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innumerable holes; yawning horribly; and half filled with water 

black as soot; when it suddenly occurred to me that there was a 

road to the south; by following which I might find a more 

convenient route to the object of my wishes。  The event justified 

my expectations; for; after following the road for some three 

miles; seemingly in the direction of the Devil's Mountain; I 

suddenly beheld the castle on my left。

I diverged from the road; and; crossing two or three fields; came 

to a small grassy plain; in the midst of which stood the castle。  

About a gun…shot to the south was a small village; which had; 

probably; in ancient days; sprung up beneath its protection。  A 

kind of awe came over me as I approached the old building。  The sun 

no longer shone upon it; and it looked so grim; so desolate and 

solitary; and here was I; in that wild country; alone with that 

grim building before me。  The village was within sight; it is true; 

but it might be a village of the dead for what I knew; no sound 

issued from it; no smoke was rising from its roofs; neither man nor 

beast was visible; no life; no motion … it looked as desolate as 

the castle itself。  Yet I was bent on the adventure; and moved on 

towards the castle across the green plain; occasionally casting a 

startled glance around me; and now I was close to it。

It was surrounded by a quadrangular wall; about ten feet in height; 

with a square tower at each corner。  At first I could discover no 

entrance; walking round; however; to the northern side; I found a 

wide and lofty gateway with a tower above it; similar to those at 

the angles of the wall; on this side the ground sloped gently down 

towards the bog; which was here skirted by an abundant growth of 

copse…wood and a few evergreen oaks。  I passed through the gateway; 

and found myself within a square inclosure of about two acres。  On 

one side rose a round and lofty keep; or donjon; with a conical 

roof; part of which had fallen down; strewing the square with its 

ruins。  Close to the keep; on the other side; stood the remains of 

an oblong house; built something in the modern style; with various 

window…holes; nothing remained but the bare walls and a few 

projecting stumps of beams; which seemed to have been half burnt。  

The interior of the walls was blackened; as if by fire; fire also 

appeared at one time to have raged out of the window…holes; for the 

outside about them was black; portentously so。  'I wonder what has 

been going on here?' I exclaimed。

There were echoes among the walls as I walked about the court。  I 

entered the keep by a low and frowning doorway:  the lower floor 

consisted of a large dungeon…like room; with a vaulted roof; on the 

left hand was a winding staircase in the thickness of the wall; it 

looked anything but inviting; yet I stole softly up; my heart 

beating。  On the top of the first flight of stairs was an arched 

doorway; to the left was a dark passage; to the right; stairs 

leading still higher。  I stepped under the arch and found myself in 

an apartment somewhat similar to the one below; but higher。  There 

was an object at the farther end。

An old woman; at least eighty; was seated on a stone; cowering over 

a few sticks burning feebly on what had once been a right noble and 

cheerful hearth; her side…glance was towards the doorway as I 

entered; for she had heard my foot…steps。  I stood suddenly still; 

and her haggard glance rested on my face。

'Is this your house; mother?' I at length demanded; in the language 

which I thought she would best understand。

'Yes; my house; my own house; the house of the broken…hearted。'

'Any other person's house?' I demanded。

'My own house; the beggar's house … the accursed house of 



A visit … Figure of a man … The dog of peace … The raw wound … The 

guardroom … Boy soldier … Person in authority … Never solitary … 

Clergyman and family … Still…hunting … Fairy man … Near sunset … 

Bagg … Left…handed hitter … Irish and supernatural … At Swanton 


ONE morning I set out; designing to pay a visit to my brother at 

the place where he was detached; the distance was rather 

considerable; yet I hoped to be back by evening fall; for I was now 

a shrewd walker; thanks to constant practice。  I set out early; 

and; directing my course towards the north; I had in less than two 

hours accomplished considerably more than half of the journey。  The 

weather had at first been propitious:  a slight frost had rendered 

the ground firm to the tread; and the skies were clear; but now a 

change came over the scene; the skies darkened; and a heavy 

snowstorm came on; the road then lay straight through a bog; and 

was bounded by a deep trench on both sides; I was making the best 

of my way; keeping as nearly as I could in the middle of the road; 

lest; blinded by the snow which was frequently borne into my eyes 

by the wind; I might fall into the dyke; when all at once I heard a 

shout to windward; and turning my eyes I saw the figure of a man; 

and what appeared to be an animal of some kind; coming across the 

bog with great speed; in the direction of myself; the nature of the 

ground seemed to offer but little impediment to these beings; both 

clearing the holes and abysses which lay in their way with 

surprising agility; the animal was; however; some slight way in 

advance; and; bounding over the dyke; appeared on the road just 

before me。  It was a dog; of what species I cannot tell; never 

having seen the like before or since; the head was large and round; 

the ears so tiny as scarcely to be discernible; the eyes of a fiery 

red:  in size it was rather small than large; and the coat; which 

was remarkably smooth; as white as the falling flakes。  It placed 

itself directly in my path; and showing its teeth; and bristling 

its coat; appeared determined to prevent my progress。  I had an 

ashen stick in my hand; with which I threatened it; this; however; 

only served to increase its fury; it rushed upon me; and I had the 

utmost difficulty to preserve myself from its fangs。

'What are you doing with the dog; the fairy dog?' said a man; who 

at this time likewise cleared the dyke at a bound。

He was a very tall man; rather well dressed as it should seem; his 

garments; however; were; like my own; so covered with snow that I 

could scarcely discern their quality。

'What are ye doing with the dog of peace?'

'I wish he would show himself one;' said I; 'I said nothing to him; 

but he placed himself in my road; and would not let me pass。'

'Of course he would not be letting you till he knew where ye were 


'He's not much of a fairy;' said I; 'or he would know that without 

asking; tell him that I am going to see my brother。'

'And who is your brother; little Sas?'

'What my father is; a royal soldier。'

'Oh; ye are going then to
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