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The Flaming Tinman took her advice; and came in bent on smashing; 

but stopped short on receiving a left…handed blow on the nose。

'You'll never beat the Flaming Tinman in that way;' said the girl; 

looking at me doubtfully。

And so I began to think myself; when; in the twinkling of an eye; 

the Flaming Tinman; disengaging himself of his frock…coat; and 

dashing off his red night…cap; came rushing in more desperately 

than ever。  To a flush hit which he received in the mouth he paid 

as little attention as a wild bull would have done; in a moment his 

arms were around me; and in another he had hurled me down; falling 

heavily upon me。  The fellow's strength appeared to be tremendous。

'Pay him off now;' said the vulgar woman。  The Flaming Tinman made 

no reply; but; planting his knee on my breast; seized my throat 

with two huge horny hands。  I gave myself up for dead; and probably 

should have been so in another minute but for the tall girl; who 

caught hold of the handkerchief which the fellow wore round his 

neck; with a grasp nearly as powerful us that with which he pressed 

my throat。

'Do you call that fair play?' said she。

'Hands off; Belle;' said the other woman; 'do you call it fair play 

to interfere? hands off; or I'll be down upon you myself。'

But Belle paid no heed to the injunction; and tugged so hard at the 

handkerchief that the Flaming Tinman was nearly throttled; suddenly 

relinquishing his hold of me; he started on his feet; and aimed a 

blow at my fair preserver; who avoided it; but said coolly:…

'Finish t'other business first; and then I'm your woman whenever 

you like; but finish it fairly … no foul play when I'm by … I'll be 

the boy's second; and Moll can pick up you when he happens to knock 

you down。'

The battle during the next ten minutes raged with considerable 

fury; but it so happened that during this time I was never able to 

knock the Flaming Tinman down; but on the contrary received six 

knock…down blows myself。  'I can never stand this;' said I; as I 

sat on the knee of Belle; 'I am afraid I must give in; the Flaming 

Tinman hits very hard;' and I spat out a mouthful of blood。

'Sure enough you'll never beat the Flaming Tinman in the way you 

fight … it's of no use flipping at the Flaming Tinman with your 

left hand; why don't you use your right?'

'Because I'm not handy with it;' said I; and then getting up; I 

once more confronted the Flaming Tinman; and struck him six blows 

for his one; but they were all left…handed blows; and the blow 

which the Flaming Tinman gave me knocked me off my legs。

'Now; will you use Long Melford?' said Belle; picking me up。

'I don't know what you mean by Long Melford;' said I; gasping for 


'Why; this long right of yours;' said Belle; feeling my right arm; 

'if you do; I shouldn't wonder if you yet stand a chance。'  And now 

the Flaming Tinman was once more ready; much more ready than 

myself。  I; however; rose from my second's knee as well as my 

weakness would permit me。  On he came; striking left and right; 

appearing almost as fresh as to wind and spirit as when he first 

commenced the combat; though his eyes were considerably swelled; 

and his nether lip was cut in two; on he came; striking left and 

right; and I did not like his blows at all; or even the wind of 

them; which was anything but agreeable; and I gave way before him。  

At last he aimed a blow which; had it taken full effect; would 

doubtless have ended the battle; but owing to his slipping; the 

fist only grazed my left shoulder; and came with terrific force 

against a tree; close to which I had been driven; before the Tinman 

could recover himself; I collected all my strength; and struck him 

beneath the ear; and then fell to the ground completely exhausted; 

and it so happened that the blow which I struck the Tinker beneath 

the ear was a right…handed blow。

'Hurrah for Long Melford!' I heard Belle exclaim; 'there is nothing 

like Long Melford for shortness; all the world over。'  At these 

words I turned round my head as I lay; and perceived the Flaming 

Tinman stretched upon the ground apparently senseless。  'He is 

dead;' said the vulgar woman; as she vainly endeavoured to raise 

him up; 'he is dead; the best man in all the north country; killed 

in this fashion; by a boy!'  Alarmed at these words; I made shift 

to get on my feet; and; with the assistance of the woman; placed my 

fallen adversary in a sitting posture。  I put my hand to his heart; 

and felt a slight pulsation … 'He's not dead;' said I; 'only 

stunned; if he were let blood; he would recover presently。'  I 

produced a penknife which I had in my pocket; and; baring the arm 

of the Tinman; was about to make the necessary incision; when the 

woman gave me a violent blow; and; pushing me aside; exclaimed; 

'I'll tear the eyes out of your head if you offer to touch him。  Do 

you want to complete your work; and murder him outright; now he's 

asleep? you have had enough of his blood already。'  'You are mad;' 

said I; 'I only seek to do him service。  Well; if you won't let him 

be blooded; fetch some water and fling it in his face; you know 

where the pit is。'

'A pretty manoeuvre!' said the woman; 'leave my husband in the 

hands of you and that limmer; who has never been true to us … I 

should find him strangled or his throat cut when I came back。'  'Do 

you go;' said I to the tall girl; 'take the can and fetch some 

water from the pit。'  'You had better go yourself;' said the girl; 

wiping a tear as she looked on the yet senseless form of the 

Tinker; 'you had better go yourself; if you think water will do him 

good。' I had by this time somewhat recovered my exhausted powers; 

and; taking the can; I bent my steps as fast as I could to the pit; 

arriving there; I lay down on the brink; took a long draught; and 

then plunged my head into the water; after which I filled the can; 

and bent my way back to the dingle。  Before I could reach the path 

which led down into its depths; I had to pass some way along its 

side; I had arrived at a part immediately over the scene of the 

last encounter; where the bank; overgrown with trees; sloped 

precipitously down。  Here I heard a loud sound of voices in the 

dingle; I stopped; and laying hold of a tree; leaned over the bank 

and listened。  The two women appeared to be in hot dispute in the 

dingle。  'It was all owing to you; you limmer;' said the vulgar 

woman to the other; 'had you not interfered; the old man would soon 

have settled the boy。'

'I'm for fair play and Long Melford;' said the other。  'If your old 

man; as you call him; could have settled the boy fairly; he might 

for all I should have cared; but no foul work for me; and as for 

sticking the boy with our gulleys when he comes back; as you 

proposed; I am not so fond of your old man or you that I should 

oblige you in it; to my soul's des
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