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subordinate; on some particular business I suppose。  It was; 

however; agreed that he should visit us at the Holy City。  We did 

not go direct to the Holy City; but bent our course to two or three 

other cities which the family were desirous of seeing; but as 

nothing occurred to us in these places of any particular interest; 

I shall take the liberty of passing them by in silence。  At length 

we arrived at the Eternal City:  an immense city it was; looking as 

if it had stood for a long time; and would stand for a long time 

still; compared with it; London would look like a mere assemblage 

of bee…skeps; however; give me the bee…skeps with their merry hum 

and bustle; and life and honey; rather than that huge town; which 

looked like a sepulchre; where there was no life; no busy hum; no 

bees; but a scanty sallow population; intermixed with black 

priests; white priests; gray priests; and though I don't say there 

was no honey in the place; for I believe there was; I am ready to 

take my Bible oath that it was not made there; and that the priests 

kept it all for themselves。


A cloister … Half English … New acquaintance … Mixed liquors … 

Turning Papist … Purposes of charity … Foreign religion … 

Melancholy … Elbowing and pushing … Outlandish sight … The figure … 

I don't care for you … Merry…andrews … One good … Religion of my 

country … Fellow of spirit … A dispute … The next morning … Female 

doll … Proper dignity … Fetish country。

'THE day after our arrival;' continued the postilion; 'I was sent; 

under the guidance of a lackey of the place; with a letter; which 

the priest; when he left; had given us for a friend of his in the 

Eternal City。  We went to a large house; and on ringing were 

admitted by a porter into a cloister; where I saw some ill…looking; 

shabby young fellows walking about; who spoke English to one 

another。  To one of these the porter delivered the letter; and the 

young fellow; going away; presently returned and told me to follow 

him; he led me into a large room where; behind a table on which 

were various papers and a thing which they call; in that country; a 

crucifix; sat a man in a kind of priestly dress。  The lad having 

opened the door for me; shut it behind me; and went away。  The man 

behind the table was so engaged in reading the letter which I had 

brought; that at first he took no notice of me; he had red hair; a 

kind of half…English countenance; and was seemingly about five…and…

thirty。  After a little time he laid the letter down; appeared to 

consider a moment; and then opened his mouth with a strange laugh; 

not a loud laugh; for I heard nothing but a kind of hissing deep 

down the throat; all of a sudden; however; perceiving me; he gave a 

slight start; but; instantly recovering himself; he inquired in 

English concerning the health of the family; and where we lived:  

on my delivering him a card; he bade me inform my master and the 

ladies that in the course of the day he would do himself the honour 

of waiting upon them。  He then arose and opened the door for me to 

depart。  The man was perfectly civil and courteous; but I did not 

like that strange laugh of his after having read the letter。  He 

was as good as his word; and that same day paid us a visit。  It was 

now arranged that we should pass the winter in Rome … to my great 

annoyance; for I wished to return to my native land; being heartily 

tired of everything connected with Italy。  I was not; however; 

without hope that our young master would shortly arrive; when I 

trusted that matters; as far as the family were concerned; would be 

put on a better footing。  In a few days our new acquaintance; who; 

it seems; was a mongrel Englishman; had procured a house for our 

accommodation; it was large enough; but not near so pleasant as 

that we had at Naples; which was light and airy; with a large 

garden。  This was a dark gloomy structure in a narrow street; with 

a frowning church beside it; it was not far from the place where 

our new friend lived; and its being so was probably the reason why 

he selected it。  It was furnished partly with articles which we 

bought; and partly with those which we hired。  We lived something 

in the same way as at Naples; but though I did not much like 

Naples; I yet liked it better than this place; which was so gloomy。  

Our new acquaintance made himself as agreeable as he could; 

conducting the ladies to churches and convents; and frequently 

passing the afternoon drinking with the governor; who was fond of a 

glass of brandy and water and a cigar; as the new acquaintance also 

was … no; I remember; he was fond of gin and water; and did not 

smoke。  I don't think he had so much influence over the young 

ladies as the other priest; which was; perhaps; owing to his not 

being so good…looking; but I am sure he had more influence with the 

governor; owing; doubtless; to his bearing him company in drinking 

mixed liquors; which the other priest did not do。

'He was a strange fellow; that same new acquaintance of ours; and 

unlike all the priests I saw in that country; and I saw plenty of 

various nations; they were always upon their guard; and had their 

features and voice modulated; but this man was subject to fits of 

absence; during which he would frequently mutter to himself; then; 

though he was perfectly civil to everybody; as far as words went; I 

observed that he entertained a thorough contempt for most people; 

especially for those whom he was making dupes。  I have observed him 

whilst drinking with our governor; when the old man's head was 

turned; look at him with an air which seemed to say; 〃What a 

thundering old fool you are〃; and at our young ladies; when their 

backs were turned; with a glance which said distinctly enough; 〃You 

precious pair of ninnyhammers〃; and then his laugh … he had two 

kinds of laughs … one which you could hear; and another which you 

could only see。  I have seen him laugh at our governor and the 

young ladies; when their heads were turned away; but I heard no 

sound。  My mother had a sandy cat; which sometimes used to open its 

mouth wide with a mew which nobody could hear; and the silent laugh 

of that red…haired priest used to put me wonderfully in mind of the 

silent mew of my mother's sandy…red cat。  And then the other laugh; 

which you could hear; what a strange laugh that was; never loud; 

yes; I have heard it tolerably loud。  He once passed near me; after 

having taken leave of a silly English fellow … a limping parson of 

the name of Platitude; who; they said; was thinking of turning 

Papist; and was much in his company; I was standing behind the 

pillar of a piazza; and as he passed he was laughing heartily。  O 

he was a strange fellow; that same red…haired acquaintance of ours!

'After we had been at Rome about six weeks our old friend the 

priest of Naples arrived; but without his subordinate; fo
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