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snow; and in summer with stones; and then the feud between the old 

and new town!

One day I was standing on the ramparts of the Castle on the south…

western side which overhangs the green brae; where it slopes down 

into what was in those days the green swamp or morass; called by 

the natives of Auld Reekie the Nor Loch; it was a dark gloomy day; 

and a thin veil of mist was beginning to settle down upon the brae 

and the morass。  I could perceive; however; that there was a 

skirmish taking place in the latter spot。  I had an indistinct view 

of two parties … apparently of urchins … and I heard whoops and 

shrill cries:  eager to know the cause of this disturbance; I left 

the Castle; and descending the brae reached the borders of the 

morass; where were a runnel of water and the remains of an old 

wall; on the other side of which a narrow path led across the 

swamp:  upon this path at a little distance before me there was 'a 

bicker。'  I pushed forward; but had scarcely crossed the ruined 

wall and runnel; when the party nearest to me gave way; and in 

great confusion came running in my direction。  As they drew nigh; 

one of them shouted to me; 'Wha are ye; man? are ye o' the Auld 

Toon?'  I made no answer。  'Ha! ye are o' the New Toon; De'il tak 

ye; we'll moorder ye'; and the next moment a huge stone sung past 

my head。  'Let me be; ye fule bodies;' said I; 'I'm no of either of 

ye; I live yonder aboon in the Castle。'  'Ah! ye live in the 

Castle; then ye're an auld tooner; come gie us your help; man; and 

dinna stand there staring like a dunnot; we want help sair eneugh。  

Here are stanes。'

For my own part I wished for nothing better; and; rushing forward; 

I placed myself at the head of my new associates; and commenced 

flinging stones fast and desperately。  The other party now gave way 

in their turn; closely followed by ourselves; I was in the van; and 

about to stretch out my hand to seize the hindermost boy of the 

enemy; when; not being acquainted with the miry and difficult paths 

of the Nor Loch; and in my eagerness taking no heed of my footing; 

I plunged into a quagmire; into which I sank as far as my 

shoulders。  Our adversaries no sooner perceived this disaster; 

than; setting up a shout; they wheeled round and attacked us most 

vehemently。  Had my comrades now deserted me; my life had not been 

worth a straw's purchase; I should either have been smothered in 

the quag; or; what is more probable; had my brains beaten out with 

stones; but they behaved like true Scots; and fought stoutly around 

their comrade; until I was extricated; whereupon both parties 

retired; the night being near at hand。

'Ye are na a bad hand at flinging stanes;' said the lad who first 

addressed me; as we now returned up the brae; 'your aim is right 

dangerous; mon; I saw how ye skelpit them; ye maun help us agin 

thae New Toon blackguards at our next bicker。'

So to the next bicker I went; and to many more; which speedily 

followed as the summer advanced; the party to which I had given my 

help on the first occasion consisted merely of outlyers; posted 

about half…way up the hill; for the purpose of overlooking the 

movements of the enemy。

Did the latter draw nigh in any considerable force; messengers were 

forthwith despatched to the 'Auld Toon;' especially to the filthy 

alleys and closes of the High Street; which forthwith would 

disgorge swarms of bare…headed and bare…footed 'callants;' who; 

with gestures wild and 'eldrich screech and hollo;' might 

frequently be seen pouring down the sides of the hill。  I have seen 

upwards of a thousand engaged on either side in these frays; which 

I have no doubt were full as desperate as the fights described in 

the ILIAD; and which were certainly much more bloody than the 

combats of modern Greece in the war of independence:  the callants 

not only employed their hands in hurling stones; but not 

unfrequently slings; at the use of which they were very expert; and 

which occasionally dislodged teeth; shattered jaws; or knocked out 

an eye。  Our opponents certainly laboured under considerable 

disadvantage; being compelled not only to wade across a deceitful 

bog; but likewise to clamber up part of a steep hill; before they 

could attack us; nevertheless; their determination was such; and 

such their impetuosity; that we had sometimes difficulty enough to 

maintain our own。  I shall never forget one bicker; the last indeed 

which occurred at that time; as the authorities of the town; 

alarmed by the desperation of its character; stationed forthwith a 

body of police on the hill…side; to prevent; in future; any such 

breaches of the peace。

It was a beautiful Sunday evening; the rays of the descending sun 

were reflected redly from the gray walls of the Castle; and from 

the black rocks on which it was founded。  The bicker had long since 

commenced; stones from sling and hand were flying; but the callants 

of the New Town were now carrying everything before them。

A full…grown baker's apprentice was at their head; he was foaming 

with rage; and had taken the field; as I was told; in order to 

avenge his brother; whose eye had been knocked out in one of the 

late bickers。  He was no slinger or flinger; but brandished in his 

right hand the spoke of a cart…wheel; like my countryman Tom 

Hickathrift of old in his encounter with the giant of the 

Lincolnshire fen。  Protected by a piece of wicker…work attached to 

his left arm; he rushed on to the fray; disregarding the stones 

which were showered against him; and was ably seconded by his 

followers。  Our own party was chased half…way up the hill; where I 

was struck to the ground by the baker; after having been foiled in 

an attempt which I had made to fling a handful of earth into his 

eyes。  All now appeared lost; the Auld Toon was in full retreat。  I 

myself lay at the baker's feet; who had just raised his spoke; 

probably to give me the COUP DE GRACE; … it was an awful moment。  

Just then I heard a shout and a rushing sound; a wild…looking 

figure is descending the hill with terrible bounds; it is a lad of 

some fifteen years; he is bare…headed; and his red uncombed hair 

stands on end like hedgehogs' bristles:  his frame is lithy; like 

that of an antelope; but he has prodigious breadth of chest; he 

wears a military undress; that of the regiment; even of a drummer; 

for it is wild Davy; whom a month before I had seen enlisted on 

Leith Links to serve King George with drum and drumstick as long as 

his services might be required; and who; ere a week had elapsed; 

had smitten with his fist Drum…Major Elzigood; who; incensed at his 

inaptitude; had threatened him with his cane; he has been in 

confinement for weeks; this is the first day of his liberation; and 

he is now descending the hill with horrid bounds and shoutings; he 

is now about five yards distant; and the baker; who apprehends that 

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