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for the other condition; it requires consideration。'

'No consideration at all;' said the old man; with something like a 

sigh; 'she thinks you like her son; our only child; that was lost 

twenty years ago in the waves of the North Sea。'

'Oh; that alters the case altogether;' said I; 'and of course I can 

have no objection。'

And now at once I shook off my listlessness; to enable me to do 

which nothing could have happened more opportune than the above 

event。  The Danes; the Danes!  And was I at last to become 

acquainted; and in so singular a manner; with the speech of a 

people which had as far back as I could remember exercised the 

strongest influence over my imagination; as how should they not! … 

in infancy there was the summer…eve adventure; to which I often 

looked back; and always with a kind of strange interest with 

respect to those to whom such gigantic and wondrous bones could 

belong as I had seen on that occasion; and; more than this; I had 

been in Ireland; and there; under peculiar circumstances; this same 

interest was increased tenfold。  I had mingled much whilst there 

with the genuine Irish … a wild but kind…hearted race; whose 

conversation was deeply imbued with traditionary lore; connected 

with the early history of their own romantic land; and from them I 

heard enough of the Danes; but nothing commonplace; for they never 

mentioned them but in terms which tallied well with my own 

preconceived ideas。  For at an early period the Danes had invaded 

Ireland; and had subdued it; and; though eventually driven out; had 

left behind them an enduring remembrance in the minds of the 

people; who loved to speak of their strength and their stature; in 

evidence of which they would point to the ancient raths or mounds 

where the old Danes were buried; and where bones of extraordinary 

size were occasionally exhumed。  And as the Danes surpassed other 

people in strength; so; according to my narrators; they also 

excelled all others in wisdom; or rather in Draoitheac; or magic; 

for they were powerful sorcerers; they said; compared with whom the 

fairy men of the present day knew nothing at all; at all; and; 

amongst other wonderful things; they knew how to make strong beer 

from the heather that grows upon the bogs。  Little wonder if the 

interest; the mysterious interest; which I had early felt about the 

Danes; was increased tenfold by my sojourn in Ireland。

And now I had in my possession a Danish book; which; from its 

appearance; might be supposed to have belonged to the very old 

Danes indeed; but how was I to turn it to any account?  I had the 

book; it is true; but I did not understand the language; and how 

was I to overcome that difficulty? hardly by poring over the book; 

yet I did pore over the book; daily and nightly; till my eyes were 

dim; and it appeared to me that every now and then I encountered 

words which I understood … English words; though strangely 

disguised; and I said to myself; Courage!  English and Danish are 

cognate dialects; a time will come when I shall understand this 

Danish; and then I pored over the book again; but with all my 

poring I could not understand it; and then I became angry; and I 

bit my lips till the blood came; and I occasionally tore a handful 

from my hair; and flung it upon the floor; but that did not mend 

the matter; for still I did not understand the book; which; 

however; I began to see was written in rhyme … a circumstance 

rather difficult to discover at first; the arrangement of the lines 

not differing from that which is employed in prose; and its being 

written in rhyme made me only the more eager to understand it。

But I toiled in vain; for I had neither grammar nor dictionary of 

the language; and when I sought for them could procure neither; and 

I was much dispirited; till suddenly a bright thought came into my 

head; and I said; although I cannot obtain a dictionary or grammar; 

I can perhaps obtain a Bible in this language; and if I can procure 

a Bible; I can learn the language; for the Bible in every tongue 

contains the same thing; and I have only to compare the words of 

the Danish Bible with those of the English; and; if I persevere; I 

shall in time acquire the language of the Danes; and I was pleased 

with the thought; which I considered to be a bright one; and I no 

longer bit my lips; or tore my hair; but I took my hat; and; going 

forth; I flung my hat into the air。

And when my hat came down; I put it on my head and commenced 

running; directing my course to the house of the Antinomian 

preacher; who sold books; and whom I knew to have Bibles in various 

tongues amongst the number; and I arrived out of breath; and I 

found the Antinomian in his little library; dusting his books; and 

the Antinomian clergyman was a tall man of about seventy; who wore 

a hat with a broad brim and a shallow crown; and whose manner of 

speaking was exceedingly nasal; and when I saw him; I cried; out of 

breath; 'Have you a Danish Bible?' and he replied; 'What do you 

want it for; friend?' and I answered; 'To learn Danish by'; 'And 

maybe to learn thy duty;' replied the Antinomian preacher。  'Truly; 

I have it not; but; as you are a customer of mine; I will endeavour 

to procure you one; and I will write to that laudable society which 

men call the Bible Society; an unworthy member of which I am; and I 

hope by next week to procure what you desire。'

And when I heard these words of the old man; I was very glad; and 

my heart yearned towards him; and I would fain enter into 

conversation with him; and I said; 'Why are you an Antinomian?  For 

my part I would rather be a dog than belong to such a religion。'  

'Nay; friend;' said the Antinomian; 'thou forejudgest us; know that 

those who call us Antinomians call us so despitefully; we do not 

acknowledge the designation。'  'Then you do not set all law at 

nought?' said I。  'Far be it from us;' said the old man; 'we only 

hope that; being sanctified by the Spirit from above; we have no 

need of the law to keep us in order。  Did you ever hear tell of 

Lodowick Muggleton?'  'Not I。'  'That is strange; know then that he 

was the founder of our poor society; and after him we are 

frequently; though opprobriously; termed Muggletonians; for we are 

Christians。  Here is his book; which; perhaps; you can do no better 

than purchase; you are fond of rare books; and this is both curious 

and rare; I will sell it cheap。  Thank you; and now be gone; I will 

do all I can to procure the Bible。'

And in this manner I procured the Danish Bible; and I commenced my 

task; first of all; however; I locked up in a closet the volume 

which had excited my curiosity; saying; 'Out of this closet thou 

comest not till I deem myself competent to read thee;' and then I 

sat down in right earnest; comparing every line in the one version 

with the corresponding one in the other; and I passed entire nights
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