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his nose was slightly aquiline; his mouth rather large … a kind of 

sneering smile played continually on his lips; his complexion was 

somewhat rubicund。

'A bad countenance;' said Belle; in the language of the roads; 

observing that my eyes were fixed on his face。

'Does not my countenance please you; fair damsel?' said the man in 

black; resuming his hat; and speaking in a peculiarly gentle voice。

'How;' said I; 'do you understand the language of the roads?'

'As little as I do Armenian;' said the man in black; 'but I 

understand look and tone。'

'So do I; perhaps;' retorted Belle; 'and; to tell you the truth; I 

like your tone as little as your face。'

'For shame;' said I; 'have you forgot what I was saying just now 

about the duties of hospitality?  You have not yet answered my 

question;' said I; addressing myself to the man; 'with respect to 

your visit。'

'Will you permit me to ask who you are?'

'Do you see the place where I live?' said I。

'I do;' said the man in black; looking around。

'Do you know the name of this place?'

'I was told it was Mumpers' or Gypsies' Dingle;' said the man in 


'Good;' said I; 'and this forge and tent; what do they look like?'

'Like the forge and tent of a wandering Zigan; I have seen the like 

in Italy。'

'Good;' said I; 'they belong to me。'

'Are you; then; a gypsy?' said the man in black。

'What else should I be?'

'But you seem to have been acquainted with various individuals with 

whom I have likewise had acquaintance; and you have even alluded to 

matters; and even words; which have passed between me and them。'

'Do you know how gypsies live?' said I。

'By hammering old iron; I believe; and telling fortunes。'

'Well;' said I; 'there's my forge; and yonder is some iron; though 

not old; and by your own confession I am a soothsayer。'

'But how did you come by your knowledge?'

'Oh;' said I; 'if you want me to reveal the secrets of my trade; I 

have; of course; nothing further to say。  Go to the scarlet dyer; 

and ask him how he dyes cloth。'

'Why scarlet?' said the man in black。  'Is it because gypsies blush 

like scarlet?'

'Gypsies never blush;' said I; 'but gypsies' cloaks are scarlet。'

'I should almost take you for a gypsy;' said the man in black; 'but 

for … '

'For what?' said I。

'But for that same lesson in Armenian; and your general knowledge 

of languages; as for your manners and appearance I will say 

nothing;' said the man in black; with a titter。

'And why should not a gypsy possess a knowledge of languages?' said 


'Because the gypsy race is perfectly illiterate;' said the man in 

black; 'they are possessed; it is true; of a knavish acuteness; and 

are particularly noted for giving subtle and evasive answers … and 

in your answers; I confess; you remind me of them; but that one of 

the race should acquire a learned language like the Armenian; and 

have a general knowledge of literature; is a thing che io non credo 


'What do you take me for?' said I。

'Why;' said the man in black; 'I should consider you to be a 

philologist; who; for some purpose; has taken up a gypsy life; but 

I confess to you that your way of answering questions is far too 

acute for a philologist。'

'And why should not a philologist be able to answer questions 

acutely?' said I。

'Because the philological race is the most stupid under heaven;' 

said the man in black; 'they are possessed; it is true; of a 

certain faculty for picking up words; and a memory for retaining 

them; but that any one of the sect should be able to give a 

rational answer; to say nothing of an acute one; on any subject … 

even though the subject were philology … is a thing of which I have 

no idea。'

'But you found me giving a lesson in Armenian to this handmaid?'

'I believe I did;' said the man in black。

'And you heard me give what you are disposed to call acute answers 

to the questions you asked me?'

'I believe I did;' said the man in black。

'And would any one but a philologist think of giving a lesson in 

Armenian to a handmaid in a dingle?

'I should think not;' said the man in black。

'Well; then; don't you see that it is possible for a philologist to 

give not only a rational; but an acute answer?'

'I really don't know;' said the man in black。

'What's the matter with you?' said I。

'Merely puzzled;' said the man in black。



'Really puzzled?'


'Remain so。'

'Well;' said the man in black; rising; 'puzzled or not; I will no 

longer trespass upon your and this young lady's retirement; only 

allow me; before I go; to apologise for my intrusion。'

'No apology is necessary;' said I; 'will you please to take 

anything before you go?  I think this young lady; at my request; 

would contrive to make you a cup of tea。'

'Tea!' said the man in black; 'he! he!  I don't drink tea; I don't 

like it … if; indeed; you had;' and here he stopped。

'There's nothing like gin and water; is there?' said I; 'but I am 

sorry to say I have none。'

'Gin and water;' said the man in black; 'how do you know that I am 

fond of gin and water?'

'Did I not see you drinking some at the public…house?'

'You did;' said the man in black; 'and I remember that; when I 

called for some you repeated my words … permit me to ask; is gin 

and water an unusual drink in England?'

'It is not usually drunk cold; and with a lump of sugar;' said I。

'And did you know who I was by my calling for it so?'

'Gypsies have various ways of obtaining information;' said I。

'With all your knowledge;' said the man in black; 'you do not 

appear to have known that I was coming to visit you?'

'Gypsies do not pretend to know anything which relates to 

themselves;' said I; 'but I advise you; if you ever come again; to 

come openly。'

'Have I your permission to come again?' said the man in black。

'Come when you please; this dingle is as free for you as me。'

'I will visit you again;' said the man in black … 'till then; 


'Belle;' said I; after the man in black had departed; 'we did not 

treat that man very hospitably; he left us without having eaten or 

drunk at our expense。'

'You offered him some tea;' said Belle; 'which; as it is mine; I 

should have grudged him; for I like him not。'

'Our liking or disliking him had nothing to do with the matter; he 

was our visitor; and ought not to have been permitted to depart 

dry; living as we do in this desert; we ought always to be prepared 

to administer to the wants of our visitors。  Belle; do you know 

where to procure any good Hollands?'

'I think I do;' said Belle; 'but … '

'I will have no buts。  Belle; I expect that with as little delay as 

possible you procure; at my expense; the best Holland
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