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it Haik。'

'Do they?'

'And themselves; Haik; also; they are a remarkable people; and; 

though their original habitation is the Mountain of Ararat; they 

are to be found; like the Jews; all over the world。'


'Well; father; that's all I can tell you about the Haiks; or 


'And what does it all amount to?'

'Very little; father; indeed; there is very little known about the 

Armenians; their early history; in particular; is involved in 

considerable mystery。'

'And; if you knew all that it was possible to know about them; to 

what would it amount? to what earthly purpose could you turn it? 

have you acquired any knowledge of your profession?'

'Very little; father。'

'Very little!  Have you acquired all in your power?'

'I can't say that I have; father。'

'And yet it was your duty to have done so。  But I see how it is; 

you have shamefully misused your opportunities; you are like one 

who; sent into the field to labour; passes his time in flinging 

stones at the birds of heaven。'

'I would scorn to fling a stone at a bird; father。'

'You know what I mean; and all too well; and this attempt to evade 

deserved reproof by feigned simplicity is quite in character with 

your general behaviour。  I have ever observed about you a want of 

frankness; which has distressed me; you never speak of what you are 

about; your hopes; or your projects; but cover yourself with 

mystery。  I never knew till the present moment that you were 

acquainted with Armenian。'

'Because you never asked me; father; there's nothing to conceal in 

the matter … I will tell you in a moment how I came to learn 

Armenian。  A lady whom I met at one of Mrs。 …'s parties took a 

fancy to me; and has done me the honour to allow me to go and see 

her sometimes。  She is the widow of a rich clergyman; and on her 

husband's death came to this place to live; bringing her husband's 

library with her:  I soon found my way to it; and examined every 

book。  Her husband must have been a learned man; for amongst much 

Greek and Hebrew I found several volumes in Armenian; or relating 

to the language。'

'And why did you not tell me of this before?'

'Because you never questioned me; but; I repeat; there is nothing 

to conceal in the matter。  The lady took a fancy to me; and; being 

fond of the arts; drew my portrait; she said the expression of my 

countenance put her in mind of Alfieri's Saul。'

'And do you still visit her?'

'No; she soon grew tired of me; and told people that she found me 

very stupid; she gave me the Armenian books; however。'

'Saul;' said my father; musingly; 'Saul。  I am afraid she was only 

too right there; he disobeyed the commands of his master; and 

brought down on his head the vengeance of Heaven … he became a 

maniac; prophesied; and flung weapons about him。'

'He was; indeed; an awful character … I hope I shan't turn out like 


'God forbid!' said my father; solemnly; 'but in many respects you 

are headstrong and disobedient like him。  I placed you in a 

profession; and besought you to make yourself master of it by 

giving it your undivided attention。  This; however; you did not do; 

you know nothing of it; but tell me that you are acquainted with 

Armenian; but what I dislike most is your want of candour … you are 

my son; but I know little of your real history; you may know fifty 

things for what I am aware:  you may know how to shoe a horse for 

what I am aware。'

'Not only to shoe a horse; father; but to make horse…shoes。'

'Perhaps so;' said my father; 'and it only serves to prove what I 

was just saying; that I know little about you。'

'But you easily may; my dear father; I will tell you anything that 

you may wish to know … shall I inform you how I learnt to make 


'No;' said my father; 'as you kept it a secret so long; it may as 

well continue so still。  Had you been a frank; open…hearted boy; 

like one I could name; you would have told me all about it of your 

own accord。  But I now wish to ask you a serious question … what do 

you propose to do?'

'To do; father?'

'Yes! the time for which you were articled to your profession will 

soon be expired; and I shall be no more。'

'Do not talk so; my dear father; I have no doubt that you will soon 

be better。'

'Do not flatter yourself; I feel that my days are numbered; I am 

soon going to my rest; and I have need of rest; for I am weary。  

There; there; don't weep!  Tears will help me as little as they 

will you; you have not yet answered my question。  Tell me what you 

intend to do?'

'I really do not know what I shall do。'

'The military pension which I enjoy will cease with my life。  The 

property which I shall leave behind me will be barely sufficient 

for the maintenance of your mother respectably。  I again ask you 

what you intend to do。  Do you think you can support yourself by 

your Armenian or your other acquirements?'

'Alas!  I think little at all about it; but I suppose I must push 

into the world; and make a good fight; as becomes the son of him 

who fought Big Ben; if I can't succeed; and am driven to the worst; 

it is but dying … '

'What do you mean by dying?'

'Leaving the world; my loss would scarcely be felt。  I have never 

held life in much value; and every one has a right to dispose as he 

thinks best of that which is his own。'

'Ah! now I understand you; and well I know how and where you 

imbibed that horrible doctrine; and many similar ones which I have 

heard from your mouth; but I wish not to reproach you … I view in 

your conduct a punishment for my own sins; and I bow to the will of 

God。  Few and evil have been my days upon the earth; little have I 

done to which I can look back with satisfaction。  It is true I have 

served my king fifty years; and I have fought with … Heaven forgive 

me; what was I about to say! … but you mentioned the man's name; 

and our minds willingly recall our ancient follies。  Few and evil 

have been my days upon earth; I may say with Jacob of old; though I 

do not mean to say that my case is so hard as his; he had many 

undutiful children; whilst I have only …; but I will not reproach 

you。  I have also like him a son to whom I can look with hope; who 

may yet preserve my name when I am gone; so let me be thankful; 

perhaps; after all; I have not lived in vain。  Boy; when I am gone; 

look up to your brother; and may God bless you both!  There; don't 

weep; but take the Bible; and read me something about the old man 

and his children。'

My brother had now been absent for the space of three years。  At 

first his letters had been frequent; and from them it appeared that 

he was following his profession in London with industry; they then 

became rather rare; and my father did not always communicate their 

contents。  His last letter; however; had filled him 
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