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Platitude … '

'Stop;' said I; 'you said in the public…house that the Church of 

England was a persecuting Church; and here in the dingle you have 

confessed that one section of it is willing to grant perfect 

freedom to the exercise of all religions; and the other only thinks 

of leading an easy life。'

'Saying a thing in the public…house is a widely different thing 

from saying it in the dingle;' said the man in black; 'had the 

Church of England been a persecuting Church; it would not stand in 

the position in which it stands at present; it might; with its 

opportunities; have spread itself over the greater part of the 

world。  I was about to observe that; instead of practising the 

indolent habits of his High Church brethren; Platitude would be 

working for his money; preaching the proper use of fire and faggot; 

or rather of the halter and the whipping…post; encouraging mobs to 

attack the houses of Dissenters; employing spies to collect the 

scandal of neighbourhoods; in order that he might use it for 

sacerdotal purposes; and; in fact; endeavouring to turn an English 

parish into something like a Jesuit benefice in the south of 


'He tried that game;' said I; 'and the parish said 〃Pooh; pooh;〃 

and; for the most part; went over to the Dissenters。'

'Very true;' said the man in black; taking a sip at his glass; 'but 

why were the Dissenters allowed to preach? why were they not beaten 

on the lips till they spat out blood; with a dislodged tooth or 

two?  Why; but because the authority of the Church of England has; 

by its own fault; become so circumscribed that Mr。 Platitude was 

not able to send a host of beadles and sbirri to their chapel to 

bring them to reason; on which account Mr。 Platitude is very 

properly ashamed of his Church; and is thinking of uniting himself 

with one which possesses more vigour and authority。'

'It may have vigour and authority;' said I; 'in foreign lands; but 

in these kingdoms the day for practising its atrocities is gone by。  

It is at present almost below contempt; and is obliged to sue for 


'Very true;' said the man in black; 'but let it once obtain 

emancipation; and it will cast its slough; put on its fine clothes; 

and make converts by thousands。  'What a fine Church!' they'll say; 

'with what authority it speaks! no doubts; no hesitation; no 

sticking at trifles。  What a contrast to the sleepy English Church!  

They'll go over to it by millions; till it preponderates here over 

every other; when it will of course be voted the dominant one; and 

then … and then … ' and here the man in black drank a considerable 

quantity of gin and water。

'What then?' said I。

'What then?' said the man in black; 'why she will be true to 

herself。  Let Dissenters; whether they be Church of England; as 

perhaps they may still call themselves; Methodist; or Presbyterian; 

presume to grumble; and there shall be bruising of lips in pulpits; 

tying up to whipping…posts; cutting off ears and noses … he! he! 

the farce of King Log has been acted long enough; the time for 

Queen Stork's tragedy is drawing nigh'; and the man in black sipped 

his gin and water in a very exulting manner。

'And this is the Church which; according to your assertion in the 

public…house; never persecutes?'

'I have already given you an answer;' said the man in black。  'With 

respect to the matter of the public…house; it is one of the happy 

privileges of those who belong to my Church to deny in the public…

house what they admit in the dingle; we have high warranty for such 

double speaking。  Did not the foundation stone of our Church; Saint 

Peter; deny in the public…house what he had previously professed in 

the valley?'

'And do you think;' said I; 'that the people of England; who have 

shown aversion to anything in the shape of intolerance; will permit 

such barbarities as you have described?'

'Let them become Papists;' said the man in black; 'only let the 

majority become Papists; and you will see。'

'They will never become so;' said I; 'the good sense of the people 

of England will never permit them to commit such an absurdity。'

'The good sense of the people of England!' said the man in black; 

filling himself another glass。

'Yes;' said I; 'the good sense of not only the upper; but the 

middle and lower classes。'

'And of what description of people are the upper class?' said the 

man in black; putting a lump of sugar into his gin and water。

'Very fine people;' said I; 'monstrously fine people; so; at least; 

they are generally believed to be。'

'He! he!' said the man in black; 'only those think them so who 

don't know them。  The male part of the upper class are in youth a 

set of heartless profligates; in old age; a parcel of poor; 

shaking; nervous paillards。  The female part; worthy to be the 

sisters and wives of such wretches … unmarried; full of cold vice; 

kept under by vanity and ambition; but which; after marriage; they 

seek not to restrain; in old age; abandoned to vapours and horrors; 

do you think that such beings will afford any obstacle to the 

progress of the Church in these regions; as soon as her movements 

are unfettered?'

'I cannot give an opinion; I know nothing of them; except from a 

distance。  But what think you of the middle classes?'

'Their chief characteristic;' said the man in black; 'is a rage for 

grandeur and gentility; and that same rage makes us quite sure of 

them in the long run。  Everything that's lofty meets their 

unqualified approbation; whilst everything humble; or; as they call 

it; 〃low;〃 is scouted by them。  They begin to have a vague idea 

that the religion which they have hitherto professed is low; at any 

rate; that it is not the religion of the mighty ones of the earth; 

of the great kings and emperors whose shoes they have a vast 

inclination to kiss; nor was used by the grand personages of whom 

they have read in their novels and romances; their Ivanhoes; their 

Marmions; and their Ladies of the Lake。'

'Do you think that the writings of Scott have had any influence in 

modifying their religious opinions?'

'Most certainly I do;' said the man in black。  'The writings of 

that man have made them greater fools than they were before。  All 

their conversation now is about gallant knights; princesses; and 

cavaliers; with which his pages are stuffed … all of whom were 

Papists; or very High Church; which is nearly the same thing; and 

they are beginning to think that the religion of such nice sweet…

scented gentry must be something very superfine。  Why; I know at 

Birmingham the daughter of an ironmonger; who screeches to the 

piano the Lady of the Lake's hymn to the Virgin Mary; always weeps 

when Mary Queen of Scots is mentioned; and fasts on the anniversary 

of the death of that very wise martyr; Charles the First。  Why; I 

would engage to con
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