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iron perseverance; without which all the advantages of time and 

circumstance are of very little avail in any undertaking。  I was 

determined to make a horse…shoe; and a good one; in spite of every 

obstacle … ay; in spite of dukkerin。  At the end of four days; 

during which I had fashioned and refashioned the thing at least 

fifty times; I had made a petul such as no master of the craft need 

have been ashamed of; with the second shoe I had less difficulty; 

and; by the time I had made the fourth; I would have scorned to 

take off my hat to the best smith in Cheshire。

But I had not yet shod my little gry:  this I proceeded now to do。  

After having first well pared the hoofs with my churi; I applied 

each petul hot; glowing hot; to the pindro。  Oh; how the hoofs 

hissed! and; oh; the pleasant pungent odour which diffused itself 

through the dingle! … an odour good for an ailing spirit。

I shod the little horse bravely … merely pricked him once; 

slightly; with a cafi; for doing which; I remember; he kicked me 

down; I was not disconcerted; however; but; getting up; promised to 

be more cautious in future; and having finished the operation; I 

filed the hoof well with the rin baro; then dismissed him to graze 

amongst the trees; and; putting my smaller tools into the muchtar; 

I sat down on my stone; and; supporting my arm upon my knee; leaned 

my head upon my hand。  Heaviness had come over me。


Several causes … Frogs and eftes … Gloom and twilight … What should 

I do? … 'Our Father' … Fellow…men … What a mercy! … Almost calm … 

Fresh store … History of Saul … Pitch dark。

HEAVINESS had suddenly come over me; heaviness of heart; and of 

body also。  I had accomplished the task which I had imposed upon 

myself; and now that nothing more remained to do; my energies 

suddenly deserted me; and I felt without strength; and without 

hope。  Several causes; perhaps; co…operated to bring about the 

state in which I then felt myself。  It is not improbable that my 

energies had been overstrained during the work the progress of 

which I have attempted to describe; and every one is aware that the 

results of overstrained energies are feebleness and lassitude … 

want of nourishment might likewise have something to do with it。  

During my sojourn in the dingle; my food had been of the simplest 

and most unsatisfying description; by no means calculated to 

support the exertion which the labour I had been engaged upon 

required; it had consisted of coarse oaten cakes and hard cheese; 

and for beverage I had been indebted to a neighbouring pit; in 

which; in the heat of the day; I frequently saw; not golden or 

silver fish; but frogs and eftes swimming about。  I am; however; 

inclined to believe that Mrs。 Herne's cake had quite as much to do 

with the matter as insufficient nourishment。  I had never entirely 

recovered from the effects of its poison; but had occasionally; 

especially at night; been visited by a grinding pain in the 

stomach; and my whole body had been suffused with cold sweat; and 

indeed these memorials of the drow have never entirely disappeared 

… even at the present time they display themselves in my system; 

especially after much fatigue of body and excitement of mind。  So 

there I sat in the dingle upon my stone; nerveless and hopeless; by 

whatever cause or causes that state had been produced … there I sat 

with my head leaning upon my hand; and so I continued a long; long 

time。  At last I lifted my head from my hand; and began to cast 

anxious; unquiet looks about the dingle … the entire hollow was now 

enveloped in deep shade … I cast my eyes up; there was a golden 

gleam on the tops of the trees which grew towards the upper parts 

of the dingle; but lower down all was gloom and twilight … yet; 

when I first sat down on my stone; the sun was right above the 

dingle; illuminating all its depths by the rays which it cast 

perpendicularly down … so I must have sat a long; long time upon my 

stone。  And now; once more; I rested my head upon my hand; but 

almost instantly lifted it again in a kind of fear; and began 

looking at the objects before me … the forge; the tools; the 

branches of the trees; endeavouring to follow their rows; till they 

were lost in the darkness of the dingle; and now I found my right 

hand grasping convulsively the three fore…fingers of the left; 

first collectively; and then successively; wringing them till the 

joints cracked; then I became quiet; but not for long。

Suddenly I started up; and could scarcely repress the shriek which 

was rising to my lips。  Was it possible?  Yes; all too certain; the 

evil one was upon me; the inscrutable horror which I had felt in my 

boyhood had once more taken possession of me。  I had thought that 

it had forsaken me … that it would never visit me again; that I had 

outgrown it; that I might almost bid defiance to it; and I had even 

begun to think of it without horror; as we are in the habit of 

doing of horrors of which we conceive we run no danger; and lo! 

when least thought of; it had seized me again。  Every moment I felt 

it gathering force; and making me more wholly its own。  What should 

I do? … resist; of course; and I did resist。  I grasped; I tore; 

and strove to fling it from me; but of what avail were my efforts?  

I could only have got rid of it by getting rid of myself:  it was a 

part of myself; or rather it was all myself。  I rushed amongst the 

trees; and struck at them with my bare fists; and dashed my head 

against them; but I felt no pain。  How could I feel pain with that 

horror upon me?  And then I flung myself on the ground; gnawed the 

earth; and swallowed it; and then I looked round; it was almost 

total darkness in the dingle; and the darkness added to my horror。  

I could no longer stay there; up I rose from the ground; and 

attempted to escape。  At the bottom of the winding path which led 

up the acclivity I fell over something which was lying on the 

ground; the something moved; and gave a kind of whine。  It was my 

little horse; which had made that place its lair; my little horse; 

my only companion and friend in that now awful solitude。  I reached 

the mouth of the dingle; the sun was just sinking in the far west 

behind me; the fields were flooded with his last gleams。  How 

beautiful everything looked in the last gleams of the sun!  I felt 

relieved for a moment; I was no longer in the horrid dingle。  In 

another minute the sun was gone; and a big cloud occupied the place 

where he had been:  in a little time it was almost as dark as it 

had previously been in the open part of the dingle。  My horror 

increased; what was I to do? … it was of no use fighting against 

the horror … that I saw; the more I fought against it; the stronger 

it became。  What should I do:  say my prayers?  Ah! why not?  So I 

knelt down under the hedge; and said; 'Our Father'; but that was of 

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