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mantelpiece; and endeavour to conjure up some comic idea or 

situation; whilst he goes on talking tomfoolery by the hour about 

Church authority; schismatics; and the unlawfulness of sacerdotal 

wedlock; occasionally he brings with him a strange kind of being; 

whose acquaintance he says he made in Italy; I believe he is some 

sharking priest who has come over to proselytise and plunder。  This 

being has some powers of conversation and some learning; but 

carries the countenance of an arch villain; Platitude is evidently 

his tool。'

'Of what religion are you?' said I to my host。

'That of the Vicar of Wakefield … good; quiet; Church of England; 

which would live and let live; practises charity; and rails at no 

one; where the priest is the husband of one wife; takes care of his 

family and his parish … such is the religion for me; though I 

confess I have hitherto thought too little of religious matters。  

When; however; I have completed this plaguy work on which I am 

engaged; I hope to be able to devote more attention to them。'

After some further conversation; the subjects being; if I remember 

right; college education; priggism; church authority; tomfoolery; 

and the like; I rose and said to my host; 'I must now leave you。'

'Whither are you going?'

'I do not know。'

'Stay here; then … you shall be welcome as many days; months; and 

years as you please to stay。'

'Do you think I would hang upon another man?  No; not if he were 

Emperor of all the Chinas。  I will now make my preparations; and 

then bid you farewell。'

I retired to my apartment and collected the handful of things which 

I carried with me on my travels。

'I will walk a little way with you;' said my friend on my return。

He walked with me to the park gate; neither of us said anything by 

the way。  When we had come upon the road; I said; 'Farewell now; I 

will not permit you to give yourself any further trouble on my 

account。  Receive my best thanks for your kindness; before we part; 

however; I should wish to ask you a question。  Do you think you 

shall ever grow tired of authorship?'

'I have my fears;' said my friend; advancing his hand to one of the 

iron bars of the gate。

'Don't touch;' said I; 'it is a bad habit。  I have but one word to 

add:  should you ever grow tired of authorship follow your first 

idea of getting into Parliament; you have words enough at command; 

perhaps you want manner and method; but; in that case; you must 

apply to a teacher; you must take lessons of a master of 


'That would never do!' said my host; 'I know myself too well to 

think of applying for assistance to any one。  Were I to become a 

parliamentary orator; I should wish to be an original one; even if 

not above mediocrity。  What pleasure should I take in any speech I 

might make; however original as to thought; provided the gestures I 

employed and the very modulation of my voice were not my own?  Take 

lessons; indeed! why; the fellow who taught me; the professor; 

might be standing in the gallery whilst I spoke; and; at the best 

parts of my speech; might say to himself; 〃That gesture is mine … 

that modulation is mine。〃  I could not bear the thought of such a 


'Farewell;' said I; 'and may you prosper。  I have nothing more to 


I departed。  At the distance of twenty yards I turned round 

suddenly; my friend was just withdrawing his finger from the bar of 

the gate。

'He has been touching;' said I; as I proceeded on my way; 'I wonder 

what was the evil chance he wished to baffle。'


Elastic step … Disconsolate party … Not the season … Mend your 

draught … Good ale … Crotchet … Hammer and tongs … Schoolmaster … 

True Eden life … Flaming Tinman … Twice my size … Hard at work … My 

poor wife … Grey Moll … A Bible … Half…and…half … What to do … Half 

inclined … In no time … On one condition … Don't stare … Like the 


AFTER walking some time; I found myself on the great road; at the 

same spot where I had turned aside the day before with my new…made 

acquaintance; in the direction of his house。  I now continued my 

journey as before; towards the north。  The weather; though 

beautiful; was much cooler than it had been for some time past; I 

walked at a great rate; with a springing and elastic step。  In 

about two hours I came to where a kind of cottage stood a little 

way back from the road; with a huge oak before it; under the shade 

of which stood a little pony and a cart; which seemed to contain 

various articles。  I was going past … when I saw scrawled over the 

door of the cottage; 'Good beer sold here'; upon which; feeling 

myself all of a sudden very thirsty; I determined to go in and 

taste the beverage。

I entered a well…sanded kitchen; and seated myself on a bench; on 

one side of a long white table; the other side; which was nearest 

to the wall; was occupied by a party; or rather family; consisting 

of a grimy…looking man; somewhat under the middle size; dressed in 

faded velveteens; and wearing a leather apron … a rather pretty…

looking woman; but sun…burnt; and meanly dressed; and two ragged 

children; a boy and girl; about four or five years old。  The man 

sat with his eyes fixed upon the table; supporting his chin with 

both his hands; the woman; who was next him; sat quite still; save 

that occasionally she turned a glance upon her husband with eyes 

that appeared to have been lately crying。  The children had none of 

the vivacity so general at their age。  A more disconsolate family I 

had never seen; a mug; which; when filled; might contain half a 

pint; stood empty before them; a very disconsolate party indeed。

'House!' said I; 'House!' and then; as nobody appeared; I cried 

again as loud as I could; 'House! do you hear me; House!'

'What's your pleasure; young man?' said an elderly woman; who now 

made her appearance from a side apartment。

'To taste your ale;' said I。

'How much?' said the woman; stretching out her hand towards the 

empty mug upon the table。

'The largest measure…full in your house;' said I; putting back her 

hand gently。  'This is not the season for half…pint mugs。'

'As you will; young man;' said the landlady; and presently brought 

in an earthen pitcher which might contain about three pints; and 

which foamed and frothed withal。

'Will this pay for it?' said I; putting down sixpence。

'I have to return you a penny;' said the landlady; putting her hand 

into her pocket。

'I want no change;' said I; flourishing my hand with an air。

'As you please; young gentleman;' said the landlady; and then; 

making a kind of curtsey; she again retired to the side apartment。

'Here is your health; sir;' said I to the grimy…looking man; as I 

raised the pitcher to my lips。

The tinker; for such I supposed him to be; without altering his 

posture; r
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