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those who had committed the mysterious sin; but no; all men were to 

be saved who with a humble and contrite spirit would come to Jesus; 

cast themselves at the foot of His cross; and accept pardon through 

the merits of His blood…shedding alone。  〃Therefore; my friends;〃 

said he; in conclusion; 〃despair not … however guilty you may be; 

despair not … however desperate your condition may seem;〃 said he; 

fixing his eyes upon me; 〃despair not。  There is nothing more 

foolish and more wicked than despair; over…weening confidence is 

not more foolish than despair; both are the favourite weapons of 

the enemy of souls。〃

'This discourse gave rise in my mind to no slight perplexity。  I 

had read in the Scriptures that he who committeth a certain sin 

shall never be forgiven; and that there is no hope for him either 

in this world or the next。  And here was a man; a good man 

certainly; and one who; of necessity; was thoroughly acquainted 

with the Scriptures; who told me that any one might be forgiven; 

however wicked; who would only trust in Christ and in the merits of 

His blood…shedding。  Did I believe in Christ?  Ay; truly。  Was I 

willing to be saved by Christ?  Ay; truly。  Did I trust in Christ?  

I trusted that Christ would save every one but myself。  And why not 

myself? simply because the Scriptures had told me that he who has 

committed the sin against the Holy Ghost can never be saved; and I 

had committed the sin against the Holy Ghost; … perhaps the only 

one who ever had committed it。  How could I hope?  The Scriptures 

could not lie; and yet here was this good old man; profoundly 

versed in the Scriptures; who bade me hope; would he lie?  No。  But 

did the old man know my case?  Ah; no; he did not know my case! but 

yet he had bid me hope; whatever I had done; provided I would go to 

Jesus。  But how could I think of going to Jesus; when the 

Scriptures told me plainly that all would be useless?  I was 

perplexed; and yet a ray of hope began to dawn in my soul。  I 

thought of consulting the good man; but I was afraid he would drive 

away the small glimmer。  I was afraid he would say; 〃Oh yes; every 

one is to be saved; except a wretch like you; I was not aware 

before that there was anything so horrible; … begone!〃  Once or 

twice the old man questioned me on the subject of my misery; but I 

evaded him; once; indeed; when he looked particularly benevolent; I 

think I should have unbosomed myself to him; but we were 

interrupted。  He never pressed me much; perhaps he was delicate in 

probing my mind; as we were then of different persuasions。  Hence 

he advised me to seek the advice of some powerful minister in my 

own church; there were many such in it; he said。

'I stayed several days in the family; during which time I more than 

once heard my venerable friend preach; each time he preached; he 

exhorted his hearers not to despair。  The whole family were kind to 

me; his wife frequently discoursed with me; and also the young 

person to whom I have already alluded。  It appeared to me that the 

latter took a peculiar interest in my fate。

'At last my friend said to me; 〃It is now time thou shouldest 

return to thy mother and thy brother。〃  So I arose; and departed to 

my mother and my brother; and at my departure my old friend gave me 

his blessing; and his wife and the young person shed tears; the 

last especially。  And when my mother saw me; she shed tears; and 

fell on my neck and kissed me; and my brother took me by the hand 

and bade me welcome; and when our first emotions were subsided; my 

mother said; 〃I trust thou art come in a lucky hour。  A few weeks 

ago my cousin (whose favourite thou always wast) died and left thee 

his heir … left thee the goodly farm in which he lived。  I trust; 

my son; that thou wilt now settle; and be a comfort to me in my old 

days。〃  And I answered; 〃I will; if so please the Lord〃; and I said 

to myself; 〃God grant that this bequest be a token of the Lord's 


'And in a few days I departed to take possession of my farm; it was 

about twenty miles from my mother's house; in a beautiful but 

rather wild district; I arrived at the fall of the leaf。  All day 

long I busied myself with my farm; and thus kept my mind employed。  

At night; however; I felt rather solitary; and I frequently wished 

for a companion。  Each night and morning I prayed fervently unto 

the Lord; for His hand had been very heavy upon me; and I feared 


'There was one thing connected with my new abode which gave me 

considerable uneasiness … the want of spiritual instruction。  There 

was a church; indeed; close at hand; in which service was 

occasionally performed; but in so hurried and heartless a manner 

that I derived little benefit from it。  The clergyman to whom the 

benefice belonged was a valetudinarian; who passed his time in 

London; or at some watering…place; entrusting the care of his flock 

to the curate of a distant parish; who gave himself very little 

trouble about the matter。  Now I wanted every Sunday to hear from 

the pulpit words of consolation and encouragement; similar to those 

which I had heard uttered from the pulpit by my good and venerable 

friend; but I was debarred from this privilege。  At length; one day 

being in conversation with one of my labourers; a staid and serious 

man; I spoke to him of the matter which lay heavy upon my mind; 

whereupon; looking me wistfully in the face; he said; 〃Master; the 

want of religious instruction in my church was what drove me to the 

Methodists。〃  〃The Methodists;〃 said I; 〃are there any in these 

parts?〃  〃There is a chapel;〃 said he; 〃only half a mile distant; 

at which there are two services every Sunday; and other two during 

the week。〃  Now it happened that my venerable friend was of the 

Methodist persuasion; and when I heard the poor man talk in this 

manner; I said to him; 〃May I go with you next Sunday?〃  〃Why not?〃 

said he; so I went with the labourer on the ensuing Sabbath to the 

meeting of the Methodists。

'I liked the preaching which I heard at the chapel very well; 

though it was not quite so comfortable as that of my old friend; 

the preacher being in some respects a different kind of man。  It; 

however; did me good; and I went again; and continued to do so; 

though I did not become a regular member of the body at that time。

'I had now the benefit of religious instruction; and also to a 

certain extent of religious fellowship; for the preacher and 

various members of his flock frequently came to see me。  They were 

honest plain men; not exactly of the description which I wished 

for; but still good sort of people; and I was glad to see them。  

Once on a time; when some of them were with me; one of them 

inquired whether I was fervent in prayer。  〃Very fervent;〃 said I。  

〃And do you read the Scriptures often?〃 said he。  〃No;〃 said I。  

〃Why not?〃 said he。  〃Because I am afraid to see th
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