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accounts of my own adventures; and those of the corps; with an 

occasional anecdote extracted from the story…books of Hickathrift 

and Wight Wallace; pretending to be conning the lesson all the 


And there I made acquaintance; notwithstanding the hint of the 

landlord; with the Papist 'gossoons;' as they were called; the 

farmers' sons from the country; and of these gossoons; of whom 

there were three; two might be reckoned as nothing at all; in the 

third; however; I soon discovered that there was something 


He was about sixteen years old; and above six feet high; dressed in 

a gray suit; the coat; from its size; appeared to have been made 

for him some ten years before。  He was remarkably narrow…chested 

and round…shouldered; owing; perhaps as much to the tightness of 

his garment as to the hand of nature。  His face was long; and his 

complexion swarthy; relieved; however; by certain freckles; with 

which the skin was plentifully studded。  He had strange wandering 

eyes; gray; and somewhat unequal in size; they seldom rested on the 

book; but were generally wandering about the room; from one object 

to another。  Sometimes he would fix them intently on the wall; and 

then suddenly starting; as if from a reverie; he would commence 

making certain mysterious movements with his thumbs and 

forefingers; as if he were shuffling something from him。

One morning; as he sat by himself on a bench; engaged in this 

manner; I went up to him; and said; 'Good…day; Murtagh; you do not 

seem to have much to do?'

'Faith; you may say that; Shorsha dear! … it is seldom much to do 

that I have。'

'And what are you doing with your hands?'

'Faith; then; if I must tell you; I was e'en dealing with the 


'Do you play much at cards?'

'Sorra a game; Shorsha; have I played with the cards since my uncle 

Phelim; the thief; stole away the ould pack; when he went to settle 

in the county Waterford!'

'But you have other things to do?'

'Sorra anything else has Murtagh to do that he cares about and that 

makes me dread so going home at nights。'

'I should like to know all about you; where do you live; joy?'

'Faith; then; ye shall know all about me; and where I live。  It is 

at a place called the Wilderness that I live; and they call it so; 

because it is a fearful wild place; without any house near it but 

my father's own; and that's where I live when at home。'

'And your father is a farmer; I suppose?'

'You may say that; and it is a farmer I should have been; like my 

brother Denis; had not my uncle Phelim; the thief; tould my father 

to send me to school; to learn Greek letters; that I might be made 

a saggart of; and sent to Paris and Salamanca。'

'And you would rather be a farmer than a priest?'

'You may say that! … for; were I a farmer; like the rest; I should 

have something to do; like the rest … something that I cared for … 

and I should come home tired at night; and fall asleep; as the rest 

do; before the fire; but when I comes home at night I am not tired; 

for I have been doing nothing all day that I care for; and then I 

sits down and stares about me; and at the fire; till I become 

frighted; and then I shouts to my brother Denis; or to the 

gossoons; 〃Get up; I say; and let's be doing something; tell us the 

tale of Finn…ma…Coul; and how he lay down in the Shannon's bed; and 

let the river flow down his jaws!〃  Arrah; Shorsha!  I wish you 

would come and stay with us; and tell us some o' your sweet stories 

of your own self and the snake ye carried about wid ye。  Faith; 

Shorsha dear! that snake bates anything about Finn…ma…Coul or Brian 

Boroo; the thieves two; bad luck to them!'

'And do they get up and tell you stories?'

'Sometimes they does; but oftenmost they curses me; and bids me be 

quiet!  But I can't be quiet; either before the fire or abed; so I 

runs out of the house; and stares at the rocks; at the trees; and 

sometimes at the clouds; as they run a race across the bright moon; 

and; the more I stares; the more frighted I grows; till I screeches 

and holloas。  And last night I went into the barn; and hid my face 

in the straw; and there; as I lay and shivered in the straw; I 

heard a voice above my head singing out 〃To whit; to whoo!〃 and 

then up I starts; and runs into the house; and falls over my 

brother Denis; as he lies at the fire。  〃What's that for?〃 says he。  

〃Get up; you thief!〃 says I; 〃and be helping me。  I have been out 

into the barn; and an owl has crow'd at me!〃'

'And what has this to do with playing cards?'

'Little enough; Shorsha dear! … If there were card…playing; I 

should not be frighted。'

'And why do you not play at cards?'

'Did I not tell you that the thief; my uncle Phelim; stole away the 

pack?  If we had the pack; my brother Denis and the gossoons would 

be ready enough to get up from their sleep before the fire; and 

play cards with me for ha'pence; or eggs; or nothing at all; but 

the pack is gone … bad luck to the thief who took it!'

'And why don't you buy another?'

'Is it of buying you are speaking?  And where am I to get the 


'Ah! that's another thing!'

'Faith it is; honey! … And now the Christmas holidays is coming; 

when I shall be at home by day as well as night; and then what am I 

to do?  Since I have been a saggarting; I have been good for 

nothing at all … neither for work nor Greek … only to play cards!  

Faith; it's going mad I will be!'

'I say; Murtagh!'

'Yes; Shorsha dear!'

'I have a pack of cards。'

'You don't say so; Shorsha ma vourneen? … you don't say that you 

have cards fifty…two?'

'I do; though; and they are quite new … never been once used。'

'And you'll be lending them to me; I warrant?'

'Don't think it! … But I'll sell them to you; joy; if you like。'

'Hanam mon Dioul! am I not after telling you that I have no money 

at all!'

'But you have as good as money; to me; at least; and I'll take it 

in exchange。'

'What's that; Shorsha dear?'



'Yes; you speak Irish; I heard you talking it the other day to the 

cripple。  You shall teach me Irish。'

'And is it a language…master you'd be making of me?'

'To be sure! … what better can you do? … it would help you to pass 

your time at school。  You can't learn Greek; so you must teach 


Before Christmas; Murtagh was playing at cards with his brother 

Denis; and I could speak a considerable quantity of broken Irish。


Templemore … Devil's Mountain … No companion … Force of 

circumstance … Way of the world … Ruined castle … Grim and desolate 

… The donjon … Old woman … My own house。

WHEN Christmas was over; and the new year commenced; we broke up 

our quarters; and marched away to Templemore。  This was a large 

military station; situated
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