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you on the sums of money you won by the main of cocks at …。  I hope 

you brought it all safe home。'  'Safe home!' said the landlord; 'I 

brought myself safe home; and that was all; came home without a 

shilling; regularly done; cleaned out。'  'I am sorry for that;' 

said I; 'but after you had won the money; you ought to have been 

satisfied; and not risked it again … how did you lose it?  I hope 

not by the pea and thimble。'  'Pea and thimble;' said the landlord 

… 'not I; those confounded cocks left me nothing to lose by the pea 

and thimble。'  'Dear me;' said I; 'I thought that you knew your 

birds。'  'Well; so I did;' said the landlord; 'I knew the birds to 

be good birds; and so they proved; and would have won if better 

birds had not been brought against them; of which I knew nothing; 

and so do you see I am done; regularly done。'  'Well;' said I; 

'don't be cast down; there is one thing of which the cocks by their 

misfortune cannot deprive you … your reputation; make the most of 

that; give up cock…fighting; and be content with the custom of your 

house; of which you will always have plenty; as long as you are the 

wonder and glory of the neighbourhood。'

The landlord struck the table before him violently with his fist。  

'Confound my reputation!' said he。  'No reputation that I have will 

be satisfaction to my brewer for the seventy pounds I owe him。  

Reputation won't pass for the current coin of this here realm; and 

let me tell you; that if it ain't backed by some of it; it ain't a 

bit better than rotten cabbage; as I have found。  Only three weeks 

since I was; as I told you; the wonder and glory of the 

neighbourhood; and people used to come to look at me; and worship 

me; but as soon as it began to be whispered about that I owed money 

to the brewer; they presently left off all that kind of thing; and 

now; during the last three days; since the tale of my misfortune 

with the cocks has got wind; almost everybody has left off coming 

to the house; and the few who does; merely comes to insult and 

flout me。  It was only last night that fellow; Hunter; called me an 

old fool in my own kitchen here。  He wouldn't have called me a fool 

a fortnight ago; 'twas I called him fool then; and last night he 

called me old fool; what do you think of that? … the man that beat 

Tom of Hopton; to be called; not only a fool; but an old fool; and 

I hadn't heart; with one blow of this here fist into his face; to 

send his head ringing against the wall; for when a man's pocket is 

low; do you see; his heart ain't much higher; but it is of no use 

talking; something must be done。  I was thinking of you just as you 

came in; for you are just the person that can help me。'

'If you mean;' said I; 'to ask me to lend you the money which you 

want; it will be to no purpose; as I have very little of my own; 

just enough for my own occasions; it is true; if you desired it; I 

would be your intercessor with the person to whom you owe the 

money; though I should hardly imagine that anything I could say … '  

'You are right there;' said the landlord; 'much the brewer would 

care for anything you could say on my behalf … your going would be 

the very way to do me up entirely。  A pretty opinion he would have 

of the state of my affairs if I were to send him such a 'cessor as 

you; and as for your lending me money; don't think I was ever fool 

enough to suppose either that you had any; or if you had that you 

would be fool enough to lend me any。  No; no; the coves of the ring 

knows better; I have been in the ring myself; and knows what a 

fighting cove is; and though I was fool enough to back those birds; 

I was never quite fool enough to lend anybody money。  What I am 

about to propose is something very different from going to my 

landlord; or lending any capital; something which; though it will 

put money into my pocket; will likewise put something handsome into 

your own。  I want to get up a fight in this here neighbourhood; 

which would be sure to bring plenty of people to my house; for a 

week before and after it takes place; and as people can't come 

without drinking; I think I could; during one fortnight; get off 

for the brewer all the sour and unsaleable liquids he now has; 

which people wouldn't drink at any other time; and by that means; 

do you see; liquidate my debt; then; by means of betting; making 

first all right; do you see; I have no doubt that I could put 

something handsome into my pocket and yours; for I should wish you 

to be the fighting man; as I think I can depend upon you。'  'You 

really must excuse me;' said I; 'I have no wish to figure as a 

pugilist; besides; there is such a difference in our ages; you may 

be the stronger man of the two; and perhaps the hardest hitter; but 

I am in much better condition; am more active on my legs; so that I 

am almost sure I should have the advantage; for; as you very 

properly observed; 〃Youth will be served。〃'  'Oh; I didn't mean to 

fight;' said the landlord; 'I think I could beat you if I were to 

train a little; but in the fight I propose I looks more to the main 

chance than anything else。  I question whether half so many people 

could be brought together if you were to fight with me as the 

person I have in view; or whether there would be half such 

opportunities for betting; for I am a man; do you see; the person I 

wants you to fight with is not a man; but the young woman you keeps 

company with。'

'The young woman I keep company with;' said I; 'pray what do you 


'We will go into the bar; and have something;' said the landlord; 

getting up。  'My niece is out; and there is no one in the house; so 

we can talk the matter over quietly。'  Thereupon I followed him 

into the bar; where; having drawn me a jug of ale; helped himself 

as usual to a glass of sherry; and lighted a cigar; he proceeded to 

explain himself further。  'What I wants is to get up a fight 

between a man and a woman; there never has yet been such a thing in 

the ring; and the mere noise of the matter would bring thousands of 

people together; quite enough to drink out; for the thing should be 

close to my house; all the brewer's stock of liquids; both good and 

bad。'  'But;' said I; 'you were the other day boasting of the 

respectability of your house; do you think that a fight between a 

man and a woman close to your establishment would add to its 

respectability?'  'Confound the respectability of my house;' said 

the landlord; 'will the respectability of my house pay the brewer; 

or keep the roof over my head?  No; no! when respectability won't 

keep a man; do you see; the best thing is to let it go and wander。  

Only let me have my own way; and both the brewer; myself; and every 

one of us; will be satisfied。  And then the betting … what a deal 

we may make by the betting … and that we shall have all to 

ourselves; you; I; and the young woman; the brewer will have no 

hand in t
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