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country like this who is not well versed in English … a country 

where; they think; so far from understanding any language besides 

his own; scarcely one individual in ten speaks his own 

intelligibly; or an ascetic person where; as they say; high and 

low; male and female; are; at some period of their lives; fond of a 

renovating glass; as it is styled … in other words; of tippling。'

'Your See appears to entertain a very strange opinion of the 

English;' said I。

'Not altogether an unjust one;' said the man in black; lifting the 

glass to his mouth。

'Well;' said I; 'it is certainly very kind on its part to wish to 

bring back such a set of beings beneath its wing。'

'Why; as to the kindness of my See;' said the man in black; 'I have 

not much to say; my See has generally in what it does a tolerably 

good motive; these heretics possess in plenty what my See has a 

great hankering for; and can turn to a good account … money!'

'The Founder of the Christian religion cared nothing for money;' 

said I。

'What have we to do with what the Founder of the Christian religion 

cared for?' said the man in black。  'How could our temples be built 

and our priests supported without money?  But you are unwise to 

reproach us with a desire of obtaining money; you forget that your 

own Church; if the Church of England be your own Church; as I 

suppose it is from the willingness which you displayed in the 

public…house to fight for it; is equally avaricious; look at your 

greedy Bishops and your corpulent Rectors … do they imitate Christ 

in His disregard for money?  You might as well tell me that they 

imitate Christ in His meekness and humility。'

'Well;' said I; 'whatever their faults may be; you can't say that 

they go to Rome for money。'

The man in black made no direct answer; but appeared by the motion 

of his lips to be repeating something to himself。

'I see your glass is again empty;' said I; 'perhaps you will 

replenish it。'

The man in black arose from his seat; adjusted his habiliments; 

which were rather in disorder; and placed upon his head his hat; 

which he had laid aside; then; looking at me; who was still lying 

on the ground; he said … 'I might; perhaps; take another glass; 

though I believe I have had quite as much as I can well bear; but I 

do not wish to hear you utter anything more this evening; after 

that last observation of yours … it is quite original; I will 

meditate upon it on my pillow this night; after having said an ave 

and a pater … go to Rome for money!'  He then made Belle a low bow; 

slightly motioned to me with his hand as if bidding farewell; and 

then left the dingle with rather uneven steps。

'Go to Rome for money;' I heard him say as he ascended the winding 

path; 'he! he! he!  Go to Rome for money; ho! ho! ho!'


Wooded retreat … Fresh shoes … Wood fire … Ash; when green … Queen 

of China … Cleverest people … Declensions … Armenian … Thunder … 

Deep olive … What do you mean? … Koul Adonai … The thick bushes … 

Wood pigeon … Old Gothe。

NEARLY three days elapsed without anything of particular moment 

occurring。  Belle drove the little cart containing her merchandise 

about the neighbourhood; returning to the dingle towards the 

evening。  As for myself; I kept within my wooded retreat; working 

during the periods of her absence leisurely at my forge。  Having 

observed that the quadruped which my companion drove was as much in 

need of shoes as my own had been some time previously; I had 

determined to provide it with a set; and during the aforesaid 

periods occupied myself in preparing them。  As I was employed three 

mornings and afternoons about them; I am sure that the reader will 

agree that I worked leisurely; or rather; lazily。  On the third day 

Belle arrived somewhat later than usual; I was lying on my back at 

the bottom of the dingle; employed in tossing up the shoes which I 

had produced; and catching them as they fell … some being always in 

the air mounting or descending; somewhat after the fashion of the 

waters of a fountain。

'Why have you been absent so long?' said I to Belle; 'it must be 

long past four by the day。'

'I have been almost killed by the heat;' said Belle; 'I was never 

out in a more sultry day … the poor donkey; too; could scarcely 

move along。'

'He shall have fresh shoes;' said I; continuing my exercise; 'here 

they are quite ready; to…morrow I will tack them on。'

'And why are you playing with them in that manner?' said Belle。

'Partly in triumph at having made them; and partly to show that I 

can do something besides making them; it is not every one who; 

after having made a set of horse…shoes; can keep them going up and 

down in the air; without letting one fall … '

'One has now fallen on your chin;' said Belle。

'And another on my cheek;' said I; getting up; 'it is time to 

discontinue the game; for the last shoe drew blood。'

Belle went to her own little encampment; and as for myself; after 

having flung the donkey's shoes into my tent; I put some fresh wood 

on the fire; which was nearly out; and hung the kettle over it。  I 

then issued forth from the dingle; and strolled round the wood that 

surrounded it; for a long time I was busied in meditation; looking 

at the ground; striking with my foot; half unconsciously; the tufts 

of grass and thistles that I met in my way。  After some time; I 

lifted up my eyes to the sky; at first vacantly; and then with more 

attention; turning my head in all directions for a minute or two; 

after which I returned to the dingle。  Isopel was seated near the 

fire; over which the kettle was now hung; she had changed her dress 

… no signs of the dust and fatigue of her late excursion remained; 

she had just added to the fire a small billet of wood; two or three 

of which I had left beside it; the fire cracked; and a sweet odour 

filled the dingle。

'I am fond of sitting by a wood fire;' said Belle; 'when abroad; 

whether it be hot or cold; I love to see the flames dart out of the 

wood; but what kind is this; and where did you get it?'

'It is ash;' said I; 'green ash。  Somewhat less than a week ago; 

whilst I was wandering along the road by the side of a wood; I came 

to a place where some peasants were engaged in cutting up and 

clearing away a confused mass of fallen timber:  a mighty aged oak 

had given way the night before; and in its fall had shivered some 

smaller trees; the upper part of the oak; and the fragments of the 

rest; lay across the road。  I purchased; for a trifle; a bundle or 

two; and the wood on the fire is part of it … ash; green ash。'

'That makes good the old rhyme;' said Belle; 'which I have heard 

sung by the old women in the great house:…

'Ash; when green;

Is fire for a queen。'

'And on fairer form of queen ash fire never shone;' said I; 'than 

on thine; 
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