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half…wild creature … I was not insensible to the loveliness of 

nature; and took pleasure in the happiness and handiworks of my 

fellow…creatures。  Yet; perhaps; in something more deep and 

mysterious the feelings which then pervaded me might originate。  

Who can lie down on Elvir Hill without experiencing something of 

the sorcery of the place?  Flee from Elvir Hill; young swain; or 

the maids of Elle will have power over you; and you will go elf…

wild! … so say the Danes。  I had unconsciously laid myself down 

upon haunted ground; and I am willing to imagine that what I then 

experienced was rather connected with the world of spirits and 

dreams than with what I actually saw and heard around me。  Surely 

the elves and genii of the place were conversing; by some 

inscrutable means; with the principle of intelligence lurking 

within the poor uncultivated clod!  Perhaps to that ethereal 

principle the wonders of the past; as connected with that stream; 

the glories of the present; and even the history of the future; 

were at that moment being revealed!  Of how many feats of chivalry 

had those old walls been witness; when hostile kings contended for 

their possession! … how many an army from the south and from the 

north had trod that old bridge! … what red and noble blood had 

crimsoned those rushing waters!…what strains had been sung; ay; 

were yet being sung; on its banks! … some soft as Doric reed; some 

fierce and sharp as those of Norwegian Skaldaglam; some as replete 

with wild and wizard force as Finland's runes; singing of 

Kalevala's moors; and the deeds of Woinomoinen!  Honour to thee; 

thou island stream!  Onward may thou ever roll; fresh and green; 

rejoicing in thy bright past; thy glorious present; and in vivid 

hope of a triumphant future!  Flow on; beautiful one! … which of 

the world's streams canst thou envy; with thy beauty and renown?  

Stately is the Danube; rolling in its might through lands romantic 

with the wild exploits of Turk; Polak; and Magyar!  Lovely is the 

Rhine! on its shelvy banks grows the racy grape; and strange old 

keeps of robber…knights of yore are reflected in its waters; from 

picturesque crags and airy headlands! … yet neither the stately 

Danube nor the beauteous Rhine; with all their fame; though 

abundant; needst thou envy; thou pure island stream! … and far less 

yon turbid river of old; not modern renown; gurgling beneath the 

walls of what was once proud Rome; towering Rome; Jupiter's town; 

but now vile Rome; crumbling Rome; Batuscha's town; far less needst 

thou envy the turbid Tiber of bygone fame; creeping sadly to the 

sea; surcharged with the abominations of modern Rome … how unlike 

to thee; thou pure island stream!

And; as I lay on the bank and wept; there drew nigh to me a man in 

the habiliments of a fisher。  He was bare…legged; of a weather…

beaten countenance; and of stature approaching to the gigantic。  

'What is the callant greeting for?' said he; as he stopped and 

surveyed me。  'Has onybody wrought ye ony harm?'

'Not that I know of;' I replied; rather guessing at than 

understanding his question; 'I was crying because I could not help 

it!  I say; old one; what is the name of this river?'

'Hout!  I now see what you was greeting at … at your ain ignorance; 

nae doubt … 'tis very great!  Weel; I will na fash you with 

reproaches; but even enlighten ye; since you seem a decent man's 

bairn; and you speir a civil question。  Yon river is called the 

Tweed; and yonder; over the brig; is Scotland。  Did ye never hear 

of the Tweed; my bonny man?'

'No;' said I; as I rose from the grass; and proceeded to cross the 

bridge to the town at which we had arrived the preceding night; 'I 

never heard of it; but now I have seen it; I shall not soon forget 



The Castle … A father's inquiries … Scotch language … A 

determination … Bui hin Digri … Good Scotchman … Difference of 

races … Ne'er a haggis … Pugnacious people … Wha are ye; man? … The 

Nor Loch … Gestures wild … The bicker … New Town champion … Wild…

looking figure … Headlong。

IT was not long before we found ourselves at Edinburgh; or rather 

in the Castle; into which the regiment marched with drums beating; 

colours flying; and a long train of baggage…waggons behind。  The 

Castle was; as I suppose it is now; a garrison for soldiers。  Two 

other regiments were already there; the one an Irish; if I remember 

right; the other a small Highland corps。

It is hardly necessary to say much about this Castle; which 

everybody has seen; on which account; doubtless; nobody has ever 

yet thought fit to describe it … at least that I am aware。  Be this 

as it may; I have no intention of describing it; and shall content 

myself with observing that we took up our abode in that immense 

building; or caserne; of modern erection; which occupies the entire 

eastern side of the bold rock on which the Castle stands。  A 

gallant caserne it was … the best and roomiest that I had hitherto 

seen … rather cold and windy; it is true; especially in the winter; 

but commanding a noble prospect of a range of distant hills; which 

I was told were 'the hieland hills;' and of a broad arm of the sea; 

which I heard somebody say was the Firth of Forth。

My brother; who; for some years past; had been receiving his 

education in a certain celebrated school in England; was now with 

us; and it came to pass; that one day my father; as he sat at 

table; looked steadfastly on my brother and myself; and then 

addressed my mother:  … 'During my journey down hither; I have lost 

no opportunity of making inquiries about these people; the Scotch; 

amongst whom we now are; and since I have been here I have observed 

them attentively。  From what I have heard and seen; I should say 

that upon the whole they are a very decent set of people; they seem 

acute and intelligent; and I am told that their system of education 

is so excellent that every person is learned … more or less 

acquainted with Greek and Latin。  There is one thing; however; 

connected with them; which is a great drawback … the horrid jargon 

which they speak。  However learned they may be in Greek and Latin; 

their English is execrable; and yet I'm told it is not so bad as it 

was。  I was in company; the other day; with an Englishman who has 

resided here many years。  We were talking about the country and the 

people。  〃I should like both very well;〃 said I; 〃were it not for 

the language。  I wish sincerely our Parliament; which is passing so 

many foolish acts every year; would pass one to force these Scotch 

to speak English。〃  〃I wish so; too;〃 said he。  〃The language is a 

disgrace to the British Government; but; if you had heard it twenty 

years ago; captain! … if you had heard it as it was spoken when I 

first came to Edinburgh!〃'

'Only custom;' said my mother。  'I daresay the language is now what 

it was then。'
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