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possible you procure; at my expense; the best Hollands you can 



Excursions … Adventurous English … Opaque forests … The greatest 


TIME passed on; and Belle and I lived in the dingle; when I say 

lived; the reader must not imagine that we were always there。  She 

went out upon her pursuits; and I went out where inclination led 

me; but my excursions were very short ones; and hers occasionally 

occupied whole days and nights。  If I am asked how we passed the 

time when we were together in the dingle; I would answer that we 

passed the time very tolerably; all things considered; we conversed 

together; and when tired of conversing I would sometimes give Belle 

a lesson in Armenian; her progress was not particularly brilliant; 

but upon the whole satisfactory; in about a fortnight she had hung 

up one hundred Haikan numerals upon the hake of her memory。  I 

found her conversation highly entertaining; she had seen much of 

England and Wales; and had been acquainted with some of the most 

remarkable characters who travelled the roads at that period; and 

let me be permitted to say that many remarkable characters have 

travelled the roads of England; of whom fame has never said a word。  

I loved to hear her anecdotes of these people; some of whom I found 

had occasionally attempted to lay violent hands either upon her 

person or effects; and had invariably been humbled by her without 

the assistance of either justice or constable。  I could clearly 

see; however; that she was rather tired of England; and wished for 

a change of scene; she was particularly fond of talking of America; 

to which country her aspirations chiefly tended。  She had heard 

much of America; which had excited her imagination; for at that 

time America was much talked of; on roads and in homesteads … at 

least; so said Belle; who had good opportunities of knowing … and 

most people allowed that it was a good country for adventurous 

English。  The people who chiefly spoke against it; as she informed 

me; were soldiers disbanded upon pensions; the sextons of village 

churches; and excisemen。  Belle had a craving desire to visit that 

country; and to wander with cart and little animal amongst its 

forests; when I would occasionally object that she would be exposed 

to danger from strange and perverse customers; she said that she 

had not wandered the roads of England so long and alone; to be 

afraid of anything which might befall in America; and that she 

hoped; with God's favour; to be able to take her own part; and to 

give to perverse customers as good as they might bring。  She had a 

dauntless heart; that same Belle。  Such was the staple of Belle's 

conversation。  As for mine; I would endeavour to entertain her with 

strange dreams of adventure; in which I figured in opaque forests; 

strangling wild beasts; or discovering and plundering the hoards of 

dragons; and sometimes I would narrate to her other things far more 

genuine … how I had tamed savage mares; wrestled with Satan; and 

had dealings with ferocious publishers。  Belle had a kind heart; 

and would weep at the accounts I gave her of my early wrestlings 

with the dark Monarch。  She would sigh; too; as I recounted the 

many slights and degradations I had received at the hands of 

ferocious publishers; but she had the curiosity of a woman; and 

once; when I talked to her of the triumphs which I had achieved 

over unbroken mares; she lifted up her head and questioned me as to 

the secret of the virtue which I possessed over the aforesaid 

animals; whereupon I sternly reprimanded; and forthwith commanded 

her to repeat the Armenian numerals; and; on her demurring; I made 

use of words; to escape which she was glad to comply; saying the 

Armenian numerals from one to a hundred; which numerals; as a 

punishment for her curiosity; I made her repeat three times; 

loading her with the bitterest reproaches whenever she committed 

the slightest error; either in accent or pronunciation; which 

reproaches she appeared to bear with the greatest patience。  And 

now I have given a very fair account of the manner in which Isopel 

Berners and myself passed our time in the dingle。


The landlord … Rather too old … Without a shilling … Reputation … A 

fortnight ago … Liquids … The main chance … Respectability … 

Irrational beings … Parliament cove … My brewer。

AMONGST other excursions; I went several times to the public…house 

to which I introduced the reader in a former chapter。  I had 

experienced such beneficial effects from the ale I had drunk on 

that occasion; that I wished to put its virtue to a frequent test; 

nor did the ale on subsequent trials belie the good opinion which I 

had at first formed of it。  After each visit which I made to the 

public…house; I found my frame stronger and my mind more cheerful 

than they had previously been。  The landlord appeared at all times 

glad to see me; and insisted that I should sit within the bar; 

where; leaving his other guests to be attended to by a niece of 

his; who officiated as his housekeeper; he would sit beside me and 

talk of matters concerning 'the ring;' indulging himself with a 

cigar and a glass of sherry; which he told me was his favourite 

wine; whilst I drank my ale。  'I loves the conversation of all you 

coves of the ring;' said he once; 'which is natural; seeing as how 

I have fought in a ring myself。  Ah; there is nothing like the 

ring; I wish I was not rather too old to go again into it。  I often 

think I should like to have another rally … one more rally; and 

then … but there's a time for all things … youth will be served; 

every dog has his day; and mine has been a fine one … let me be 

content。  After beating Tom of Hopton; there was not much more to 

be done in the way of reputation; I have long sat in my bar the 

wonder and glory of this here neighbourhood。  I'm content; as far 

as reputation goes; I only wish money would come in a little 

faster; however; the next main of cocks will bring me in something 

handsome … comes off next Wednesday; at …; have ventured ten five…

pound notes … shouldn't say ventured either … run no risk at all; 

because why?  I knows my birds。'  About ten days after this 

harangue I called again; at about three o'clock one afternoon。  The 

landlord was seated on a bench by a table in the common room; which 

was entirely empty; he was neither smoking nor drinking; but sat 

with his arms folded; and his head hanging down over his breast。  

At the sound of my step he looked up; 'Ah;' said he; 'I am glad you 

are come; I was just thinking about you。'  'Thank you;' said I; 'it 

was very kind of you; especially at a time like this; when your 

mind must be full of your good fortune。  Allow me to congratulate 

you on the sums of money you won by the main of cocks at …。  I hope 

you brought it all safe home。'  'Safe home!' 
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