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snakes; and plays tricks with them!  Well; it comes very nearly to 

the same thing; and if you please to list with us; and bear us 

pleasant company; we shall be glad of you。  I'd take my oath upon 

it; that we might make a mort of money by you and that sap; and the 

tricks it could do; and; as you seem fly to everything; I shouldn't 

wonder if you would make a prime hand at telling fortunes。

'I shouldn't wonder;' said I。

MAN。  Of course。  And you might still be our God Almighty; or at 

any rate our clergyman; so you should live in a tilted cart by 

yourself; and say prayers to us night and morning … to wifelkin 

here; and all our family; there's plenty of us when we are all 

together:  as I said before; you seem fly; I shouldn't wonder if 

you could read?

'Oh yes!' said I; 'I can read'; and; eager to display my 

accomplishments; I took my book out of my pocket; and; opening it 

at random; proceeded to read how a certain man; whilst wandering 

about a certain solitary island; entered a cave; the mouth of which 

was overgrown with brushwood; and how he was nearly frightened to 

death in that cave by something which he saw。

'That will do;' said the man; 'that's the kind of prayers for me 

and my family; aren't they; wifelkin?  I never heard more delicate 

prayers in all my life!  Why; they beat the rubricals hollow! … and 

here comes my son Jasper。  I say; Jasper; here's a young sap…engro 

that can read; and is more fly than yourself。  Shake hands with 

him; I wish ye to be two brothers。'

With a swift but stealthy pace Jasper came towards us from the 

farther part of the lane; on reaching the tent he stood still; and 

looked fixedly upon me as I sat upon the stool; I looked fixedly 

upon him。  A queer look had Jasper; he was a lad of some twelve or 

thirteen years; with long arms; unlike the singular being who 

called himself his father; his complexion was ruddy; but his face 

was seamed; though it did not bear the peculiar scar which 

disfigured the countenance of the other; nor; though roguish 

enough; a certain evil expression which that of the other bore; and 

which the face of the woman possessed in a yet more remarkable 

degree。  For the rest; he wore drab breeches; with certain strings 

at the knee; a rather gay waistcoat; and tolerably white shirt; 

under his arm he bore a mighty whip of whalebone with a brass knob; 

and upon his head was a hat without either top or brim。

'There; Jasper! shake hands with the sap…engro。'

'Can he box; father?' said Jasper; surveying me rather 

contemptuously。  'I should think not; he looks so puny and small。'

'Hold your peace; fool!' said the man; 'he can do more than that … 

I tell you he's fly:  he carries a sap about; which would sting a 

ninny like you to dead。'

'What; a sap…engro!' said the boy; with a singular whine; and; 

stooping down; he leered curiously in my face; kindly; however; and 

then patted me on the head。  'A sap…engro;' he ejaculated; 'lor!'

'Yes; and one of the right sort;' said the man; 'I am glad we have 

met with him; he is going to list with us; and be our clergyman and 

God Almighty; ain't you; my tawny?'

'I don't know;' said I; 'I must see what my father will say。'

'Your father; bah!' … but here he stopped; for a sound was heard 

like the rapid galloping of a horse; not loud and distinct as on a 

road; but dull and heavy as if upon a grass sward; nearer and 

nearer it came; and the man; starting up; rushed out of the tent; 

and looked around anxiously。  I arose from the stool upon which I 

had been seated; and just at that moment; amidst a crashing of 

boughs and sticks; a man on horseback bounded over the hedge into 

the lane at a few yards' distance from where we were:  from the 

impetus of the leap the horse was nearly down on his knees; the 

rider; however; by dint of vigorous handling of the reins; 

prevented him from falling; and then rode up to the tent。  ''Tis 

Nat;' said the man; 'what brings him here?'  The newcomer was a 

stout burly fellow; about the middle age; he had a savage 

determined look; and his face was nearly covered over with 

carbuncles; he wore a broad slouching hat; and was dressed in a 

gray coat; cut in a fashion which I afterwards learnt to be the 

genuine Newmarket cut; the skirts being exceedingly short; his 

waistcoat was of red plush; and he wore broad corduroy breeches and 

white top…boots。  The steed which carried him was of iron gray; 

spirited and powerful; but covered with sweat and foam。  The fellow 

glanced fiercely and suspiciously around; and said something to the 

man of the tent in a harsh and rapid voice。  A short and hurried 

conversation ensued in the strange tongue。  I could not take my 

eyes off this new…comer。  Oh; that half…jockey; half…bruiser 

countenance; I never forgot it!  More than fifteen years afterwards 

I found myself amidst a crowd before Newgate; a gallows was 

erected; and beneath it stood a criminal; a notorious malefactor。  

I recognised him at once; the horseman of the lane is now beneath 

the fatal tree; but nothing altered; still the same man; jerking 

his head to the right and left with the same fierce and under 

glance; just as if the affairs of this world had the same kind of 

interest to the last; gray coat of Newmarket cut; plush waistcoat; 

corduroys; and boots; nothing altered; but the head; alas! is bare; 

and so is the neck。  Oh; crime and virtue; virtue and crime! … it 

was old John Newton; I think; who; when he saw a man going to be 

hanged; said; 'There goes John Newton; but for the grace of God!'

But the lane; the lane; all was now in confusion in the lane; the 

man and woman were employed in striking the tents and in making 

hurried preparations for departure; the boy Jasper was putting the 

harness upon the ponies and attaching them to the carts; and; to 

increase the singularity of the scene; two or three wild…looking 

women and girls; in red cloaks and immense black beaver bonnets; 

came from I know not what direction; and; after exchanging a few 

words with the others; commenced with fierce and agitated gestures 

to assist them in their occupation。  The rider meanwhile sat upon 

his horse; but evidently in a state of great impatience; he 

muttered curses between his teeth; spurred the animal furiously; 

and then reined it in; causing it to rear itself up nearly 

perpendicular。  At last he said; 'Curse ye for Romans; how slow ye 

are! well; it is no business of mine; stay here all day if you 

like; I have given ye warning; I am off to the big north road。  

However; before I go; you had better give me all you have of that。'

'Truly spoken; Nat; my pal;' said the man; 'give it him; mother。  

There it is; now be off as soon as you please; and rid us of evil 


The woman had handed him two bags formed of stocking; half full of 

something heavy; which looked through them for all the world like 

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