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〃And do you read the Scriptures often?〃 said he。  〃No;〃 said I。  

〃Why not?〃 said he。  〃Because I am afraid to see there my own 

condemnation。〃  They looked at each other; and said nothing at the 

time。  On leaving me; however; they all advised me to read the 

Scriptures with fervency and prayer。

'As I had told these honest people; I shrank from searching the 

Scriptures; the remembrance of the fatal passage was still too 

vivid in my mind to permit me。  I did not wish to see my 

condemnation repeated; but I was very fervent in prayer; and almost 

hoped that God would yet forgive me by virtue of the blood…shedding 

of the Lamb。  Time passed on; my affairs prospered; and I enjoyed a 

certain portion of tranquillity。  Occasionally; when I had nothing 

else to do; I renewed my studies。  Many is the book I read; 

especially in my native language; for I was always fond of my 

native language; and proud of being a Welshman。  Amongst the books 

I read were the odes of the great Ab Gwilym; whom thou; friend; 

hast never heard of; no; nor any of thy countrymen; for you are an 

ignorant race; you Saxons; at least with respect to all that 

relates to Wales and Welshmen。  I likewise read the book of Master 

Ellis Wyn。  The latter work possessed a singular fascination for 

me; on account of its wonderful delineations of the torments of the 

nether world。

'But man does not love to be alone; indeed; the Scripture says that 

it is not good for man to be alone。  I occupied my body with the 

pursuits of husbandry; and I improved my mind with the perusal of 

good and wise books; but; as I have already said; I frequently 

sighed for a companion with whom I could exchange ideas; and who 

could take an interest in my pursuits; the want of such a one I 

more particularly felt in the long winter evenings。  It was then 

that the image of the young person whom I had seen in the house of 

the preacher frequently rose up distinctly before my mind's eye; 

decked with quiet graces … hang not down your head; Winifred … and 

I thought that of all the women in the world I should wish her to 

be my partner; and then I considered whether it would be possible 

to obtain her。  I am ready to acknowledge; friend; that it was both 

selfish and wicked in me to wish to fetter any human being to a 

lost creature like myself; conscious of having committed a crime 

for which the Scriptures told me there is no pardon。  I had; 

indeed; a long struggle as to whether I should make the attempt or 

not … selfishness however prevailed。  I will not detain your 

attention with relating all that occurred at this period … suffice 

it to say that I made my suit and was successful; it is true that 

the old man; who was her guardian; hesitated; and asked several 

questions respecting my state of mind。  I am afraid that I partly 

deceived him; perhaps he partly deceived himself; he was pleased 

that I had adopted his profession … we are all weak creatures。  

With respect to the young person; she did not ask many questions; 

and I soon found that I had won her heart。  To be brief; I married 

her; and here she is; the truest wife that ever man had; and the 

kindest。  Kind I may well call her; seeing that she shrinks not 

from me; who so cruelly deceived her; in not telling her at first 

what I was。  I married her; friend; and brought her home to my 

little possession; where we passed our time very agreeably。  Our 

affairs prospered; our garners were full; and there was coin in our 

purse。  I worked in the field; Winifred busied herself with the 

dairy。  At night I frequently read books to her; books of my own 

country; friend; I likewise read to her songs of my own; holy songs 

and carols which she admired; and which yourself would perhaps 

admire; could you understand them; but I repeat; you Saxons are an 

ignorant people with respect to us; and a perverse; inasmuch as you 

despise Welsh without understanding it。  Every night I prayed 

fervently; and my wife admired my gift of prayer。

'One night; after I had been reading to my wife a portion of Ellis 

Wyn; my wife said; 〃This is a wonderful book; and containing much 

true and pleasant doctrine; but how is it that you; who are so fond 

of good books; and good things in general; never read the Bible?  

You read me the book of Master Ellis Wyn; you read me sweet songs 

of your own composition; you edify me with your gift of prayer; but 

yet you never read the Bible。〃  And when I heard her mention the 

Bible I shook; for I thought of my own condemnation。  However; I 

dearly loved my wife; and as she pressed me; I commenced on that 

very night reading the Bible。  All went on smoothly for a long 

time; for months and months I did not find the fatal passage; so 

that I almost thought that I had imagined it。  My affairs prospered 

much the while; so that I was almost happy; … taking pleasure in 

everything around me; … in my wife; in my farm; my books and 

compositions; and the Welsh language; till one night; as I was 

reading the Bible; feeling particularly comfortable; a thought 

having just come into my head that I would print some of my 

compositions; and purchase a particular field of a neighbour … O 

God … God!  I came to the fatal passage。

'Friend; friend; what shall I say?  I rushed out。  My wife followed 

me; asking me what was the matter。  I could only answer with groans 

… for three days and three nights I did little else than groan。  Oh 

the kindness and solicitude of my wife!  〃What is the matter 

husband; dear husband?〃 she was continually saying。  I became at 

last more calm。  My wife still persisted in asking me the cause of 

my late paroxysm。  It is hard to keep a secret from a wife; 

especially such a wife as mine; so I told my wife the tale; as we 

sat one night … it was a mid…winter night … over the dying brands 

of our hearth; after the family had retired to rest; her hand 

locked in mine; even as it is now。

'I thought she would have shrunk from me with horror; but she did 

not; her hand; it is true; trembled once or twice; but that was 

all。  At last she gave mine a gentle pressure; and; looking up in 

my face; she said … what do you think my wife said; young man?'

'It is impossible for me to guess;' said I。

〃Let us go to rest; my love; your fears are all groundless。〃'


Getting late … Seven years old … Chastening … Go forth … London 

Bridge … Same eyes … Common occurrence … Very sleepy。

'AND so I still say;' said Winifred; sobbing。  'Let us retire to 

rest; dear husband; your fears are groundless。  I had hoped long 

since that your affliction would have passed away; and I still hope 

that it eventually will; so take heart; Peter; and let us retire to 

rest; for it is getting late。'

'Rest!' said Peter; 'there is no rest for the wicked!'

'We are all wicked;' said Winifred; 'but you are afraid of a 

shadow。  How often have I told you
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