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'Isopel Berners。'

'But had you never a father?'

'Yes; I had a father;' said the girl; sighing; 'but I don't bear 

his name。'

'Is it the fashion; then; in your country for children to bear 

their mother's name?'

'If you ask such questions; young man; I shall be angry with you。  

I have told you my name; and; whether my father's or mother's; I am 

not ashamed of it。'

'It is a noble name。'

'There you are right; young man。  The chaplain in the great house 

where I was born told me it was a noble name; it was odd enough; he 

said; that the only three noble names in the county were to be 

found in the great house; mine was one; the other two were Devereux 

and Bohun。'

'What do you mean by the great house?'

'The workhouse。'

'Is it possible that you were born there?'

'Yes; young man; and as you now speak softly and kindly; I will 

tell you my whole tale。  My father was an officer of the sea; and 

was killed at sea as he was coming home to marry my mother; Isopel 

Berners。  He had been acquainted with her; and had left her; but 

after a few months he wrote her a letter; to say that he had no 

rest; and that he repented; and that as soon as his ship came to 

port he would do her all the reparation in his power。  Well; young 

man; the very day before they reached port they met the enemy; and 

there was a fight; and my father was killed; after he had struck 

down six of the enemy's crew on their own deck; for my father was a 

big man; as I have heard; and knew tolerably well how to use his 

hands; And when my mother heard the news; she became half 

distracted; and ran away into the fields and forests; totally 

neglecting her business; for she was a small milliner; and so she 

ran demented about the meads and forests for a long time; now 

sitting under a tree; and now by the side of a river … at last she 

flung herself into some water; and would have been drowned; had not 

some one been at hand and rescued her; whereupon she was conveyed 

to the great house; lest she should attempt to do herself farther 

mischief; for she had neither friends nor parents … and there she 

died three months after; having first brought me into the world。  

She was a sweet pretty creature; I'm told; but hardly fit for this 

world; being neither large; nor fierce; nor able to take her own 

part。  So I was born and bred in the great house; where I learnt to 

read and sew; to fear God; and to take my own part。  When I was 

fourteen I was put out to service to a small farmer and his wife; 

with whom; however; I did not stay long; for I was half…starved; 

and otherwise ill treated; especially by my mistress; who one day 

attempting to knock me down with a besom; I knocked her down with 

my fist; and went back to the great house。'

'And how did they receive you in the great house?'

'Not very kindly; young man … on the contrary; I was put into a 

dark room; where I was kept a fortnight on bread and water; I did 

not much care; however; being glad to have got back to the great 

house at any rate … the place where I was born; and where my poor 

mother died; and in the great house I continued two years longer; 

reading and sewing; fearing God; and taking my own part when 

necessary。  At the end of the two years I was again put out to 

service; but this time to a rich farmer and his wife; with whom; 

however; I did not live long; less time; I believe; than with the 

poor ones; being obliged to leave for … '

'Knocking your mistress down?'

'No; young man; knocking my master down; who conducted himself 

improperly towards me。  This time I did not go back to the great 

house; having a misgiving that they would not receive me; so I 

turned my back to the great house where I was born; and where my 

poor mother died; and wandered for several days I know not whither; 

supporting myself on a few halfpence which I chanced to have in my 

pocket。  It happened one day; as I sat under a hedge crying; having 

spent my last farthing; that a comfortable…looking elderly woman 

came up in a cart; and seeing the state in which I was; she stopped 

and asked what was the matter with me; I told her some part of my 

story; whereupon she said; 'Cheer up; my dear; if you like; you 

shall go with me; and wait upon me。'  Of course I wanted little 

persuasion; so I got into the cart and went with her。  She took me 

to London and various other places; and I soon found that she was a 

travelling woman; who went about the country with silks and linen。  

I was of great use to her; more especially in those places where we 

met evil company。  Once; as we were coming from Dover; we were met 

by two sailors; who stopped our cart; and would have robbed and 

stripped us。  'Let me get down;' said I; so I got down; and fought 

with them both; till they turned round and ran away。  Two years I 

lived with the old gentlewoman; who was very kind to me; almost as 

kind as a mother; at last she fell sick at a place in Lincolnshire; 

and after a few days died; leaving me her cart and stock in trade; 

praying me only to see her decently buried … which I did; giving 

her a funeral fit for a gentlewoman。  After which I travelled the 

country … melancholy enough for want of company; but so far 

fortunate; that I could take my own part when anybody was uncivil 

to me。  At last; passing through the valley of Todmorden; I formed 

the acquaintance of Blazing Bosville and his wife; with whom I 

occasionally took journeys for company's sake; for it is melancholy 

to travel about alone; even when one can take one's own part。  I 

soon found they were evil people; but; upon the whole; they treated 

me civilly; and I sometimes lent them a little money; so that we 

got on tolerably well together。  He and I; it is true; had once a 

dispute; and nearly came to blows; for once; when we were alone; he 

wanted me to marry him; promising; if I would; to turn off Grey 

Moll; or; if I liked it better; to make her wait upon me as a maid…

servant; I never liked him much; but from that hour less than ever。  

Of the two; I believe Grey Moll to be the best; for she is at any 

rate true and faithful to him; and I like truth and constancy … 

don't you; young man?'

'Yes;' said I; 'they are very nice things。  I feel very strangely。'

'How do you feel; young man?

'Very much afraid。'

'Afraid; at what?  At the Flaming Tinman?  Don't be afraid of him。  

He won't come back; and if he did; he shouldn't touch you in this 

state; I'd fight him for you; but he won't come back; so you 

needn't be afraid of him。'

'I'm not afraid of the Flaming Tinman。'

'What; then; are you afraid of?'

'The evil one。'

'The evil one!' said the girl; 'where is he?'

'Coming upon me。'

'Never heed;' said the girl; 'I'll stand by you。'


Hubbub of voices … No offence … Nodding … The guests。

THE kitchen of th
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