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'And who is your brother; little Sas?'

'What my father is; a royal soldier。'

'Oh; ye are going then to the detachment at … ; by my shoul; I have 

a good mind to be spoiling your journey。'

'You are doing that already;' said I; 'keeping me here talking 

about dogs and fairies; you had better go home and get some salve 

to cure that place over your eye; it's catching cold you'll be; in 

so much snow。'

On one side of the man's forehead there was a raw and staring 

wound; as if from a recent and terrible blow。

'Faith; then I'll be going; but it's taking you wid me I will be。'

'And where will you take me?'

'Why; then; to Ryan's Castle; little Sas。'

'You do not speak the language very correctly;' said I; 'it is not 

Sas you should call me … 'tis Sassannach;' and forthwith I 

accompanied the word with a speech full of flowers of Irish 


The man looked upon me for a moment; fixedly; then; bending his 

head towards his breast; he appeared to be undergoing a kind of 

convulsion; which was accompanied by a sound something resembling 

laughter; presently he looked at me; and there was a broad grin on 

his features。

'By my shoul; it's a thing of peace I'm thinking ye。'

But now with a whisking sound came running down the road a hare; it 

was nearly upon us before it perceived us; suddenly stopping short; 

however; it sprang into the bog on the right…hand side; after it 

amain bounded the dog of peace; followed by the man; but not until 

he had nodded to me a farewell salutation。  In a few moments I lost 

sight of him amidst the snowflakes。

The weather was again clear and fine before I reached the place of 

detachment。  It was a little wooden barrack; surrounded by a wall 

of the same material; a sentinel stood at the gate; I passed by 

him; and; entering the building; found myself in a rude kind of 

guardroom; several soldiers were lying asleep on a wooden couch at 

one end; others lounged on benches by the side of a turf fire。  The 

tall sergeant stood before the fire; holding a cooking utensil in 

his left hand; on seeing me; he made the military salutation。

'Is my brother here?' said I; rather timidly; dreading to hear that 

he was out; perhaps for the day。

'The ensign is in his room; sir;' said Bagg; 'I am now preparing 

his meal; which will presently be ready; you will find the ensign 

above stairs;' and he pointed to a broken ladder which led to some 

place above。

And there I found him … the boy soldier … in a kind of upper loft; 

so low that I could touch with my hands the sooty rafters; the 

floor was of rough boards; through the joints of which you could 

see the gleam of the soldiers' fire; and occasionally discern their 

figures as they moved about; in one corner was a camp bedstead; by 

the side of which hung the child's sword; gorget; and sash; a deal 

table stood in the proximity of the rusty grate; where smoked and 

smouldered a pile of black turf from the bog; … a deal table 

without a piece of baize to cover it; yet fraught with things not 

devoid of interest:  a Bible; given by a mother; the ODYSSEY; the 

Greek ODYSSEY; a flute; with broad silver keys; crayons; moreover; 

and water…colours; and a sketch of a wild prospect near; which; 

though but half finished; afforded ample proof of the excellence 

and skill of the boyish hand now occupied upon it。

Ah! he was a sweet being; that boy soldier; a plant of early 

promise; bidding fair to become in after time all that is great; 

good; and admirable。  I have read of a remarkable Welshman; of whom 

it was said; when the grave closed over him; that he could frame a 

harp; and play it; build a ship; and sail it; compose an ode; and 

set it to music。  A brave fellow that son of Wales … but I had once 

a brother who could do more and better than this; but the grave has 

closed over him; as over the gallant Welshman of yore; there are 

now but two that remember him … the one who bore him; and the being 

who was nurtured at the same breast。  He was taken; and I was left! 

… Truly; the ways of Providence are inscrutable。

'You seem to be very comfortable; John;' said I; looking around the 

room and at the various objects which I have described above:  'you 

have a good roof over your head; and have all your things about 


'Yes; I am very comfortable; George; in many respects; I am; 

moreover; independent; and feel myself a man for the first time in 

my life … independent did I say? … that's not the word; I am 

something much higher than that; here am I; not sixteen yet; a 

person in authority; like the centurion in the book there; with 

twenty Englishmen under me; worth a whole legion of his men; and 

that fine fellow Bagg to wait upon me; and take my orders。  Oh! 

these last six weeks have passed like hours of heaven。'

'But your time must frequently hang heavy on your hands; this is a 

strange wild place; and you must be very solitary?'

'I am never solitary; I have; as you see; all my things about me; 

and there is plenty of company below stairs。  Not that I mix with 

the soldiers; if I did; good…bye to my authority; but when I am 

alone I can hear all their discourse through the planks; and I 

often laugh to myself at the funny things they say。'

'And have you any acquaintance here?'

'The very best; much better than the Colonel and the rest; at their 

grand Templemore; I had never so many in my whole life before。  One 

has just left me; a gentleman who lives at a distance across the 

bog; he comes to talk with me about Greek; and the ODYSSEY; for he 

is a very learned man; and understands the old Irish; and various 

other strange languages。  He has had a dispute with Bagg。  On 

hearing his name; he called him to him; and; after looking at him 

for some time with great curiosity; said that he was sure he was a 

Dane。  Bagg; however; took the compliment in dudgeon; and said that 

he was no more a Dane than himself; but a true…born Englishman; and 

a sergeant of six years' standing。'

'And what other acquaintance have you?'

'All kinds; the whole neighbourhood can't make enough of me。  

Amongst others there's the clergyman of the parish and his family; 

such a venerable old man; such fine sons and daughters!  I am 

treated by them like a son and a brother … I might be always with 

them if I pleased; there's one drawback; however; in going to see 

them; there's a horrible creature in the house; a kind of tutor; 

whom they keep more from charity than anything else; he is a Papist 

and; they say; a priest; you should see him scowl sometimes at my 

red coat; for he hates the king; and not unfrequently; when the 

king's health is drunk; curses him between his teeth。  I once got 

up to strike him; but the youngest of the sisters; who is the 

handsomest; caught my arm and pointed to her forehead。'

'And what does your duty consist of?  Have you nothing el
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