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Winifred; standing close to me。  The moon was shining brightly upon 

her; and I observed that she was very good…looking; with a composed 

yet cheerful expression of countenance; her dress was plain and 

primitive; very much resembling that of a Quaker。  She held a straw 

bonnet in her hand。  'I am glad to see thee moving about; young 

man;' said she; in a soft; placid tone; 'I could scarcely have 

expected it。  Thou must be wondrous strong; many; after what thou 

hast suffered; would not have stood on their feet for weeks and 

months。  What do I say? … Peter; my husband; who is skilled in 

medicine; just now told me that not one in five hundred would have 

survived what thou hast this day undergone; but allow me to ask 

thee one thing; Hast thou returned thanks to God for thy 

deliverance?'  I made no answer; and the woman; after a pause; 

said; 'Excuse me; young man; but do you know anything of God?'  

'Very little;' I replied; 'but I should say He must be a wondrous 

strong person; if He made all those big bright things up above 

there; to say nothing of the ground on which we stand; which bears 

beings like these oaks; each of which is fifty times as strong as 

myself; and will live twenty times as long。'  The woman was silent 

for some moments; and then said; 'I scarcely know in what spirit 

thy words are uttered。  If thou art serious; however; I would 

caution thee against supposing that the power of God is more 

manifested in these trees; or even in those bright stars above us; 

than in thyself … they are things of time; but thou art a being 

destined to an eternity; it depends upon thyself whether thy 

eternity shall be one of joy or sorrow。'

Here she was interrupted by the man; who exclaimed from the other 

side of the tree; 'Winifred; it is getting late; you had better go 

up to the house on the hill to inform our friends of our arrival; 

or they will have retired for the night。'  'True;' said Winifred; 

and forthwith wended her way to the house in question; returning 

shortly with another woman; whom the man; speaking in the same 

language which I had heard him first use; greeted by the name of 

Mary; the woman replied in the same tongue; but almost immediately 

said; in English; 'We hoped to have heard you speak to…night; 

Peter; but we cannot expect that now; seeing that it is so late; 

owing to your having been detained by the way; as Winifred tells 

me; nothing remains for you to do now but to sup … to…morrow; with 

God's will; we shall hear you。'  'And to…night; also; with God's 

will; provided you be so disposed。  Let those of your family come 

hither。'  'They will be hither presently;' said Mary; 'for knowing 

that thou art arrived; they will; of course; come and bid thee 

welcome。'  And scarcely had she spoke; when I beheld a party of 

people descending the moonlit side of the hill。  They soon arrived 

at the place where we were; they might amount in all to twelve 

individuals。  The principal person was a tall; athletic man; of 

about forty; dressed like a plain country farmer; this was; I soon 

found; the husband of Mary; the rest of the group consisted of the 

children of these two; and their domestic servants。  One after 

another they all shook Peter by the hand; men and women; boys and 

girls; and expressed their joy at seeing him。  After which he said; 

'Now; friends; if you please; I will speak a few words to you。'  A 

stool was then brought him from the cart; which he stepped on; and 

the people arranging themselves round him; some standing; some 

seated on the ground; he forthwith began to address them in a 

clear; distinct voice; and the subject of his discourse was the 

necessity; in all human beings; of a change of heart。

The preacher was better than his promise; for; instead of speaking 

a few words; he preached for at least three…quarters of an hour; 

none of the audience; however; showed the slightest symptom of 

weariness; on the contrary; the hope of each individual appeared to 

hang upon the words which proceeded from his mouth。  At the 

conclusion of the sermon or discourse the whole assembly again 

shook Peter by the hand; and returned to their house; the mistress 

of the family saying; as she departed; 'I shall soon be back; 

Peter; I go but to make arrangements for the supper of thyself and 

company'; and; in effect; she presently returned; attended by a 

young woman; who bore a tray in her hands。  'Set it down; Jessy;' 

said the mistress to the girl; 'and then betake thyself to thy 

rest; I shall remain here for a little time to talk with my 

friends。'  The girl departed; and the preacher and the two females 

placed themselves on the ground about the tray。  The man gave 

thanks; and himself and his wife appeared to be about to eat; when 

the latter suddenly placed her hand upon his arm; and said 

something to him in a low voice; whereupon he exclaimed; 'Ay; 

truly; we were both forgetful'; and then getting up; he came 

towards me; who stood a little way off; leaning against the wheel 

of my cart; and; taking me by the hand; he said; 'Pardon us; young 

man; we were both so engaged in our own creature…comforts; that we 

forgot thee; but it is not too late to repair our fault; wilt thou 

not join us; and taste our bread and milk?'  'I cannot eat;' I 

replied; 'but I think I could drink a little milk'; whereupon he 

led me to the rest; and seating me by his side; he poured some milk 

into a horn cup; saying; '〃Croesaw。〃  That;' added he; with a 

smile; 'is Welsh for welcome。'

The fare upon the tray was of the simplest description; consisting 

of bread; cheese; milk; and curds。  My two friends partook with a 

good appetite。  'Mary;' said the preacher; addressing himself to 

the woman of the house; 'every time I come to visit thee; I find 

thee less inclined to speak Welsh。  I suppose; in a little time; 

thou wilt entirely have forgotten it; hast thou taught it to any of 

thy children?'  'The two eldest understand a few words;' said the 

woman; 'but my husband does not wish them to learn it; he says 

sometimes; jocularly; that though it pleased him to marry a Welsh 

wife; it does not please him to have Welsh children。  Who; I have 

heard him say; would be a Welshman; if he could be an Englishman?'  

'I for one;' said the preacher; somewhat hastily; 'not to be king 

of all England would I give up my birthright as a Welshman。  Your 

husband is an excellent person; Mary; but I am afraid he is 

somewhat prejudiced。'  'You do him justice; Peter; in saying that 

he is an excellent person;' sail the woman; 'as to being 

prejudiced; I scarcely know what to say; but he thinks that two 

languages in the same kingdom are almost as bad as two kings。'  

'That's no bad observation;' said the preacher; 'and it is 

generally the case; yet; thank God; the Welsh and English go on 

very well; side by side; and I hope will do so till the Almighty 

calls all men to their long account。'  'They
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