the middle arch … a 

grisly pool; which; with its superabundance of horror; fascinated 

me。  Who knows but I should have leapt into its depths? … I have 

heard of such things … but for a rather startling occurrence which 

broke the spell。  As I stood upon the bridge; gazing into the jaws 

of the pool; a small boat shot suddenly through the arch beneath my 

feet。  There were three persons in it; an oarsman in the middle; 

whilst a man and woman sat at the stern。  I shall never forget the 

thrill of horror which went through me at this sudden apparition。  

What! … a boat … a small boat … passing beneath that arch into 

yonder roaring gulf!  Yes; yes; down through that awful water…way; 

with more than the swiftness of an arrow; shot the boat; or skiff; 

right into the jaws of the pool。  A monstrous breaker curls over 

the prow … there is no hope; the boat is swamped; and all drowned 

in that strangling vortex。  No! the boat; which appeared to have 

the buoyancy of a feather; skipped over the threatening horror; 

and; the next moment; was out of danger; the boatman … a true 

boatman of Cockaigne that … elevating one of his sculls in sign of 

triumph; the man hallooing; and the woman; a true Englishwoman that 

… of a certain class … waving her shawl。  Whether any one observed 

them save myself; or whether the feat was a common one; I know not; 

but nobody appeared to take any notice of them。  As for myself; I 

was so excited that I strove to clamber up the balustrade of the 

bridge; in order to obtain a better view of the daring adventurers。  

Before I could accomplish my design; however; I felt myself seized 

by the body; and; turning my head; perceived the old fruit…woman; 

who was clinging to me。

'Nay; dear! don't … don't!' said she。  'Don't fling yourself over … 

perhaps you may have better luck next time!'

'I was not going to fling myself over;' said I; dropping from the 

balustrade; 'how came you to think of such a thing?'

'Why; seeing you clamber up so fiercely; I thought you might have 

had ill luck; and that you wished to make away with yourself。'

'Ill luck;' said I; going into the stone bower; and sitting down。  

'What do you mean? ill luck in what?'

'Why; no great harm; dear! cly…faking perhaps。'

'Are you coming over me with dialects;' said I; 'speaking unto me 

in fashions I wot nothing of?'

'Nay; dear! don't look so strange with those eyes of your'n; nor 

talk so strangely; I don't understand you。'

'Nor I you; what do you mean by cly…faking?'

'Lor; dear! no harm; only taking a handkerchief now and then。'

'Do you take me for a thief?

'Nay; dear! don't make use of bad language; we never calls them 

thieves here; but prigs and fakers:  to tell you the truth; dear; 

seeing you spring at that railing put me in mind of my own dear 

son; who is now at Bot'ny:  when he had bad luck; he always used to 

talk of flinging himself over the bridge; and; sure enough; when 

the traps were after him; he did fling himself into the river; but 

that was off the bank; nevertheless; the traps pulled him out; and 

he is now suffering his sentence; so you see you may speak out; if 

you have done anything in the harmless line; for I am my son's own 

mother; I assure you。'

'So you think there's no harm in stealing?'

'No harm in the world; dear!  Do you think my own child would have 

been transported for it; if there had been any harm in it? and; 

what's more; would the blessed woman in the book here have written 

her life as she has done; and given it to the world; if there had 

been any harm in faking?  She; too; was what they call a thief and 

a cut…purse; ay; and was transported for it; like my dear son; and 

do you think she would have told the world so; if there had been 

any harm in the thing?  Oh; it is a comfort to me that the blessed 

woman was transported; and came back … for come back she did; and 

rich too … for it is an assurance to me that my dear son; who was 

transported too; will come back like her。'

'What was her name?'

'Her name; blessed Mary Flanders。'

'Will you let me look at the book?'

'Yes; dear; that I will; if you promise me not to run away with 


I took the book from her hand; a short thick volume; at least a 

century old; bound with greasy black leather。  I turned the yellow 

and dog's…eared pages; reading here and there a sentence。  Yes; and 

no mistake!  HIS pen; his style; his spirit might be observed in 

every line of the uncouth…looking old volume … the air; the style; 

the spirit of the writer of the book which first taught me to read。  

I covered my face with my hand; and thought of my childhood。 。 。 。

'This is a singular book;' said I at last; 'but it does not appear 

to have been written to prove that thieving is no harm; but rather 

to show the terrible consequences of crime:  it contains a deep 


'A deep what; dear?'

'A … but no matter; I will give you a crown for this volume。'

'No; dear; I will not sell the volume for a cro
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