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art not wishing to deliver her into the hand of what is called 

justice?'  'By no means;' said I; 'I have lived long enough upon 

the roads not to cry out for the constable when my finger is 

broken。  I consider this poisoning as an accident of the roads; one 

of those to which those who travel are occasionally subject。'  'In 

short; thou forgivest thine adversary?'  'Both now and for ever;' 

said I。  'Truly;' said Winifred; 'the spirit which the young man 

displayeth pleases me much; I should be loth that he left us yet。  

I have no doubt that; with the blessing of God; and a little of thy 

exhortation; he will turn out a true Christian before he leaveth 

us。'  'My exhortation!' said Peter; and a dark shade passed over 

his countenance; 'thou forgettest what I am … I … I … but I am 

forgetting myself; the Lord's will be done; and now put away the 

things; for I perceive that our friends are coming to attend us to 

the place of meeting。'

Again the family which I had seen the night before descended the 

hill from their abode。  They were now dressed in their Sunday's 

best。  The master of the house led the way。  They presently joined 

us; when a quiet sober greeting ensued on each side。  After a 

little time Peter shook me by the hand and bade me farewell till 

the evening; Winifred did the same; adding that she hoped I should 

be visited by sweet and holy thoughts。  The whole party then moved 

off in the direction by which we had come the preceding night; 

Peter and the master leading the way; followed by Winifred and the 

mistress of the family。  As I gazed on their departing forms; I 

felt almost inclined to follow them to their place of worship。  I 

did not stir; however; but remained leaning against my oak with my 

hands behind me。

And after a time I sat me down at the foot of the oak with my face 

turned towards the water; and; folding my hands; I fell into deep 

meditation。  I thought on the early Sabbaths of my life; and the 

manner in which I was wont to pass them。  How carefully I said my 

prayers when I got up on the Sabbath morn; and how carefully I 

combed my hair and brushed my clothes in order that I might do 

credit to the Sabbath day。  I thought of the old church at pretty 

D…; the dignified rector; and yet more dignified clerk。  I though 

of England's grand Liturgy; and Tate and Brady's sonorous 

minstrelsy。  I thought of the Holy Book; portions of which I was in 

the habit of reading between service。  I thought; too; of the 

evening walk which I sometimes took in fine weather like the 

present; with my mother and brother … a quiet sober walk; during 

which I would not break into a run; even to chase a butterfly; or 

yet more a honey…bee; being fully convinced of the dread importance 

of the day which God had hallowed。  And how glad I was when I had 

got over the Sabbath day without having done anything to profane 

it。  And how soundly I slept on the Sabbath night after the toil of 

being very good throughout the day。

And when I had mused on those times a long while; I sighed and said 

to myself; I am much altered since then; am I altered for the 

better?  And then I looked at my hands and my apparel; and sighed 

again。  I was not wont of yore to appear thus on the Sabbath day。

For a long time I continued in a state of deep meditation; till at 

last I lifted up my eyes to the sun; which; as usual during that 

glorious summer; was shining in unclouded majesty; and then I 

lowered them to the sparkling water; in which hundreds of the finny 

brood were disporting themselves; and then I thought what a fine 

thing it was to be a fish on such a fine summer day; and I wished 

myself a fish; or at least amongst the fishes; and then I looked at 

my hands again; and then; bending over the water; I looked at my 

face in the crystal mirror; and started when I saw it; for it 

looked squalid and miserable。

Forthwith I started up; and said to myself; I should like to bathe 

and cleanse myself from the squalor produced by my late hard life 

and by Mrs。 Herne's drow。  I wonder if there is any harm in bathing 

on the Sabbath day。  I will ask Winifred when she comes home; in 

the meantime I will bathe; provided I can find a fitting place。

But the brook; though a very delightful place for fish to disport 

in; was shallow; and by no means adapted for the recreation of so 

large a being as myself; it was; moreover; exposed; though I saw 

nobody at hand; nor heard a single human voice or sound。  Following 

the winding of the brook; I left the meadow; and; passing through 

two or three thickets; came to a place where between lofty banks 

the water ran deep and dark; and there I bathed; imbibing new tone 

and vigour into my languid and exhausted frame。

Having put on my clothes; I returned by the way I had come to my 

vehicle beneath the oak tree。  From thence; for want of something 

better to do; I strolled up the hill; on the top of which stood the 

farm…house; it was a large and commodious building built 

principally of stone; and seeming of some antiquity; with a porch; 

on either side of which was an oaken bench。  On the right was 

seated a young woman with a book in her hand; the same who had 

brought the tray to my friends and myself。

'Good…day;' said I; 'pretty damsel; sitting in the farm porch。'

'Good…day;' said the girl; looking at me for a moment; and then 

fixing her eyes on her book。

'That's a nice book you are reading;' said I。

The girl looked at me with surprise。  'How do you know what book it 

is?' said she。

'How do I know … never mind; but a nice book it is … no love; no 

fortune…telling in it。'

The girl looked at me half offended。  'Fortune…telling!' said she; 

'I should think not。  But you know nothing about it'; and she bent 

her head once more over the book。

'I tell you what; young person;' said I; 'I know all about that 

book; what will you wager that I do not?'

'I never wager;' said the girl。

'Shall I tell you the name of it;' said I; 'O daughter of the 

dairy? '

The girl half started。  'I should never have thought;' said she; 

half timidly; 'that you could have guessed it。'

'I did not guess it;' said I; 'I knew it; and meet and proper it is 

that you should read it。'

'Why so?' said the girl。

'Can the daughter of the dairy read a more fitting book than the 


'Where do you come from?' said the girl。

'Out of the water;' said I。  'Don't start; I have been bathing; are 

you fond of the water?'

'No;' said the girl; heaving a sigh; 'I am not fond of the water; 

that is; of the sea'; and here she sighed again。

'The sea is a wide gulf;' said I; 'and frequently separates 


The girl sobbed。

'Why are you alone here?' said I。

'I take my turn with the rest;' said the girl; 'to keep at home on 


'And you are … ' said I。

'The master's n
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