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A fine old city … Norman master…work … Lollards' Hole … Good blood 

… The Spaniard's sword … Old retired officer … Writing to a duke … 

God help the child … Nothing like Jacob … Irish brigades … Old 

Sergeant Meredith … I have been young … Idleness … Only course open 

… The bookstall … A portrait … A banished priest。

FROM the wild scenes which I have attempted to describe in the 

latter pages I must now transport the reader to others of a widely 

different character。  He must suppose himself no longer in Ireland; 

but in the eastern corner of merry England。  Bogs; ruins; and 

mountains have disappeared amidst the vapours of the west:  I have 

nothing more to say of them; the region in which we are now is not 

famous for objects of that kind:  perhaps it flatters itself that 

it can produce fairer and better things; of some of which let me 

speak; there is a fine old city before us; and first of that let me 


A fine old city; truly; is that; view it from whatever side you 

will; but it shows best from the east; where the ground; bold and 

elevated; overlooks the fair and fertile valley in which it stands。  

Gazing from those heights; the eye beholds a scene which cannot 

fail to awaken; even in the least sensitive bosom; feelings of 

pleasure and admiration。  At the foot of the heights flows a narrow 

and deep river; with an antique bridge communicating with a long 

and narrow suburb; flanked on either side by rich meadows of the 

brightest green; beyond which spreads the city; the fine old city; 

perhaps the most curious specimen at present extant of the genuine 

old English town。  Yes; there it spreads from north to south; with 

its venerable houses; its numerous gardens; its thrice twelve 

churches; its mighty mound; which; if tradition speaks true; was 

raised by human hands to serve as the grave…heap of an old heathen 

king; who sits deep within it; with his sword in his hand; and his 

gold and silver treasures about him。  There is a gray old castle 

upon the top of that mighty mound; and yonder; rising three hundred 

feet above the soil; from among those noble forest trees; behold 

that old Norman master…work; that cloud…encircled cathedral spire; 

around which a garrulous army of rooks and choughs continually 

wheel their flight。  Now; who can wonder that the children of that 

fine old city are proud of her; and offer up prayers for her 

prosperity?  I; myself; who was not born within her walls; offer up 

prayers for her prosperity; that want may never visit her cottages; 

vice her palaces; and that the abomination of idolatry may never 

pollute her temples。  Ha; idolatry! the reign of idolatry has been 

over there for many a long year; never more; let us hope; to 

return; brave hearts in that old town have borne witness against 

it; and sealed their testimony with their hearts' blood … most 

precious to the Lord is the blood of His saints! we are not far 

from hallowed ground。  Observe ye not yon chalky precipice; to the 

right of the Norman bridge?  On this side of the stream; upon its 

brow; is a piece of ruined wall; the last relic of what was of old 

a stately pile; whilst at its foot is a place called the Lollards' 

Hole; and with good reason; for many a saint of God has breathed 

his last beneath that white precipice; bearing witness against 

popish idolatry; midst flame and pitch; many a grisly procession 

has advanced along that suburb; across the old bridge; towards the 

Lollards' Hole:  furious priests in front; a calm pale martyr in 

the midst; a pitying multitude behind。  It has had its martyrs; the 

venerable old town!

Ah! there is good blood in that old city; and in the whole 

circumjacent region of which it is the capital。  The Angles 

possessed the land at an early period; which; however; they were 

eventually compelled to share with hordes of Danes and Northmen; 

who flocked thither across the sea to found hearthsteads on its 

fertile soil。  The present race; a mixture of Angles and Danes; 

still preserve much which speaks strongly of their northern 

ancestry; amongst them ye will find the light…brown hair of the 

north; the strong and burly forms of the north; many a wild 

superstition; ay; and many a wild name connected with the ancient 

history of the north and its sublime mythology; the warm heart and 

the strong heart of the old Danes and Saxons still beats in those 

regions; and there ye will find; if anywhere; old northern 

hospitality and kindness of manner; united with energy; 

perseverance; and dauntless intrepidity; better soldiers or 

mariners never bled in their country's battles than those nurtured 

in those regions; and within those old walls。  It was yonder; to 

the west; that the great naval hero of Britain first saw the light; 

he who annihilated the sea pride of Spain; and dragged the humbled 

banner of France in triumph at his stem。  He was born yonder; 

towards the west; and of him there is a glorious relic in that old 

town; in its dark flint guildhouse; the roof of which you can just 

descry rising above that maze of buildings; in the upper hall of 

justice; is a species of glass shrine; in which the relic is to be 

seen; a sword of curious workmanship; the blade is of keen Toledan 

steel; the heft of ivory and mother…of…pearl。  'Tis the sword of 

Cordova; won in bloodiest fray off Saint Vincent's promontory; and 

presented by Nelson to the old capital of the much…loved land of 

his birth。  Yes; the proud Spaniard's sword is to be seen in yonder 

guildhouse; in the glass case affixed to the wall:  many other 

relics has the good old town; but none prouder than the Spaniard's 


Such was the place to which; when the war was over; my father 

retired:  it was here that the old tired soldier set himself down 

with his little family。  He had passed the greater part of his life 

in meritorious exertion; in the service of his country; and his 

chief wish now was to spend the remainder of his days in quiet and 

respectability; his means; it is true; were not very ample; 

fortunate it was that his desires corresponded with them; with a 

small fortune of his own; and with his half…pay as a royal soldier; 

he had no fears for himself or for his faithful partner and 

helpmate; but then his children! how was he to provide for them? 

how launch them upon the wide ocean of the world?  This was; 

perhaps; the only thought which gave him uneasiness; and I believe 

that many an old retired officer at that time; and under similar 

circumstances; experienced similar anxiety; had the war continued; 

their children would have been; of course; provided for in the 

army; but peace now reigned; and the military career was closed to 

all save the scions of the aristocracy; or those who were in some 

degree connected with that privileged order; an advantage which few 

of these old officers could boast of; they had slight influence 

with the great; who gave the
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