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and spoke; and these were the words she said; 〃It was all along of 

your Pal〃; and then she told me all about the matter … how Mrs。 

Herne could not abide you; which I knew before; and that she had 

sworn your destruction; which I did not know before。  And then she 

told me how she found you living in the wood by yourself; and how 

you were enticed to eat a poisoned cake; and she told me many other 

things that you wot of; and she told me what perhaps you don't wot; 

namely; that finding you had been removed; she; the child; had 

tracked you a long way; and found you at last well and hearty; and 

no ways affected by the poison; and heard you; as she stood 

concealed; disputing about religion with a Welsh Methody。  Well; 

brother; she told me all this; and; moreover; that when Mrs。 Herne 

heard of it; she said that a dream of hers had come to pass。  I 

don't know what it was; but something about herself; a tinker; and 

a dean; and then she added that it was all up with her; and that 

she must take a long journey。  Well; brother; that same night 

Leonora; waking from her sleep in the tent where Mrs。 Herne and she 

were wont to sleep; missed her bebee; and; becoming alarmed; went 

in search of her; and at last found her hanging from a branch; and 

when the child had got so far; she took on violently; and I could 

not get another word from her; so I left her; and here I am。'

'And I am glad to see you; Mr。 Petulengro; but this is sad news 

which you tell me about Mrs。 Herne。'

'Somewhat dreary; brother; yet; perhaps; after all; it is a good 

thing that she is removed; she carried so much Devil's tinder about 

with her; as the man said。'

'I am sorry for her;' said I; 'more especially as I am the cause of 

her death … though the innocent one。'

'She could not bide you; brother; that's certain; but that is no 

reason' … said Mr。 Petulengro; balancing himself upon the saddle … 

'that is no reason why she should prepare drow to take away your 

essence of life; and; when disappointed; to hang herself upon a 

tree:  if she was dissatisfied with you; she might have flown at 

you; and scratched your face; or; if she did not judge herself your 

match; she might have put down five shillings for a turn…up between 

you and some one she thought could beat you … myself; for example … 

and so the matter might have ended comfortably; but she was always 

too fond of covert ways; drows; and brimstones。  This is not the 

first poisoning affair she has been engaged in。'

'You allude to drabbing bawlor。'

'Bah!' said Mr。 Petulengro; 'there's no harm in that。  No; no! she 

has cast drows in her time for other guess things than bawlor; both 

Gorgios and Romans have tasted of them; and died。  Did you never 

hear of the poisoned plum pudding?'


'Then I will tell you about it。  It happened about six years ago; a 

few months after she had quitted us … she had gone first amongst 

her own people; as she called them; but there was another small 

party of Romans; with whom she soon became very intimate。  It so 

happened that this small party got into trouble; whether it was 

about a horse or an ass; or passing bad money; no matter to you and 

me; who had no hand in the business; three or four of them were 

taken and lodged in … Castle; and amongst them was a woman; but the 

sherengro; or principal man of the party; and who it seems had most 

hand in the affair; was still at large。  All of a sudden a rumour 

was spread abroad that the woman was about to play false; and to 

'peach the rest。  Said the principal man; when he heard it; 〃If she 

does; I am nashkado。〃  Mrs。 Herne was then on a visit to the party; 

and when she heard the principal man take on so; she said; 〃But I 

suppose you know what to do?〃  〃I do not;〃 said he。  〃Then hir mi 

devlis;〃 said she; 〃you are a fool。  But leave the matter to me; I 

know how to dispose of her in Roman fashion。〃  Why she wanted to 

interfere in the matter; brother; I don't know; unless it was from 

pure brimstoneness of disposition … she had no hand in the matter 

which had brought the party into trouble … she was only on a visit; 

and it had happened before she came; but she was always ready to 

give dangerous advice。  Well; brother; the principal man listened 

to what she had to say; and let her do what she would; and she made 

a pudding; a very nice one; no doubt … for; besides plums; she put 

in drows and all the Roman condiments that she knew of; and she 

gave it to the principal man; and the principal put it into a 

basket and directed it to the woman in … Castle; and the woman in 

the castle took it and … 〃

'Ate of it;' said I; 'just like my case!'

'Quite different; brother; she took it; it is true; but instead of 

giving way to her appetite; as you might have done; she put it 

before the rest whom she was going to impeach; perhaps she wished 

to see how they liked it before she tasted it herself; and all the 

rest were poisoned; and one died; and there was a precious outcry; 

and the woman cried loudest of all; and she said; 〃It was my death 

was sought for; I know the man; and I'll be revenged。〃  And then 

the Poknees spoke to her and said; 〃Where can we find him?〃 and she 

said; 〃I am awake to his motions; three weeks from hence; the night 

before the full moon; at such and such an hour; he will pass down 

such a lane with such a man。〃'

'Well;' said I; 'and what did the Poknees do?'

'Do; brother! sent for a plastramengro from Bow Street; quite 

secretly; and told him what the woman had said; and the night 

before the full moon; the plastramengro went to the place which the 

juwa had pointed out; all alone; brother; and in order that he 

might not be too late; he went two hours before his time。  I know 

the place well; brother; where the plastramengro placed himself 

behind a thick holly tree; at the end of a lane; where a gate leads 

into various fields; through which there is a path for carts and 

horses。  The lane is called the dark lane by the Gorgios; being 

much shaded by trees。  So the plastramengro placed himself in the 

dark lane behind the holly tree; it was a cold February night; 

dreary though; the wind blew in gusts; and the moon had not yet 

risen; and the plastramengro waited behind the tree till he was 

tired; and thought he might as well sit down; so he sat down; and 

was not long in falling to sleep; and there he slept for some 

hours; and when he awoke the moon had risen; and was shining 

bright; so that there was a kind of moonlight even in the dark 

lane; and the plastramengro pulled out his watch; and contrived to 

make out that it was just two hours beyond the time when the men 

should have passed by。  Brother; I do not know what the 

plastramengro thought of himself; but I know; brother; what I 

should have thought of myself in his situation。  I should have 

thought; brother; that I was a drowsy scoppelo; and that I had let 
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