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shade of some tall poplars。

Yes; there sat my father in the garden chair which leaned against 

the wall of his quiet home; the haven in which he had sought rest; 

and; praise be to God; found it; after many a year of poorly…

requited toil; there he sat; with locks of silver gray which set 

off so nobly his fine bold but benevolent face; his faithful 

consort at his side; and his trusty dog at his feet … an eccentric 

animal of the genuine regimental breed; who; born amongst red 

coats; had not yet become reconciled to those of any other hue; 

barking and tearing at them when they drew near the door; but 

testifying his fond reminiscence of the former by hospitable 

waggings of the tail whenever a uniform made its appearance … at 

present a very unfrequent occurrence。

'I am afraid I have not done right in putting him to the law;' said 

my father; resting his chin upon his gold…headed bamboo cane。

'Why; what makes you think so?' said my mother。

'I have been taking my usual evening walk up the road; with the 

animal here;' said my father; 'and; as I walked along; I overtook 

the boy's master; Mr。 S…。  We shook hands; and; after walking a 

little way farther; we turned back together; talking about this and 

that; the state of the country; the weather; and the dog; which he 

greatly admired; for he is a good…natured man; and has a good word 

for everybody; though the dog all but bit him when he attempted to 

coax his head; after the dog; we began talking about the boy; it 

was myself who introduced that subject:  I thought it was a good 

opportunity to learn how he was getting on; so I asked what he 

thought of my son; he hesitated at first; seeming scarcely to know 

what to say; at length he came out with 〃Oh; a very extraordinary 

youth; a most remarkable youth indeed; captain!〃  〃Indeed;〃 said I; 

〃I am glad to hear it; but I hope you find him steady?〃  〃Steady; 

steady;〃 said he; 〃why; yes; he's steady; I cannot say that he is 

not steady。〃  〃Come; come;〃 said I; beginning to be rather uneasy; 

〃I see plainly that you are not altogether satisfied with him; I 

was afraid you would not be; for; though he is my own son; I am 

anything but blind to his imperfections; but do tell me what 

particular fault you have to find with him; and I will do my best 

to make him alter his conduct。〃  〃No fault to find with him; 

captain; I assure you; no fault whatever; the youth is a remarkable 

youth; an extraordinary youth; only … 〃  As I told you before; Mr。 

S… is the best…natured man in the world; and it was only with the 

greatest difficulty that I could get him to say a single word to 

the disadvantage of the boy; for whom he seems to entertain a very 

great regard。  At last I forced the truth from him; and grieved I 

was to hear it; though I must confess that I was somewhat prepared 

for it。  It appears that the lad has a total want of 


'I don't understand you;' said my mother。

'You can understand nothing that would seem for a moment to impugn 

the conduct of that child。  I am not; however; so blind; want of 

discrimination was the word; and it both sounds well; and is 

expressive。  It appears that; since he has been placed where is; he 

has been guilty of the grossest blunders; only the other day; Mr。 

S… told me; as he was engaged in close conversation with one of his 

principal clients; the boy came to tell him that a person wanted 

particularly to speak with him; and; on going out; he found a 

lamentable figure with one eye; who came to ask for charity; whom; 

nevertheless; the lad had ushered into a private room; and 

installed in an arm…chair; like a justice of the peace; instead of 

telling him to go about his business … now what did that show; but 

a total want of discrimination?'

'I wish we may never have anything worse to reproach him with;' 

said my mother。

'I don't know what worse we could reproach him with;' said my 

father; 'I mean of course as far as his profession is concerned; 

discrimination is the very keystone; if he treated all people 

alike; he would soon become a beggar himself; there are grades in 

society as well as in the army; and according to those grades we 

should fashion our behaviour; else there would instantly be an end 

of all order and discipline。  I am afraid that the child is too 

condescending to his inferiors; whilst to his superiors he is apt 

to be unbending enough; I don't believe that would do in the world; 

I am sure it would not in the army。  He told me another anecdote 

with respect to his behaviour; which shocked me more than the other 

had done。  It appears that his wife; who by the bye; is a very fine 

woman; and highly fashionable; gave him permission to ask the boy 

to tea one evening; for she is herself rather partial to the lad; 

there had been a great dinner party there that day; and there were 

a great many fashionable people; so the boy went and behaved very 

well and modestly for some time; and was rather noticed; till; 

unluckily; a very great gentleman; an archdeacon I think; put some 

questions to him; and; finding that he understood the languages; 

began talking to him about the classics。  What do you think? the 

boy had the impertinence to say that the classics were much 

overvalued; and amongst other things that some horrid fellow or 

other; some Welshman I think (thank God it was not an Irishman); 

was a better poet than Ovid; the company were of course horrified; 

the archdeacon; who is seventy years of age; and has seven thousand 

a year; took snuff and turned away。  Mrs。 S… turned up her eyes; 

Mr。 S…; however; told me with his usual good…nature (I suppose to 

spare my feelings) that he rather enjoyed the thing; and thought it 

a capital joke。'

'I think so too;' said my mother。

'I do not;' said my father; 'that a boy of his years should 

entertain an opinion of his own … I mean one which militates 

against all established authority … is astounding; as well might a 

raw recruit pretend to offer an unfavourable opinion on the manual 

and platoon exercise; the idea is preposterous; the lad is too 

independent by half。  I never yet knew one of an independent spirit 

get on in the army; the secret of success in the army is the spirit 

of subordination。'

'Which is a poor spirit after all;' said my mother; 'but the child 

is not in the army。'

'And it is well for him that he is not;' said my father; 'but you 

do not talk wisely; the world is a field of battle; and he who 

leaves the ranks; what can he expect but to be cut down?  I call 

his present behaviour leaving the ranks; and going vapouring about 

without orders; his only chance lies in falling in again as quick 

as possible; does he think he can carry the day by himself? an 

opinion of his own at these years … I confess I am exceedingly 

uneasy about the lad。'

'You make me uneasy too;' said my mother; 'but I really think you 

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