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the horse being a noble and generous creature; intended by the All…

Wise to be the helper and friend of man; to whom he stands next in 

the order of creation。  On many occasions of my life I have been 

much indebted to the horse; and have found in him a friend and 

coadjutor; when human help and sympathy were not to be obtained。  

It is therefore natural enough that I should love the horse; but 

the love which I entertain for him has always been blended with 

respect; for I soon perceived that; though disposed to be the 

friend and helper of man; he is by no means inclined to be his 

slave; in which respect he differs from the dog; who will crouch 

when beaten; whereas the horse spurns; for he is aware of his own 

worth and that he carries death within the horn of his heel。  If; 

therefore; I found it easy to love the horse; I found it equally 

natural to respect him。

I much question whether philology; or the passion for languages; 

requires so little of an apology as the love for horses。  It has 

been said; I believe; that the more languages a man speaks; the 

more a man is he; which is very true; provided he acquires 

languages as a medium for becoming acquainted with the thoughts and 

feelings of the various sections into which the human race is 

divided; but; in that case; he should rather be termed a 

philosopher than a philologist … between which two the difference 

is wide indeed!  An individual may speak and read a dozen 

languages; and yet be an exceedingly poor creature; scarcely half a 

man; and the pursuit of tongues for their own sake; and the mere 

satisfaction of acquiring them; surely argues an intellect of a 

very low order; a mind disposed to be satisfied with mean and 

grovelling things; taking more pleasure in the trumpery casket than 

in the precious treasure which it contains; in the pursuit of 

words; than in the acquisition of ideas。

I cannot help thinking that it was fortunate for myself; who am; to 

a certain extent; a philologist; that with me the pursuit of 

languages has been always modified by the love of horses; for 

scarcely had I turned my mind to the former; when I also mounted 

the wild cob; and hurried forth in the direction of the Devil's 

Hill; scattering dust and flint…stones on every side; that ride; 

amongst other things; taught me that a lad with thews and sinews 

was intended by nature for something better than mere word…culling; 

and if I have accomplished anything in after life worthy of 

mentioning; I believe it may partly be attributed to the ideas 

which that ride; by setting my blood in a glow; infused into my 

brain。  I might; otherwise; have become a mere philologist; one of 

those beings who toil night and day in culling useless words for 

some OPUS MAGNUM which Murray will never publish; and nobody ever 

read; beings without enthusiasm; who; having never mounted a 

generous steed; cannot detect a good point in Pegasus himself; like 

a certain philologist; who; though acquainted with the exact value 

of every word in the Greek and Latin languages; could observe no 

particular beauty in one of the most glorious of Homer's 

rhapsodies。  What knew he of Pegasus? he had never mounted a 

generous steed; the merest jockey; had the strain been interpreted 

to him; would have called it a brave song! … I return to the brave 


On a certain day I had been out on an excursion。  In a cross…road; 

at some distance from the Satanic hill; the animal which I rode 

cast a shoe。  By good luck a small village was at hand; at the 

entrance of which was a large shed; from which proceeded a most 

furious noise of hammering。  Leading the cob by the bridle; I 

entered boldly。  'Shoe this horse; and do it quickly; a gough;' 

said I to a wild grimy figure of a man; whom I found alone; 

fashioning a piece of iron。

'Arrigod yuit?' said the fellow; desisting from his work; and 

staring at me。

'Oh yes; I have money;' said I; 'and of the best'; and I pulled out 

an English shilling。

'Tabhair chugam?' said the smith; stretching out his grimy hand。

'No; I shan't;' said I; 'some people are glad to get their money 

when their work is done。'

The fellow hammered a little longer; and then proceeded to shoe the 

cob; after having first surveyed it with attention。  He performed 

his job rather roughly; and more than once appeared to give the 

animal unnecessary pain; frequently making use of loud and 

boisterous words。  By the time the work was done; the creature was 

in a state of high excitement; and plunged and tore。  The smith 

stood at a short distance; seeming to enjoy the irritation of the 

animal; and showing; in a remarkable manner; a huge fang; which 

projected from the under jaw of a very wry mouth。

'You deserve better handling;' said I; as I went up to the cob and 

fondled it; whereupon it whinnied; and attempted to touch my face 

with its nose。

'Are ye not afraid of that beast?' said the smith; showing his 

fang。  'Arrah; it's vicious that he looks!'

'It's at you; then! … I don't fear him'; and thereupon I passed 

under the horse; between its hind legs。

'And is that all you can do; agrah?' said the smith。

'No;' said I; 'I can ride him。'

'Ye can ride him; and what else; agrah?'

'I can leap him over a six…foot wall;' said I。

'Over a wall; and what more; agrah?'

'Nothing more;' said I; 'what more would you have?'

'Can you do this; agrah?' said the smith; and he uttered a word 

which I had never heard before; in a sharp pungent tone。  The 

effect upon myself was somewhat extraordinary; a strange thrill ran 

through me; but with regard to the cob it was terrible; the animal 

forthwith became like one mad; and reared and kicked with the 

utmost desperation。

'Can you do that; agrah?' said the smith。

'What is it?' said I; retreating; 'I never saw the horse so 


'Go between his legs; agrah;' said the smith; 'his hinder legs'; 

and he again showed his fang。

'I dare not;' said I; 'he would kill me。'

'He would kill ye! and how do ye know that; agrah?'

'I feel he would;' said I; 'something tells me so。'

'And it tells ye truth; agrah; but it's a fine beast; and it's a 

pity to see him in such a state:  Is agam an't leigeas' … and here 

he uttered another word in a voice singularly modified; but sweet 

and almost plaintive; the effect of it was as instantaneous as that 

of the other; but how different! … the animal lost all its fury; 

and became at once calm and gentle。  The smith went up to it; 

coaxed and patted it; making use of various sounds of equine 

endearment; then turning to me; and holding out once more the grimy 

hand; he said; 'And now ye will be giving me the Sassannach 

tenpence; agrah?'


A fine old city … Norman master…work … Lollards' Hole … Good blood 

… The Spaniard's sword … Old retired officer … Writing to a duke 
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